Barron Trump's Political Debut Will Arrive Sooner Than We Expected

Barron Trump is following his father's footsteps into the political sphere earlier than expected. The former first son turned 18 in March 2024, and in May 2024, it was announced that he would be an at-large delegate for the Republican Party of Florida at the Republican National Convention. The convention will be in July 2024 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At the event, delegates from all 50 states will vote for the party's presidential candidate for the 2024 election.

Barron isn't the only one of Donald Trump's children who will be a delegate. According to Florida's 2024 delegate list, his older siblings, Donald Trump Jr. and Tiffany Trump (listed with her married name, Tiffany Buolos), will be at-large delegates too, along with Don Jr.'s fiancee Kimberly Guilfoyle and Tiffany's husband Michael Boulos. Eric Trump is the delegation chair for Florida, so he'll submit Donald for the nomination.

An insider from Donald's campaign spoke to ABC News about Barron becoming a delegate: "Yes, he's on the delegation roster, and Barron is very interested in our nation's political process." Whether Barron is comfortable in the spotlight or not, he'll likely capture lots of attention at the Republican National Convention.

Will Barron give a speech at the convention?

No speakers for the 2024 Republican National Convention have been announced yet, so it's unknown if Barron Trump will get behind the podium. His personality is reportedly more outgoing than expected, so he might be ready to give a speech. However, in previous years, some of Donald Trump's supporters and family have given speeches that caused quite a stir.

In 2020, Kimberly Guilfoyle — who is on the Platform Committee for the 2024 convention — gave a rousing, loud speech that immediately became a meme on social media. Everyone was talking about Guilfoyle's remarks, which were shouted even though she wasn't speaking in front of a live audience. Comedian James Corden called it "intense" on "The Late Late Show with James Corden." He also showed a brief clip from the speech and quipped, "Now, in her defense, she's completely unhinged."

On a different night of the 2020 Republican National Convention, Tiffany Trump gave a speech in a polarizing powder blue suit. Corden also had a few choice words for her on his show, criticizing her for aligning herself with recent college graduates on the job hunt. "What are you talking about? Your dad owns a gold toilet!" Corden sniped. He also didn't understand why that was her angle, adding, "Having a terrible relationship with your father is way more relatable." If Barron gives a speech, he may not be safe from a late-night show roasting.
