What To Know About Donald Trump's Relationship With Kristi Noem

To some, Kristi Noem is known as the first female governor of South Dakota. To others, she's the governor who got raked over the coals for giving an advertisement-like shout-out to a non-South Dakota dentist for fixing her smile. Others know her because of her role in the Republican arena — one that regularly includes Donald Trump.

First elected to her governorship in 2018, then re-elected in 2022, Noem has been a fan of and political ally to Trump throughout his campaigns and during his presidency. As the king of "The Apprentice" seeks out another turn as President of the United States via the 2024 election, the "rancher, farmer, and small business owner" (as her governor bio states) has unequivocally thrown her support behind him. 

"He is a man of significance, he is the leader, the fighter that our country needs," she publicly stated during a rally in her home state in September 2023, as noted by Forbes. "He has my full and complete endorsement for President of the United States of America. I will do everything I can to help him win and save this country." It's a favor she's more than happy to return — when she first ran for governor of South Dakota in 2018, then-president Trump threw her an endorsement and a fundraiser to help lead her campaign to victory. Their relationship appears to be both mutually beneficial and built on mutual political admiration.

The two allies have traded support for each other

When Donald Trump ran for President of the United States in 2016, Kristi Noem had already been serving in congress for five years as a representative for South Dakota. Despite backlash the presidential candidate received for comments he made about women, Noem offered her forgiveness and her vote. It was the beginning of a back-and-forth trend that would continue.

When Noem decided to run for governor of South Dakota in 2018, it was Trump's turn to show his support. Taking time away from the Oval Office, he stopped in her home state to give a speech and give his endorsement. "Kristi is a very special person, she's extraordinary," he told the crowd, as reported by Washington Post. "I've dealt with her. She is tough. She's strong. She's nice."

When Trump lost the presidential election in 2020 and claimed election fraud, Noem was right there to back him up, posting on social media about his fight against "rigged election systems," and asserting to ABC News there actually was evidence of fraud. Although her declarations did not help Trump overturn the election results, he still stood by Noem during her governor re-election campaign in 2022, releasing a statement that endorsed her run. While there were rumors Noem might be throwing her own hat into the ring for president in 2024, it appears as if the two may have decided instead to mutually support each other while campaigning for Trump's presidency.

Trump and Noem are full of compliments

"We desperately need Donald Trump back in the White House," Kristi Noem told CBS News. The South Dakota governor has enthusiastically championed for Trump in the 2024 presidential election. "There is no one that I know of that is more honest about who he is, and what kind of individual he is than President Trump ... I love the actions that he takes. I love that he's strong." 

She might also love that Trump thinks highly of her. Even as he's promoted himself in his race for the presidency, he's had Noem accompany him to rallies and events, giving her glowing reviews. When the two attended a PAC Rally in Ohio on March 16, 2024, as seen on C-SPAN, Trump introduced Noem to the crowd by saying, "We have a very special woman who's hot as a politician. She's doing an incredible job up in South Dakota." This was a month after Trump confirmed Noem was one of the people he was considering for his running mate, in the vice-president position.

The two have even gotten a little personal in their admiration. Noem gave Trump a strange gift in 2021, and Trump promoted Noem's book "No Going Back" in 2024 on social media, prompting folks to "Get it now!" (Noem happily re-posted the promo). And then there was Trump's follow-up comments about the governor at the PAC Rally in Ohio. "You're not allowed to say she's beautiful. So I'm not going to say that."
