Body Language Expert Tells Us How Barron Trump Feels In The Spotlight After Turning 18

For the most part, Barron Trump has followed in his mom, Melania Trump's, footsteps when it comes to privacy. Clearly Melania prefers staying out of the limelight in comparison to her husband, Donald Trump, who always seems to want to be the center of attention. Yet, Barron has recently turned 18, and as a newly-minted adult, it's possible that things may be changing for him, and he could be ready to step into the public eye. Recently, several videos have surfaced on X, formerly known as Twitter, that show Barron up close spending time with his family in a way we rarely get to see him. Women Lifestyle exclusively consulted body language expert Traci Brown about the clips, and she says that, for an 18-year-old in the spotlight, he's handling himself well.

On March 31, Melania hosted an Easter celebration at the family's famous Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida. Alongside other family members, Barron was in attendance at the extravagant gathering. The video clips from the event show Barron fitting in with the other guests' fancy attire, dressed in a black suit with a bold yellow tie. And, as for his behavior in the clips, he seems to be more than capable of holding his own at a very public event with many high profile guests and cameras recording his every move. Not only is this impressive due to his age, but also because Melania's commitment to keeping his life private has kept him from many of these experiences growing up.

Barron Trump may not be entirely comfortable in the spotlight

So, what can the public expect from Barron Trump now that he's officially an adult? Women Lifestyle exclusively talked to body language expert Traci Brown, and she thought that, despite how confident he may look at first glance, that doesn't mean that he isn't nervous when all eyes are on him. Brown made note of one video clip, in particular, that was posted to X. The clip shows Barron making a grand entrance at the event with his parents by his side. Melania Trump enters first, greeting guests and smiling as she walks. The camera then pans to Barron and Donald Trump, who are lagging behind. Donald does a small dance, inspiring cheers from the crowd, and Barron stands directly next to him, flashing a subtle smile. 

While Barron doesn't do much in the clip, there's more to glean from his body language than you might think. According to Brown, "he seems to have one of his thumbs in his pocket as he walks by the crowd." This may not seem like much, but Brown says "this may indicate a slight lack of confidence."

Barron seems to have relaxed as the event went on

Another video shows Barron Trump seemingly feeling a bit more secure — or at the very least, he's faking it until he makes it. In this clip on X, Barron is sitting next to his mom, Melania Trump, at the dinner table. Traci Brown exclusively told Women Lifestyle that a seemingly insignificant gesture he's making may actually show us a lot about how he's feeling. "He has his hands in what's called a power steeple," she explained, adding that this "is generally used [when] you're confident or want to be confident."

Another clip of the Easter celebration shows Barron shaking hands with Tiffany Trump's husband, Michael Boulos. In this snippet, Barron appears happy and a bit more comfortable, perhaps simply reveling in the opportunity to break away from his parents and chat with his brother-in-law. All in all, according to Brown, it "seems like [at] 18 years old, he's doing a great job being in the public eye." So, whether Barron will be a moth to the flame of fame like his dad or a more private person like his mom, it's clear that he'll be able to hold his own if he finds himself becoming the son of the president of the United States for the second time. 
