Nikki Haley Has Made Her Thoughts About President Biden Crystal Clear

One of the Republican Party's favorite conspiracy theories is that Nikki Haley is, not-so-secretly, a Democrat plant. In other words, she's been paid off and sent in undercover, by Democrats, to steal the election from the GOP. However, in reality, Joe Biden and Haley might have similarly chilly relationships with Donald Trump, but they're not exactly close.

The former presidential aspirant doesn't like the POTUS's policies, and she's made it abundantly clear. In a 2024 interview with NPR, Haley compared Biden to Trump but confirmed that she's considerably more worried about Biden winning: "I mean, you look at both of these men and all they have done is given us chaos, all they have given us is division."

The former governor called for Americans to elect a "new generational leader" who looked to the future instead of focusing on the past. Politics and presidential campaigns aside, Haley's thoughts about Biden aren't merely based on competition. She also doesn't like the Democrat because of his association with Former President Barack Obama.

Nikki Haley believes that President Joe Biden is 'Obama 2.0'

Nikki Haley's feelings about Former President Barack Obama are clear and they undoubtedly influence her view of his former Vice President, Joe Biden, whom she believes is just like him. The Former Governor of South Carolina compared the Democrats unfavorably during a January 2024 appearance on "The Breakfast Club".

Speaking about the United States Army, she blamed Biden for the death of soldiers fighting in the Iran and Syria feud, arguing, "This would never have happened if Biden wouldn't have fallen all over himself to get back in the Iran deal." Haley likened Biden's relationship with Iran to "Iranian sympathizer" Obama's approach.

The outspoken politician continued by asserting that she voted for Trump in 2020 against Biden because the Democrat was "Obama 2.0." Likewise, Haley claimed she knew that Biden wasn't going to enforce illegal immigration control by closing the border and was going to drive America into more debt as far back as 2020.

Biden praised Haley after she backed out of the presidential race

Despite bravely asserting her views and refusing to give up, Nikki Haley backed out of the 2024 presidential race with one last swipe at Donald Trump. She promised to continue fighting for her beliefs as a "private citizen" and boldly omitted formal endorsement for Trump (via YouTube). In response, Joe Biden applauded Haley for her bravery and for challenging the former president. 

He pointed out her views on Trump's moral compass, legal troubles, and his alleged fear of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The president continued by extending a hand to Haley's supporters who opposed Trump as well, saying, "Donald Trump made it clear he doesn't want Nikki Haley's supporters. I want to be clear: There is a place for them in my campaign," (via YouTube). 

Biden concluded his remarks by reminding citizens how important voting is, and called for Democrats and Republicans alike to unite for their "love for America." His commendation of Haley is likely to fuel more rumors that she's a secret Democrat, especially because the former governor publicly praised Hillary Clinton for inspiring her political career. Sadly, like Clinton, Haley's quest to give America its first female president was thwarted by Donald Trump.
