Why It's Time To Start Worrying About Kate Middleton

Ever since Kensington Palace shared news of Catherine, the Princess of Wales' unexpected abdominal surgery in January, the public has been in speculation mode about her health journey. Though the brief statement revealed that Kate Middleton's procedure was successful, the lack of detail about her health condition along with the known information regarding her projected recovery time drew many questions from supporters.

"It is expected that she will remain in hospital for 10 to 14 days, before returning home to continue her recovery," the statement read. "Based on the current medical advice, she is unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter." So far, Middleton has stuck to this advice, keeping out of the public eye despite the concern it seems to have fostered.

While the media has received nothing but positive reports from Kensington Palace, royal enthusiasts have run rampant with wild conspiracies about Middleton's health. As the royal clearly asked for privacy during her convalescence, this fact is enough to concern those hoping for her speedy recovery.

The princess is receiving undue attention during her recuperation

In the original statement from Kensington Palace, Kate Middleton asked for privacy regarding her ongoing health situation. "She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible," the statement read, "and her wish that her personal medical information remains private." Despite this, social media has been filled with speculation about the details of Middleton's condition and the reasoning behind her recovery time.

While some have taken the positive updates about the princess's health to heart, with Kensington Palace reporting that she successfully returned home from the hospital on Jan. 29, this undue attention can, unfortunately, be a cause for concern. Studies have found that psychological stress can prolong recovery time after an injury or surgery. As royal family members have expressed how stressful intense media attention can be, with Harry and Meghan's cry for privacy coming specifically to mind, the undue focus on Middleton's health details and recovery journey, especially after she requested privacy, could harm her healing process.

In addition to this, excess questions about her prolonged recuperation could pressure the princess into ending her convalescence early, an issue that Dr. Max Pemberton mentions in his essay with the Daily Mail. "Getting better was once part of being ill. Now it's just assumed that with wishful thinking and gritted teeth you'll be right as rain," Dr. Pemberton wrote. "I hope Kate makes a speedy recovery, but also hope she doesn't return to duties until she's good and ready."

There are some big questions without answers

As Princess Catherine recovers from her surgery, more questions have risen about her absence and her health. Those that have remained unanswered have led to an even greater degree of concern.

Prince William gave a speech at a charity gala in early February and joked about his family's medical news. But on February 27, he abruptly cancelled his appearance at a significantly personal event — the memorial service of his godfather, King Constantine of Greece. Kensington Palace noted he would not be attending the service in Windsor due to a "personal matter." While the palace also noted Middleton was okay, the statement did little to stop people from questioning if the issue was related to her health, and how serious the situation might be.

The princess herself has raised questions by disappearing completely from the public eye. While King Charles III is undergoing cancer treatment, he has appeared briefly in public, and even shared a video of himself reading get-well cards. Middleton, on the other hand, has remained firmly behind closed doors and has yet to personally release any statements in her own words. Her name was also absent from a statement Prince William posted on social media regarding conflict in the Middle East; in the past, the two have usually made such releases a joint venture. Not even a hint of the princess anywhere may mean it's time to start worrying a little bit more.
