Fashion Expert Tells Us The Strong Symbolism Behind Queen Camilla's Kenya 2023 Look

Even a white monochromatic ensemble can be worth a thousand words, as proven by the all-white Anna Valentine silk dress Queen Camilla wore while on her and King Charles III's state visit to Kenya in the fall of 2023. We spoke to Miranda Holder, the celebrity stylist known as the Feel Good Fashion Coach, about how the queen consort's clothing reflected the historically significant trip to Africa. 

"There was no missing the Queen's imposing figure standing tall in the Kenyan sunshine," Holder said. "The color white is rich in symbolism and meaning. Known to represent innocence and purity, the color also evokes the sentiments of peace and unity — both of which are pertinent to the country of Kenya and its history."

Following its independence from the British colonies in 1963, Kenya's flag featured three white strips between black, red, and green rectangles. Camilla's all-white outfit wasn't just an homage to the part of the Kenyan flag that represented peace and unity; her accessories also harkened back to her late mother-in-law.

Camilla's accessories paid homage to the late Queen and Queen Mother

Fashion expert Miranda Holder told Women Lifestyle that it's rare to see Queen Camilla in such a bright shade of white. "White was a bolder choice for Camilla, who usually stays faithful to her summer color palette of pretty blues and ice cream shades," Holder explained. "She accessorized this simple but striking look with meaningful accessories — a stunning pair of pear and diamond drop earrings, the pearls perfectly accenting the white of the dress, and the special Courtauld Thomson Scallop-Shell Brooch, a stunning sentimental heirloom."

The eye-catching brooch features a diamond-encrusted seashell surrounding a large, single pearl above delicate tendrils of jewels. It was partially designed by Sir Courtauld Thomson, whose sister, Winifred Hope Thompson, later inherited the piece. Thompson gifted the brooch to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, who frequently wore it on special occasions, including her 100th birthday party in 2000. After she died in 2002, her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II, inherited the diamond jewelry. 

Queen Elizabeth also chose to save this jewelry for special occasions, particularly those having to do with her late mother. Camilla, who has frequently worn Queen Elizabeth's jewelry, continued this tradition during her 2023 state visit, the third official trip she would take as queen consort following her mother-in-law's death in 2022.

The queen consort's outfit reflected the greater historical significance of her trip

It's common for royals to wear monochromatic outfits or sneak subtle nods to causes, countries, or celebrations. But when one considers the long, arduous history between Kenya and the British monarchy, the symbolism behind the queen consort's all-white ensemble becomes even more powerful. King Charles and Queen Camilla's state visit fell on the 60th anniversary of Kenya gaining its independence after a long period of political crisis and conflict. 

Kenya also plays a significant part in the monarchy's family history. Queen Elizabeth II was visiting Kenya with Prince Philip in 1952 when the death of her father, King George VI, thrust her onto the throne when she was only 25 years old. The king and queen's trip to Kenya would be their first time visiting the country since their coronation, and Charles wasted no time in addressing the monarchy's complicated relationship with its former colony.

"If I may say so, it is particularly special to be able to return to this extraordinary country in the 60th year of your independence," Charles said at a state banquet, per The Independent. "It means a great deal to my wife and myself that, in our coronation year, our first state visit to a Commonwealth country should bring us here, to Kenya. We both take considerable pride in renewing the ties with Kenya, a country that has long held such special meaning for my family."
