Trump's Reaction To Stormy Daniels' Claim About His Life With Melania Speaks Volumes

While in court for his hush money trial, Donald Trump has proved that actions do indeed speak louder than words. For instance, even if his behavior shows no concerns, Donald's unkempt looks tell a different story. When Stormy Daniels took the stand to disclose information about her alleged affair with Donald and the subsequent alleged hush money payout, one thing she said caused him to have a telling reaction.

During Daniels' testimony, she gave details about the alleged one-night stand she and Donald had in 2006. Daniels claimed they had a short discussion about Donald's wife, Melania Trump, while in his hotel room the night of the affair. The former president apparently shared a tidbit of information that could shine a light on his and Melania's relationship. According to CNN, "[Daniels] recalled Trump saying, 'We don't sleep in the same room.' Trump closed his eyes, shook his head and murmured to his attorneys at the defense table as she said this."

Donald's reaction to Daniels' testimony speaks volumes. After spending a significant portion of time glaring during Daniels' testimony, this new reaction implies he could be nervous such information is now on the record.

Daniels recounted a similar quote from Trump in an interview in 2018

This isn't the first time Stormy Daniels brought up what Donald Trump said about Melania Trump when he and Daniels had their rumored liaison. In a "60 Minutes" interview conducted by Anderson Cooper in 2018, Cooper asked Daniels if Trump said anything about his family during their interaction — since Donald and Melania's son Barron Trump was also born in 2006, a few months before the one-night stand. "I asked," Daniels said. "And he brushed it aside, said, 'Oh, yeah, yeah, you know, don't worry about that. We don't even — we have separate rooms and stuff'" (via CBS News).

Accounts of Donald completely brushing off their family may be upsetting to Melania. About a year before the trial began in March 2023, a source told People that Melania was mad about the hush money situation. At the time, the insider said, "She remains angry and doesn't want to hear [the alleged hush money payment] mentioned. She is aware of who her husband is and keeps her life upbeat with her own family and a few close friends."

It's unknown what Melania thinks about the trial as it's unfolding, since she has yet to publicly speak about it. However, Trump has given up on his appearance halfway through the trial, which implies he's feeling the pressure.
