Relationship Expert Tells Us How Barron Trump Is Strengthening Donald & Melania's Connection

Stress can take a toll on any marriage, and Donald and Melania Trump have seen more than their share in recent years. Their post-White House life at Mar-a-Lago was quiet for a while, but as The Donald revved up his third presidential campaign, his legal issues began to gain momentum as well. He faces four criminal trials — unprecedented for any president — with the infamous Trump "hush money" case coming up next month, followed by the ones related to election interference and his alleged culpability in the January 6, 2021 insurrection. 

Couples have fallen apart over much smaller issues, yet the Trumps' union is holding fast. In fact, there are signs it may even be getting stronger. During the administration, much was made over Melania's repeated refusals to hold her husband's hand before the cameras, suggesting a lack of connection between the two. But the public saw a much different story on February 10, 2024. Melania made a rare appearance at a Mar-a-Lago event, smiling to the crowd as they walked in together. She showed no sign of discomfort at having her husband's hand on the small of her back. The couple shared an affectionate kiss and a lingering touch before Trump took the stage for a speech.

What was behind this show of PDA? Women Lifestyle spoke exclusively to body language expert and celebrity relationship coach Nicole Moore. She confirms the former first couple seem to be in second-honeymoon mode — and their son Barron may have a lot to do with it.

Melania seems more comfortable with her husband these days

The warm and relaxed Melania Trump the public saw recently was a far cry from the stiff, detached image she has been known to display. Body language coach Nicole Moore sees this as an excellent sign. "As Melania hasn't been one to hide her displeasure in the past, it's unlikely that she's now pretending to be happier with Donald for the cameras," she told Women Lifestyle exclusively. "From Melania's body language, it does seem that she's recently grown in affection for her husband."

Moore noted Melania's relaxed stance as she walked into the Mar-a-Lago event, particularly her arms hanging comfortably by her sides. Even the way she received an embrace from her husband Donald Trump was telling: "[We] see that Melania actually reached out her hands first to pull Donald in for their embrace," she said. "Something definitely seems to have shifted in Melania's body language; where she used to appear tense and angry, she now appears fluid and genuinely happy."

Our expert suggested a few possible reasons behind the change in attitude. Perhaps the former first lady has moved on from issues in the marriage that were causing her discomfort around Donald. She may even be looking forward to another stint in the White House: "Melania may simply be more comfortable in the spotlight this time around," Moore said. "As she's already done campaign and first lady duties before, she may now be more relaxed in the role."

A recent loss may have changed Melania Trump's perspective

Melania and Donald Trump may well be more united than critics think if their recent Mar-a-Lago moment is any indication. Our body language expert speculates this may be connected to a recent tragic moment in the couple's life. Melania's mother, Amalija Knavs (seen here on the right), passed away in January 2024, and Melania's appearance at the black-tie event was the first time she had appeared in public since her loss. "Major life events such as the death of a parent can definitely make one realize that it's time to prioritize the relationships that are still present in your life," Nicole Moore told Women Lifestyle exclusively. "Melania was very close to her mother, so it's possible that now that that loving connection is gone, she's more open to connecting with Donald in a loving manner." Moore also pointed out that the Trumps' only son, Barron, is poised to enter college in a few months, so empty-nest syndrome may be bringing them closer together. "[I]t's possible that Donald may be moving up to the top of her priorities list," Moore said. 

What does the future hold for the Trump marriage? Moore advises watching to see if Melania's smile and affectionate demeanor become second nature. If this show of warmth is really an act, "she won't be able to keep it up forever," says the expert. "[I]f Donald's legal problems continue to heat up and it causes stress in their dynamic, Melania's trademark stiffness and cool expressions may make an appearance again."
