The Trump Family Reportedly Couldn't Stand Lara Trump For Many Years

The Trump family might look like a perfectly tight-knit family on the outside, but there are rumors that all isn't as it seems. Donald Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, spilled the deets on the "Political Beatdown" podcast, claiming that the Trumps did not like Lara Trump. "Donald didn't even like her for many, many years," he revealed. "He didn't want Eric to even marry her. He had found somebody else that was working at the Trump organization that he wanted Eric to marry." He added that the real estate mogul wasn't the only one who disliked Lara.

Don Jr. and Ivanka, who served as best man and bridesmaid at Lara's wedding, reportedly joined him in mocking her appearance: "They all made fun of her looks. They just didn't like her at all." Cohen even recalled Donald's account of when he finally started liking Lara. The MAGA leader reportedly shared that he happened to be watching the TV when a "blonde" passionately speaking about him drew his eye. The blonde turned out to be Lara, and her passionate words began what Donald reportedly called their "love fest." In the former lawyer's words, "He couldn't stand her until she started kissing his ass."

To be fair, Michael Cohen, who claims to be ashamed of his longtime connection with Donald, might not be the most reliable source. However, it's worth noting that another former family friend of the Trumps claims that Lara didn't like her in-laws even after years of marriage to Eric.

Lara Trump reportedly disliked the Trumps

In 2018, the Trump administration experienced a dramatic crisis thanks to Omarosa Manigault Newman. Newman had worked with Donald Trump during his reality TV days and was hired to work for his administration once he won the election. However, 11 short months later, in December 2017, she quit, only to resurface in August 2018 with secretly recorded conversations that led to the famous Lara Trump and Omarosa Newman scandal.

In September 2020, Newman was a guest on Michael Cohen's "Mea Culpa" podcast, discussing her experience with the Trumps. She alleged that Lara frequently spoke negatively of her in-laws. "I have [tapes of] Lara badmouthing Ivanka, I have Lara badmouthing Donald, I have Lara badmouthing Melania," she said (via the Daily Mail). Newman even mentioned a conversation she claims they had during the Women for Trump campaign tour in 2016: "She would say some things that I think the family would be quite interested in."

Irrespective of personal feelings, Lara is a vital part of Donald's plans

Friend or foe, Lara Trump isn't afraid to get her hands dirty for Donald Trump. Beyond her hush money scandal with Omarosa Newman, Lara has passionately supported her father-in-law's claims that Joe Biden won the 2020 election fraudulently, even pointing to disproven stats to back their allegations up. While Ivanka Trump seems to be distancing herself from Donald since he left the White House, the dutiful daughter-in-law has attended rallies, hosted roundtables, and even taken up positions in the GOP that allow her to support her father-in-law more.

Towards the end of February 2024, Lara began campaigning for the second most powerful seat in the Republican National Committee, an organization meant to support Republican politicians. Her announcement came days after Donald endorsed her for co-chair on his website via a February 12 statement calling her "extremely talented" and "dedicated to all that MAGA stands for."

It's unclear if Lara is dedicated to Republican politicians in general or to getting Donald re-elected. During an interview, she told Newsmax, "Every single penny will go to the number one and the only job of the RNC; that is electing Donald J. Trump as the president of the United States" (via MSNBC News). With Lara now serving as the co-chair as of March 8, it's pretty likely that she'll be rising the ranks under her father-in-law's watch.
