Donald Trump's New Comments About Barron Prove He's A Typical Teenager

Barron Trump may be the son of a former U.S. president, but he's still just a regular kid. In just a couple of months, Barron will celebrate his 18th birthday, and it's easy to see that the teenager, who looked completely grown up in last year's Trump family Christmas photo, is well on his way to adulthood. 

While we don't often see Barron in the media or side by side with his dad, Donald Trump has made it clear that he's proud of his son. On January 15, the presidential hopeful made a speech at his campaign HQ in Des Moines, Iowa to celebrate his Iowa caucus win and had some very kind words to share about his teenage son (via the Daily Mail). He called Barron a "special boy" as he opened up a bit about his son's athletic pursuits and joked about his noteworthy height — Barron is 6'7" and towers over both of his parents. "I said you're gonna be a basketball player," Donald shared with his audience. "He said, well I like soccer dad, actually. I thought ... at your height I like basketball better but you can't talk them into everything," Donald joked.

While he wants Barron to play basketball, his son may actually get his soccer prowess from him. Donald also played soccer, as well as football, while attending New York Military Academy, so the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

Donald Trump talked about Barron's close relationship with his late grandmother

While Donald Trump spoke about typical teenager topics with regard to his son, Barron Trump, he also touched on something a bit more serious. Amalija Knavs, Melania Trump's mother, died at 78 years old on January 9. When speaking about Melania Trump's parents, Donald said: "Great people, great parents to all of us, really. Great parents, but also to Barron. Boy, did she take care of Barron." It's clear that the grandmother-grandson duo had a very close relationship before her death. Donald joked, "That's how he got so tall, he only ate her food."

Donald added that Knavs was "looking down" at the Iowa caucus from heaven and feeling "proud," per the Daily Mail. And, we have a feeling she'd be proud of her grandson, too. In addition to his words about his late mother-in-law, Donald also gave a special shout-out to Barron during his speech and said that his son was watching the event on television. Surely Barron is keeping special tabs on this presidential race, especially as he will be able to vote in his first election this year. While Barron seems like a typical teen in many ways, he might get a chance to do something few teenagers can: cast a vote for his dad. 
