Donald Trump Had A Major Issue With Six-Year-Old Ivanka's Lego Trump Tower Replica

Remember when former adviser Blanche Sprague said that Donald Trump was extremely picky about how his Trump buildings looked? The executive, who worked with him until 1990, alleged that Donald once called her up late at night to pick up a soda bottle he'd spotted near Trump Plaza. Judging by Ivanka Trump's childhood anecdote, the former president was indeed quite finicky — and not just about Trump buildings, but about the Lego versions of them too.

During a 2007 appearance on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien," Ivanka recalled being upset about receiving a Barbie doll for Christmas. She'd wanted Eric Trump's Lego, so she locked him out of his room so she could play with them. But the then-six-year-old didn't want to merely play; she wanted to prove a point, and so she set about building a masterpiece. The businesswoman meticulously constructed and glued the pieces together to make a replica of Trump Tower. 

Unfortunately, her father's reaction was mixed, with Ivanka admitting, "My father, in scolding me, was never so proud." However, the curveball came a few days later when Donald told her, "You know, the other day when you made a model of Trump Tower with these Legos, you made five setbacks in the architectural facade of the building. There are only four." Evidently, the former "Apprentice" host takes aesthetics incredibly seriously, even when only toys are involved. 

Ivanka is widely believed to be Donald's favorite child

Most parents with multiple children have favorites, whether they admit it or not, and that seems to be the case with Donald Trump's relationships with his kids. The father of five has spoken positively about all of his children but he clearly has a soft spot for Ivanka Trump. She was notably the only kid to be appointed as a senior advisor during his presidential tenure and he's publicly made it obvious, too.

Granted, some of Donald's comments praising Ivanka are a bit disturbing, but we're assuming that's how he inarticulately expresses his love. The controversial politician hasn't hidden that he thinks his daughter is gorgeous and smart. But, more tellingly, he doesn't praise his other children as much. In fact, in Alex Holder's documentary, "Unprecedented," it's outright claimed that Ivanka is Donald's favorite.

But it's not just outsiders who support this narrative. During a special, 2020 Father's Day episode of "Triggered," Donald Trump Jr.'s question was rather revealing: "Which is your favorite Trump child and why is it Ivanka?" Ivanka, for her part, gave CNN two reasons for her wonderful relationship with her father: "He respects me, and because I'm candid in my opinions and I share them — solicited or otherwise."

The Trump kids have been open about his parenting style

If you're curious about the former president's parenting style, you're in luck, as the Trump kids have shared several stories about what Donald Trump is like as a dad. In general, his children have been quick to note that Donald was a good father overall but they've also shared some not-so-good stories about the former president's unusual parenting style, like when he tripped them up to get ahead in family races.

During a 2015 interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters, at least one positive of growing up as a Trump came to light as four of his kids — Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, and Tiffany Trump — agreed they weren't spoiled senselessly and had to earn a part of their keep even as children. Their father instilled business-mindedness and hard work in them so much that they feel "The Trump Guilt" whenever they aren't working. Tiffany also shared that Donald was a doting father who indulged her sweet tooth and often spent his time teaching her. 

Similarly, Ivanka reminisced with CNN about how her father would put her on speakerphone during meetings whenever she called him as a kid, gushing, "He'd always tell everyone in the room how great a daughter I was and say cute things and ask me about a test I took." Despite Donald's unconventional style of encouraging rivalry between his kids and apparently winning at all costs, the rare heartwarming stories show a softer side to him.
