Signs Barron Trump Is Ready To Step Into The Public Eye

Barron Trump has managed to enjoy an immensely private life thus far —  a major feat considering his family's publicity. Melania Trump is reportedly the reason why you almost never see Barron in public. And when the press obtains photos of the teenager, he's always in the company of one or both of his parents. Now, however, as the youngest Trump kid approaches his 18th birthday on March 20, 2024, there are a couple of signs that he won't be hidden away anymore.

One significant pointer was obtained via Kimberly Guilfoyle's social media. On December 26, 2023, Donald Trump Jr.'s fiancé posted a family photo to her Instagram Story. The photo featured a bunch of Trump family members, including Barron, who was standing behind his father and effortlessly towering above everyone as usual. The six-foot-seven young man wore a black suit and a gold tie. And unlike everyone else smiling around him, Barron boasted a more neutral look. More curiously, Melania was nowhere in sight. 

Melania reportedly permitted Guilfoyle to post Barron's photo

According to the New York Post, Kimberly Guilfoyle would never have posted a photo of Barron Trump without his mother's express approval. It's no secret just how protective Melania Trump is over her only son. A source told People in 2023 that the former first lady wasn't really interested in socializing at Mar-a-Lago. Instead, she was more focused on being there for Barron. It's unlikely that Donald Trump Jr.'s fiancé, who's reportedly doing everything she can to fit in with her in-laws and marry into the family, as an insider informed OK! magazine, would brazenly step on Melania's toes in such a manner.

Further, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff told the Post that the former first lady's decision to let Barron feature in the photo without her could signal "a significant turning point, potentially fostering a new level of support between Melania and Donald [Trump]." The former advisor, who has an ongoing feud with Melania, added, "I believe we will be seeing more of him now. Nothing happens by chance with Melania." A source also revealed to Page Six that Barron's age will free up Melania, who is more ready to be a first lady if her husband wins re-election. This could mean that she plans on being a little more hands-off.

Barron Trump will be more visible once he starts college in 2024

Another key sign that Barron Trump could finally be ready to step into the public eye is his imminent graduation. In 2021, the youngest Trump son enrolled in the super-exclusive Oxbridge Academy, in Palm Beach, Florida. This means that Barron is set to graduate high school and start college in 2024. And no matter how private a family is, college life is bound to increase the public's access to him. 

Understandably, the Trumps are meticulously preparing for this eventuality. Donald Trump has even hinted at college options for Barron. In a 2023 interview on "The Megyn Kelly Show," when asked if Barron would follow in his footsteps by attending the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, his reply was non-committal: "We're thinking about that right now. Those are the things we're talking about right now." 

Going by Donald's comments, Barron could even be a college athlete. The Daily Mail reports that the former president proudly told the crowd at a January 2024 campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa, that Barron was a budding athlete who loved soccer: "I said you're gonna be a basketball player. He said, 'Well, I like soccer Dad, actually.' I thought [...] at your height, I like basketball better, but you can't talk them into everything."
