The Complete Evolution Of Elliot Page

The world became aware of the acting talents of Elliot Page in a big way in 2007, when the indie comedy-drama "Juno" came out of nowhere and racked up hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office. The film even won an Academy Award for best original screenplay, as well as numerous nominations. Clearly, there was a little magic on the set of "Juno," which charmed its way into the canon of film history.

Although Page had acted in films before, this was the first time he starred in a film that went totally viral. After that, pretty much everyone knew who he was, with his slight build, unique voice, and deeply soulful eyes. Since then, his career has continued on the trajectory of success, taking him all over the world while doing so. But who was he before all the fame? And how has he changed over time? Read on to get all of the deets about the stunning transformation of Elliot Page.

Growing up in Nova Scotia

You may be surprised to learn that Elliot Page wasn't born and raised in the States. Page hails from our neighbor to the north — that's right, he's Canadian! The child of a French teacher and a graphic designer, Page grew up in Halifax, in the maritime province of Nova Scotia, not too far from Maine. Halifax is fairly remote, so Page enjoyed a relatively independent childhood, playing soccer, riding his bike, and swimming in a lake. "You're just surrounded by so much beauty and stillness," he said of his hometown, according to The Guardian. That sounds super idyllic!

Born in 1987, Page's parents divorced when he was very young, so he shuffled back and forth between their houses for two weeks at a time. Additionally, his mother had family in Toronto, so Page got to see the big city when he went to visit them. On one trip, he saw the musical "The Phantom of the Opera," and fell in love with it. He asked his mother what school he would need to attend in order to play Christine, to which she told him that he'd have to go to college. Thus the acting bug was planted.

He was working by the age of 10

Elliot Page didn't wait for university to start acting. Instead, he joined his school's drama club, and was one day selected by a casting director to appear in "Pit Pony" in 1997, first a TV movie and later a series. "It's just mind-boggling, what I do now. I sometimes think, what if I was sick that day the casting guy came into school?" he wondered in an interview with The Guardian. Obviously, that little bit of luck went a long way.

After that, he was off and running, appearing in more Canadian films and television shows, and even a European movie. And because his parents were both in the workforce full-time, Page learned how to be an independent child. He wasn't supposed to be unaccompanied on set, so whoever could fill the role of guardian would. "We'd finagle it so, say, the horse-wrangler's daughter was my chaperone," he continued.

When he turned 16, Page moved to Toronto to pursue acting in the big city. But soon after, he had to move to Southern California for his first American film. He was on his way up!  

Breaking out in Hard Candy

If you're not familiar with the plot of the 2005 film "Hard Candy," prepare yourself because it's super serious: it's about a young girl who kidnaps a man she believes to be a pedophile, and tortures him. Elliot Page played the starring role in the film at the tender age of 16, with the blessing of his parents. "Yeah, Hard Candy was intense. My dad came with me to do that," he shared in an interview with The Guardian. "But they were always cool with the subject matter, they trusted me." He really must have known that acting was his destiny, and it must have showed.

The movie is not for sensitive viewers, as some of the content is rather graphic. "I remember getting ready for those scenes, I was 16, and I was almost separate from myself: shocked by it, and curious, and excited," he continued. "It was a very exhilarating feeling, and very addictive." Page was nominated for a slew of awards for the film, and took home a win from the Austin Film Critics Association. But what came next was way bigger.

Stealing hearts in Juno

Within moments of reading the script of the 2007 film "Juno," Elliot Page knew he wanted to cinch the eponymous role. "When I read the script it just blew my mind and I fell totally in love with it and I just really wanted to be a part of it," he recalled in an interview with Collider. It was a match made in heaven from the start, clearly.

"Juno" was appealing to Page for a variety of reasons, mainly, though, because of the character's realness. "I was excited about this character because I felt like it was a teenage female lead that we've just never seen before," he continued. "Although she was incredibly unique and witty and all of these things, she was also very genuine and it all felt just very sincere." No wonder Page was the perfect person for the part.

Juno was a massive box office success, catapulting Page directly into the spotlight.

Stepping out of the limelight ... for a moment

Elliot Page's first project after "Juno" was "Whip It," a 2009 movie about a teenager in Texas who finds solace in a roller derby league, directed by Drew Barrymore. But after that, Page needed a little bit of space, so he left the hustle and bustle and headed to Oregon where he spent a month at an eco-village. There he spent his time studying permaculture, safely tucked away from the bright lights of Hollywood. "We created giant composts," he shared in an interview with The Guardian. "We'd pee in a bucket with hay in it, then put the pee buckets on the compost." Sounds hella rustic.

Although Page started his month there among total strangers, he felt very bonded to the people there by the time he left. "When I left and everyone in the class was holding hands in a circle, I was fully sobbing," he continued. "One of those kinds of cries where you're just... I would not have anticipated that's what my response would have been." So he found what he had been looking for when he arrived.

Page also met his now-BFF Ian Daniel there, whom he describes as his "soul twin." Awwww!

Living the dream in Inception

Newly healed from his time away, Elliot Page jumped right back into acting with a bang. This time, it was for a truly major film, alongside acting heavyweight Leonardo DiCaprio in the 2010 film "Inception." "I was looking around, and the idea of this film came up and I was absolutely excited to learn more," he recalled in an interview with Time magazine. "So I went into an office at Warner Bros. to read the script, and it was just one of those moments where you are absolutely floored." We can totally see why, given how imaginative the movie was.

Page had nothing but good things to say about working with DiCaprio, whom he had long admired, as well as the director, Chris Nolan. "I'm just constantly blown away by all his films," he continued. "Despite the visual magnitude, and all the incredible action, there's this incredibly sincere base and this honesty that everything is centered around." That had to be an amazing experience.

Returning to the X-Men set

After a busy year on set in 2011 and 2012, Elliot Page returned to the set of "X-Men" in 2013 to reprise the role of Kitty Pryde in "X-Men: Days of Future Past." And despite the fact that the character is beloved by comic fans everywhere, Page was not familiar with her when he took the role the first time around, back in 2006 — when he was just 18. "I'm going to be perfectly honest," he confessed in an interview with Collider. "I was never really into comic books as a kid. So when the first X-Men popped up it was awesome because that was the first time I read about Kitty Pryde, and thought she was awesome." No doubt he's super familiar with the character now.

Page was surprised to learn that they wanted him to appear in the film, as it was not on his radar. "I didn't expect to play Kitty Pryde again, so when that came up ... it was just awesome," he continued. "I feel so grateful to be back." We can imagine, given what a star-studded affair the film was.

He came out in a big way

In 2014, Elliot Page did an incredibly brave thing: He came out as gay in an absolutely riveting speech at the Human Rights Campaign. In it, he called out the toxic culture that marginalizes LGBTQ+ people, and implored everyone to do better and to be better. Then he took a breath, and spoke his truth to the room. "And I am here today because I am gay," he announced, as the crowd cheered and rose to its feet. "And because maybe I can make a difference." Someone is definitely cutting onions in here.

After the speech, Page appeared on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" to talk about what the experience was like — which he said was the most nerve-wracking thing he'd ever done. "I was just so ready to do it, and quite frankly so excited to do it, so it was a combination of just such thrill to finally be at that place in my life where I was able to do that," he revealed in the interview. He also told host Ellen DeGeneres how grateful he was for her and everything she's done for LGBTQ+ people.

He starred in the docuseries Gaycation

On the heels of coming out to the world, Elliot Page next embarked on a project with Ian Daniel that took the both of them around the world. The pair starred in the documentary series "Gaycation" for Viceland in 2016 and 2017, with the goal of shedding light on the experience of LGBTQ+ people everywhere. "We wanted to give a voice to those who don't always get to share their perspective or what they're going through," Page explained in an interview with The Daily Beast. "I think a lot of people just don't understand the difficulties a lot of people face in the community — including in America still, despite all the incredible progress." That's a bold and noble mission. 

The duo met all kinds of people in all kinds of places, from a young boy coming out to his mother in Japan, to a cop who is also sometimes a contracted hitman who targets gay people in Brazil — the latter of which got Page thinking not about himself, but others. "For the most part you're thinking not about yourself, but those who are living in that community who are potentially at risk of that happening every day," he continued. What a wild experience.

He made a brave and sobering #MeToo post

When the #MeToo movement kicked into high gear in 2017, people everywhere were sharing their stories about sexual abuse and harassment — and finally being widely believed. Elliot Page was one of those voices, as he took to Facebook to discuss the harassment he endured in Hollywood. It ranged from directors saying terrible things to him to grips sexually assaulting him, all before he was even 18 years old. "I want to see these men have to face what they have done," he wrote in the post, referring to all of the abusers in Hollywood. "I want them to not have power anymore." Amen!

He also, in true Page fashion, called on everyone to be accountable for their actions and to pledge to do better. "What I want the most, is for this to result in healing for the victims. For Hollywood to wake up and start taking some responsibility for how we all have played a role in this," he continued. "I want us to reflect on this endemic issue and how this power dynamic of abuse leads to an enormous amount of suffering." Those are some seriously wise words.

In 2018, Elliot Page married Emma Portner

The year 2018 brought some serious sweetness into Elliot Page's life, as he married Emma Portner, which he announced in a since-deleted post on his Instagram page. "Can't believe I get to call this extraordinary woman my wife," he wrote in the caption.

Page was clearly smitten by Portner, a dancer from Canada, as he often posted cute selfies of the two of them on the reg. Page actually first noticed Portner after she posted a dance video on Instagram in 2017. "I thought, damn, this girl is so talented and so cool," he recalled to The New York Times. "I knew right away we were both creative spirits." And eventually, the two met and fell in love.

Portner wasn't the least bit shy about their relationship. "[Elliot] and I have an indefatigable connection and this undying desire to be near each other," Portner confessed in an interview with Them. "Elliot is the best, and I still cry every time we part ways for work. I probably will forever, and I'm okay with that."

What would he tell his younger self?

Elliot Page has been totally candid about the difficulties of working in the entertainment business on more than one occasion. "I mean, I've worked in this industry for a while, you know, I grew up in Canada, I started working at 10... and in terms of the level of misogyny and homophobia I've dealt with it's been really unfortunate," he explained in a 2019 interview on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert." That is indeed unfortunate, and it's heartening that things are starting to change since the era of #MeToo.

To that end, when Colbert asked him what advice or words of wisdom he would give to his younger self, he had a powerful answer. Page said he'd embrace him in a hug and tell him that he's "not alone" and can "reach out to people," noting, "That behavior is not okay." If there's a more succinct way to sum it up, we're not aware of it. Keep speaking truth to power, Elliot!

Entering the Umbrella Academy

In February 2019, Netflix dropped a new series on its site called "The Umbrella Academy," adapted from the comics published by Dark Horse. The show has quite the cast, starring big names like Mary J. Blige, Tom Hopper, and Colm Feore, and follows the exploits of a dysfunctional family of siblings with super powers. What a wild ride!

Elliot Page was cast in the part of Vanya Hargreeves, a violin player and the only sibling without superpowers, a role he really identifies with. "I was immediately intrigued by Vanya because I immediately related to that feeling of folding in on yourself, struggling with depression and anxiety, barely feeling like you can take up any space in the room and what it took to get out of that, in my experience," he revealed in an interview with Glamour. "I had my own stuff to deal with and I related to Vanya, her pain and I wanted to explore that." That sounds super intense.

His activism remains on fire

Elliot Page is no longer the same young person he was when "Juno" had everybody talking, as he's truly come into his own as the years have gone by. He's a queer icon, an environmental activist, and a vocal critic of those who are hostile to LGBTQ+ and other marginalized people. This was abundantly clear in his 2019 interview on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," in which he barely mentioned the reason he was there ("The Umbrella Academy"). 

Instead, Page took his time on the show to criticize the Trump administration and its policies. "Connect the dots," he implored in the interview. "If you are in a position of power and you hate people, and you want to cause suffering to them — you go through the trouble, you spend your career trying to cause suffering — what do you think is going to happen? Kids are going to be abused and they're going to kill themselves, and people are going to be beaten on the street." That just shows that Page's activism is more on fire than ever, and that he will not be stopped. 

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Elliot Page announced he is transgender

In December 2020, Elliot Page came out as transgender in a powerful statement shared on Instagram. Page announced that his pronouns are he/they and that his name is Elliot. Page expressed "overwhelming gratitude" for those who have supported him. "I can't begin to express how remarkable it feels to finally love who I am enough to pursue my authentic self," he wrote, adding that he has "been endlessly inspired" by members of the trans community.

Page vowed "to strive for a more loving and equal society" in the statement, and also wrote about the difficulties that the trans community faces. "To all the trans people who deal with harassment, self-loathing, abuse and the threat of violence every day: I see you, I love you," he wrote.

Page, who has long been an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, received a lot of support after his announcement with celebs like Miley Cyrus, Kate Mara, Ruby Rose, and Anna Paquin posting supportive messages in the comments of his Instagram post. Nick Adams, the director of transgender media for GLAAD, also expressed support for Page on the GLAAD website, writing, "He will now be an inspiration to countless trans and non-binary people."

Elliot Page said transitioning has been 'life-changing' and 'life-saving'

Since announcing that he is transgender in 2020, Elliot Page revealed how content he is to have transitioned and undergone top surgery. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, he revealed that his newfound relationship with his body and feeling comfortable in it for the first time brings him the most happiness (via The Guardian). He no longer feels anxious when looking in the mirror, but rather can say, "Oh, there I am." He also admitted that he hadn't felt like himself since he was 10 years old, and now he finally got that feeling back. "I want people to know that not only has it been life-changing for me, I do believe it is life-saving and it's the case for so many people," he told Oprah.

In a June 2022 interview with Esquire, Page admitted that he hadn't exactly thought the response to his transition would be as big as it turned out to be. He did, however, expect some of the reactions he got, like the outpouring of love and support from friends and loved ones. He also wasn't surprised by the hatred that was directed at him after he broke the news. Luckily, Page has a circle of people who love and support him, and he realizes how fortunate he is to have that. That's also one of the reasons he's become an activist for transgender rights, he explained.

He filed for divorce in 2021

In 2021, after three years of marriage to dancer and choreographer Emma Portner, Elliot Page filed for divorce, as Page Six originally reported. The news came as quite a shock to fans since the couple had always seemed quite happy. In December 2020, Portner voiced her support publicly on Instagram after Page announced he was transgender, expressing how proud she was of him (per USA Today). "I am so proud of @elliotpage," Portner wrote at the time. "Trans, queer and non-binary people are a gift to this world. I also ask for patience & privacy but that you join me in the fervent support of trans life every single day. Elliot's existence is a gift in and of itself." Portner ended her post by letting Elliot know she loved him. However, a joint statement released by Page and Portner in January 2021 revealed that they'd already gone their separate ways by then.

"After much thought and careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to divorce following our separation last summer," the statement read (via USA Today). "We have the utmost respect for each other and remain close friends." Please excuse us while we go cry in a corner.

He's found joy in exercising

In an interview with Esquire, Elliot Page talked about how he feels so much more at home in his body, and that it motivates him to take better care of it than ever before. He revealed that he'd "never worked out more in my life," admitting that he never used to put a lot of effort into it because he simply did not enjoy it. He stuck to hiking and walking instead. Now, after undergoing surgery, Page says that the way he experiences being in his body has changed, and it's changed the way he feels when he's exercising as well.

"I'm absolutely hooked," he said. "The feeling of being really engaged with it, present, pushing it and getting stronger and gaining weight. It's thrilling." Page also enjoys sharing photos of his gains with fans on Instagram.

In addition to working out, Page is also taking care of his body through healthy foods. His favorite meal is one consisting of a variety of roasted vegetables, but he admitted that, sometimes, the cravings get the better of him and he eats "like a teenage boy." He continued, saying, "I'm like, cereal: Good to go. Or I get fancy and make a frozen burrito."

He spoke out about being forced to wear a dress to the Juno premiere

Elliot Page never wanted to wear that dress to the Juno premiere. In fact, he had his outfit all picked out ahead of time, as he told Esquire. He wanted to wear a suit but said he wasn't allowed. "Fox Searchlight was basically like, 'No, you need to wear a dress,'" he recalled. "And they took me in a big rush to one of those fancy stores on Bloor Street. They had me wear a dress, and ... that was that."

What was even more frustrating for Page was that his co-star, Michael Cera, was dressed in slacks and sneakers for the premiere, and no one made any objections to that. Discussing the subject took Page back to a time when people didn't respect his choices when it came to what he wanted to wear. Clothes are, after all, a form of self-expression, and people should be allowed to wear whatever they want. Page said that he knows many people will "roll their eyes" at his reaction, but that he refuses to simply treat what happened as if it was normal and okay. "That was really extremely, extremely f**ked up," he said.

He loves the 'journey' of working on Umbrella Academy

Elliot Page is well-known for his role as Vanya Hargreeves in Netflix's hit show "The Umbrella Academy." After the actor came out as transgender in 2020, the show adapted his character as well, and Season 3 will see Vanya come out as Viktor Hargreeves, who uses he/him pronouns, IndieWire reported. Netflix made an announcement about the character prior to the release of the third season. "Welcome to the family, Viktor — we're so happy you're here," the streaming giant wrote in an announcement on Twitter.

For Page, working on the show has been a great experience, especially because he gets to play a character for a prolonged period of time, which leaves a lot of room for growth. He told Esquire that it's been amazing to evolve along with the other characters over the past few years. "I love watching the growth happen alongside the show, our personalities interweaving and all of us having our own moments," he said during the interview, adding, "I'm just learning to love the whole journey of it."

He launched Page Boy Productions

In 2021, Elliot Page launched Page Boy Productions, a TV and film production company. In August 2021, he signed a deal with Universal's UCP that offered him priority on upcoming projects. In September 2021, Matt Jordan Smith — previously of WWE studios — was hired as Page's Head of Development and Production.

In 2022, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Elliot Page would be producing his first film from his new production company. The film, entitled "Backspot," is directed by D.W. Waterson, and is a queer love story set within a cheerleading team. It stars Deverey Jacobs as "Riley," a cheerleader who falls in love with Amanda, another member of the team. 

"We have been working on 'Backspot' for the past five years, and we are so thrilled to be able to finally bring it to life," Jacobs and Waterson said. "As queer creators, and a former competitive gymnast, we are passionate about telling stories from our communities and are so excited to share this film, highlighting fearless queer athletes."

It sounds like the perfect debut feature of Page's up-and-coming production company.

Elliot Page became the face of a Gucci fragrance

In February 2023, Gucci announced on Instagram that Elliot Page would be the face of the fashion house's Gucci Guilty fragrance campaign — alongside Julia Garner and A$AP Rocky. 

As Page later explained to Vanity Fair, the campaign was especially meaningful to him, as he sees fragrance as means of self-expression — something which he has always associated with his own identity. "I'd probably go back to, oh my God, literally being with my high school boyfriend when I'm 16 and wanting his Axe body spray," the actor and producer told Vanity Fair. "Or even smelling sandalwood for the first time. These smells that [made me go], 'Wait, why am I relating to this smell so much?' Then as now, I've loved these similar smells, even with Gucci Guilty, in regards to that earthy, bold, sensual smell that I like."

Page went on to explain that he hoped the campaign would help to spread the message that anyone can wear any fragrance — regardless of gender. "For me, it's about absolutely just wearing whatever smell that you enjoy the most," he said. "When we were doing the campaign, Rocky very much gravitated towards the feminine one, and I've always been a bit of a stereotype myself in regards to the scents that I like."
