Piers Morgan Makes Bold Claim About Kate Middleton's Controversy

There has been growing concern for Catherine, Princess of Wales after she underwent surgery. While Kensington Palace has been reserved when it comes to sharing details of the procedure, merely ensuring the public that things went well and the future queen of England is recovering, royal watchers have become increasingly worried about Kate Middleton after not seeing her for a few weeks. In an apparent effort to calm the masses, she shared a photo on Mother's Day — but there was a problem with that, too. The photo appeared to be edited, which Kate (or someone typing on her behalf) later said was her own doing. "I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion," she wrote on X.

As the watching world continues to wonder what's really going on, one person is making some bold claims. Piers Morgan, who has been very outspoken about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle over the years, is now suggesting that the royals are covering something up. "She could be fine and doing well and tried to do something to correct the conspiracies and got it wrong — or it could be that they're hiding something," Morgan said on his show, "Piers Morgan Uncensored."

Moreover, he says that he's heard some chatter about things going on behind palace walls that he calls "pretty alarming," though he didn't go into much detail. Unsurprisingly, Morgan isn't the only person wondering if there's something bigger going on that the public is unaware of. However, without knowing what is actually happening (if anything), the conspiracies continue to fly.

Piers Morgan takes issue with Kate editing a photo during recovery

The controversial photo that Kate Middleton shared shows the princess sitting in a chair surrounded by her three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. As royal fans and the press examined the photo, they found many inconsistencies and confusing details, including that Kate isn't wearing her wedding ring. In her acknowledgment of the edited photo, Kate wrote, "Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing."

Piers Morgan might not always be kind to the royals, but the TV personality said he understands Kate needs to rest and recuperate after her medical procedure. What he finds unusual, however, is that she would be spending her time honing her photo-editing skills. "Why is Princess Catherine, who is recovering from abdominal surgery, spending time hunched over Photoshop, making amateur edits of official portraits? She's got, literally, servants to do that," he said on "Piers Morgan Uncensored," adding that he also doesn't see why she wouldn't add in her wedding ring.

After all, it might be normal to take off jewelry while recovering at home, but Morgan questioned why she didn't include it if she was already editing the photo to reassure the public. "Why would you not include the one thing that is likely to dampen the flames of conspiracy?" he asked.

Kate Middleton chatter may die down after she resumes her normal duties

It seems as though the concerns over Princess Catherine have hit a fever pitch since she's taken time off from her royal duties. People all over the world have come up with some wild conspiracy theories about what's really going on. One Spanish journalist claimed the princess is in a medically induced coma, while others have suggested that Kate is experiencing complications of an eating disorder — and that's just to name a few. 

However, King Charles' former butler Grant Harrold thinks that everything is being blown out of proportion due to timing. In an interview with the New York Post, Harrold suggests that people are harping on the Photoshop editing fail more than they normally would because of the concerns surrounding Kate Middleton's health — and her absence from the public eye. "Of course, it does cause concern because everybody is over-analyzing it at the moment, and everybody is worried about her and is looking to see for any kind of signs," he told the outlet, adding, "I'm hoping that as she returns to duties and as things calm down if there is any future editing, people won't analyze it to the extent they have done just now."

However, Piers Morgan doesn't seem too sure this is the case. "I don't know what to believe," Morgan said on his talk show," nor do any of us. We're not there, we don't know."
