Body Language Expert Tells Us Tucker Carlson Wasn't Himself During Putin Interview

Tucker Carlson has a reputation. The former Fox News firebrand has shouted, sworn, and argued at people he was interviewing while hosting "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on the network. His blustery style, complete with animated hand gestures and physical posturing, earned him both ratings and criticism.

After he was fired from Fox in April 2023, Carlson ventured out on his own, eventually finding himself on the Tucker Carlson Network in December 2023, his self-created digital network. The California native posts podcast episodes, answers questions, does investigative reports, and broadcasts interviews, like his recent sit-down with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The interview marks the first time since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 that someone in American media has interviewed Putin. While that fact alone is enough to have made people take notice of Carlson's visit to the Kremlin in Moscow on February 6, 2024, the one-on-one also brought up questions about Carlson's behavior. In an exclusive interview with Women Lifestyle, Jess Ponce III, a body language expert, communication coach, and author of "A.W.E.S.O.M.E.," confirmed the usually animated host just didn't seem like himself with his subdued demeanor.

Carlson seemed to allow Putin control of the interview

During a two-hour-plus interview held in the Kremlin, Russia's equivalent of the White House, Tucker Carlson was as formal as the furniture surrounding him. With President Vladimir Putin seated only feet away from him, the difference in their posturing couldn't be more noticeable.

Body language expert Jess Ponce III told Women Lifestyle that during an interview, the way a person presents themselves physically can help to establish a connection and that Carlson was distinctly lacking in this area. "Notably, there was no single shot capturing him squarely facing the camera while maintaining complete control of the elements," Ponce said of Carlson. "Instead, he was positioned at a slight angle, leaning against his chair." The communication pro also pointed out Carlson's stiff countenance, with the former "Dancing With the Stars" contestant keeping his hands neatly folded in his lap — a definite departure from his usually animated ways.

Putin, on the other hand, appeared to be more relaxed, and as Ponce noted, master of his every word and action. "This encompassed not only the content and messaging," the expert noted, "but also the nuances of delivery, including camera angles, posture, and overall body language." The contrasting stances, Ponce observed, seemed to give Putin control of the interview dynamic, particularly without Carlson's normal interview style of being interruptive and argumentative.  

Carlson was stiff and uncharacteristically still

While much has been said and joked about regarding Tucker Carlson's facial expressions while he was on Fox News, he predominately stuck with one, with little other movement, during his February 2024 interview with Russia's President Vladimir Putin. According to Jess Ponce III, body language and communication expert, the former MSNBC host's lack of action speaks volumes.  

"Tucker's usual high energy level was noticeably absent," Ponce noted in an exclusive to Women Lifestyle. "Typically, he engages in active listening to respond swiftly, but in this instance, it seemed as though Putin held complete control." The communication pro observed that while Carlson donned a curious expression on his face, the political commentator was otherwise unexpectedly still. "He exhibited minimal actual gestures — a departure from his typical communicative style." 

The fact that Carlson barely reacted or challenged Putin on any of his responses was so unlike the former Fox News host, that it had some people raising their eyebrows. "It is understandable that some viewers perceived him as being out of his league," remarked Ponce.
