Body Language Expert Breaks Down King Charles & Camilla's Relationship

King Charles III's relationship with Camilla, Queen Consort, has been controversial from the very beginning. In the 1970s, when the pair first fell in love, Camilla was not seen as a suitable partner for the future monarch. At the time, she was something of a party girl and a "girl with a history," as the upper crust used to say. The king was advised by his late uncle, Lord Mountbatten, to marry a virgin. Mountbatten wrote to Charles in 1974 that he needed to "choose a suitable, attractive and sweet-charactered girl before she met anyone else she might fall for" (via Express).

Charles took his uncle's advice and married the virginal Princess Diana instead of Camilla; however, he still could not stay away from the woman who had already captured his heart. Charles and Camilla continued their affair for years until Diana exposed their infidelity via a scandalous Panorama interview in which she declared, "There were three of us in this marriage."

These days, Charles and Camilla seem happily married — but has their relationship been rocked by the scandals of their past? To get to the bottom of this question, we talked to Jess Ponce III, body language expert, communication coach, and author of the book "A.W.E.S.O.M.E.: Seven Keys to Unlocking the Speaker Within." According to Ponce, Camilla and Charles' body language shows that they were meant to be together.

Charles and Camilla had chemistry from the very beginning

Although King Charles III was initially discouraged from pursuing a romantic relationship with Camilla, Queen Consort, he seemed interested in her from very early on. This was especially evident in the 1970s when Charles was introduced to Camilla at a polo match. The two reportedly hit it off and continued to bump into each other near the pitch. In one such instance, a photographer snapped a candid photo of the couple-to-be chatting away. According to body language expert Jess Ponce III, their body language showed just how much they got along.

Speaking to Women Lifestyle about this now-historic photograph, Ponce revealed, "Both individuals exude a sense of comfort and interest through relaxed poses. He leans back, arms supported by a rail, left shoulder towards Camilla, and right shoulder outward in an open, attentive posture." Apparently, Charles' cool stance had Camilla on the hook. As Ponce put it, "With her hands in coat pockets, leaning on a car, she is completely engrossed. She appears enamored, while he attempts to play it cool, revealing an underlying interest." But, how mutual was this attraction? "Their focus on each other is evident," Ponce asserted.

Ponce's observations reinforce previous claims that Charles was entranced by Camilla from the minute he met her. As royal expert Robert Jobson told ABC, "She was totally unfazed by all the trappings of monarchy. And also she had a wicked sense of humor."

Charles supported Camilla when they announced their relationship

Following that initial flirtation, King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort, were not able to have much of a public relationship — at least for a while. Charles married Princess Diana, and Camilla wed Andrew Parker Bowles. For a time, they each focused on building their respective families and enjoying time with their children.

However, as the years went on — and Charles' lack of compatibility with Diana became increasingly clear — the two fell back into each other's arms. Soon enough, Charles and Camilla were granted divorces from their respective partners, and in 1999, the couple debuted their relationship on the steps of the Ritz Hotel in London. Photographs of the event published in the BBC showed Camilla in a black dress, which she paired with a pearl necklace. Charles, meanwhile, appeared as royal as ever in a crisp suit.

Commenting on these photos, communication expert Jess Ponce III noted just how tense Camilla seemed. "Camilla wears a concerned, uncomfortable expression. She is focused with downward eyes and pursed lips, pointing at something in the distance. Clearly distracted and out of her element, she is not attentive to Charles." Interestingly, though, Ponce also claimed that the future king appeared fully attentive to his future wife in this moment, stating, "In contrast, Charles is wholly focused on her, facing her with a supportive hand over his heart, revealing his enamored and devoted stance."

Their dating phase made them seem like teenagers

Once King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort, finally went public with their relationship, a lot of the pressure was off. The two were able to focus more on each other and less on the opinions of the press. This was particularly evident in 2008 when the couple headed to Scotland for an official visit. During their trip, Charles and Camilla were spotted having what seemed to be a grand old time. As those famous Scottish winds blew during one royal event, the dynamic duo appeared to be laughing at the weather. According to body language expert Jess Ponce III, this sense of good-naturedness says a lot about Charles and Camilla's relationship.

In an interview with Women Lifestyle, Ponce explained just how happy the pair seemed together. "Charles displays an exuberant, starry-eyed demeanor, akin to a teenager in love. His focus on Camilla is unwavering, expressing his joy," Ponce said. As for Camilla, the body language expert claims that she seemed incredibly connected to Charles in this moment — despite all the pressures surrounding the public appearance. Ponce noted, "Camilla leans into him, reciprocating his affection, though her awareness of cameras introduces a hint of caution. An awkward expression on her face suggests unfamiliarity with public attention."

The couple appeared nervous after announcing their engagement

On February 10, 2005, King Charles III's relationship with Camilla, Queen Consort, changed forever. The pair announced their intentions to wed in two months. Speaking to the press about the romantic engagement, Camilla gushed, "I'm just coming down to Earth." Ever the more prepared to make public announcements, Charles eloquently said, "Mrs. Parker Bowles and I are absolutely delighted. It will be a very special day for us and our families" (via People).

Just hours after making this announcement, Charles and his bride-to-be were photographed wearing matching scarlet formal wear — and scratching their faces at the same time. According to body language expert Jess Ponce III, this slight fidgeting may have indicated some of the nervousness that the couple was feeling after sharing their big news. Considering how much blowback they received for their unconventional love story, we would not be surprised if they were feeling a bit tense. Ponce told Women Lifestyle that Camilla "touches her face, indicating a degree of self-consciousness. Surprisingly, Charles, usually self-assured, appears concerned and uncomfortable, touching his face and looking downward."

Of course, just because the couple looked uncomfortable does not mean that they were unsure about each other. Speaking to Women Lifestyle, Ponce observed that the engagement may have finally given Camilla a sense of belonging in the royal echelon. "She showcases a newfound confidence," Ponce said.

Charles and Camilla seemed out of sync at their wedding

In fairy tales, weddings are perfectly orchestrated events that demonstrate a couple's deep love for one another. In real life, though, these ceremonies do not always go down without a hitch. When Camilla, Queen Consort, married King Charles III on April 9, 2005, romance was certainly the goal. But, as body language expert Jesse Ponce III told Women Lifestyle, the couple might have experienced something of a disconnect as they walked down the aisle.

Observing a photograph of the couple heading to the alter, Ponce noted just how separate they seemed in this moment. "This photo is an interesting dichotomy of two people who are confident with themselves and each other, yet are out of step with one another. Literally," Ponce revealed. "Despite their confident appearances, their out-of-sync footsteps suggest a lack of complete connection at this moment."

Although Charles and Camilla may not have seemed totally in sync on their wedding, there may have been a good reason for this. As reported by Vanity Fair, Camilla almost skipped the ceremony because she had been struck with a particularly potent bout of sinusitis. In conversation with the outlet, the queen's friend, Lucia Santa Cruz, recalled "She literally couldn't get out of bed." Because of this, it is possible that Charles and Camilla seemed off at their wedding because the bride was feeling awful — and not because they were having marital problems already!

Camilla settled nicely into her royal duties

Although King Charles III and Queen Camilla certainly had their fair share of pre-wedding jitters, the couple appeared to settle nicely into married life. Following their nuptials, they continued to do their royal duties, and Camilla seemed more comfortable in her skin than ever before. On May 20, 2005 — mere weeks after the couple tied the knot — they headed off to Cornwall, where they took a boat, visited the elderly, and waved at crowds.

According to body language expert Jesse Ponce III, Charles and Camilla's body language on this trip shows just how well they transitioned from dating to married life. While referencing a photograph of the future queen, laughing as she stands in front of a plaque, Ponce noted that Camilla seemed much more comfortable in her public position. "Camilla laughs freely, at ease with public attention, showcasing her comfort beside the future king," Ponce told Women Lifestyle. 

As for the then-Prince of Wales? Apparently, he remained completely enamored by his new wife. Ponce explained, "Charles gazes affectionately at [Camilla], presenting a united front. At this moment, they appear harmonious, both comfortable with themselves and each other." In other words, despite whatever drama surrounded their union, Charles and Camilla were happy to finally be doing official duties together — as a married couple.

Camilla helps Charles deal with stressful situations

Of course, not all moments in a marriage are bound to be easy — and that fact remains true even for the king and queen of England. One such challenging moment hit King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort, on a trip to Northern Ireland's Hillsborough Castle when the king's pen failed to work properly. In a clip shared by The Guardian, Charles noticed that his pen was leaking. "Oh God, I hate this," he exclaimed. Luckily for Charles, Camilla was there to swoop in and rectify the situation. She removed the flawed pen and sought an adequate replacement. Per our conversation with body language expert Jess Ponce III, Camilla's quick thinking might be one of the reasons why she is such a good partner for Charles.

"As a couple, Charles and Camilla have settled into a comfortable dynamic. When he becomes upset over a leaking pen, Camilla remains calm," Ponce explained. "Seeking her assistance, Charles subtly signals with his body language for her to handle the situation, and she steps in, effectively taking care of what needs to get done." This exchange clearly shows just how much Charles relies on Camilla to keep him calm in moments of tension. He may have lost his temper after discovering just how leaky the pen truly was, but his wife knew exactly how to support him in this tricky situation.

Camilla supported Charles after Prince Philip's death

Although the pen incident represented a fairly minor crisis for King Charles III, the monarch has faced several, much more painful moments over the course of his life. This was especially true when his beloved father, Prince Philip, died on April 9, 2021 — the same day as Charles' 16th wedding anniversary to Camilla, Queen Consort. 

Philip's tragic passing undoubtedly left Charles feeling crushed. But, according to body language expert Jess Ponce III, the king was likely able to rely on Camilla in this time of great need. In a photograph of Camilla standing by Charles' side at Philip's funeral, Ponce analyzed the distinct differences in the couple's respective body language. "While Charles shows pain, Camilla remains steadfast, holding his arm close for reinforcement," the communication coach told Women Lifestyle. 

Apparently, this goes to show just how much Charles relies on Camilla. "Camilla displays strength for her husband in this poignant image. Her sturdy, upright posture provides physical and emotional support to Charles. This photo transcends their identity as a couple, portraying a mourning son and his supportive wife," Ponce added. In other words, this photograph demonstrates the calming effect that Camilla seems to have on her husband. She is by his side as he grapples with powerful emotions, and he clearly trusts her enough to be vulnerable by her side.

Camilla understands her role in the monarchy

At times, it might seem like King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort, are "just like us." They have never claimed to be a perfect couple, and their relationship has certainly faced challenges over the years. However, in the end, the way that they express strong emotions, like grief and mourning, makes them easy for many people to relate to.

That being said, Charles and Camilla's unique position as royals means that they have responsibilities beyond what is typical. As king, Charles is expected to serve the people of Great Britain, and, as his queen consort, Camilla must remain slightly in the background. We see this dynamic quite clearly in a video shared by the Daily Mail. In the clip, Camilla is chatting with some citizens, and Charles pats her arms to hurry her along. According to body language expert Jess Ponce III, this moment illustrates the reality of the couple's differences in rank. "Camilla engages in conversation, and Charles, ready to depart, subtly taps her arm. Despite their long-standing relationship, the reminder of his royal status implies a need for her to follow his lead," Ponce told Women Lifestyle.

Interestingly, it has been posited that Princess Diana was incompatible with Charles because she always took the spotlight for herself. In that sense, Camilla's quieter public appearances may represent her own attempts not to outshine her high-ranking husband.

King Charles and Queen Camilla seemed thrilled at their coronation

The fact that King Charles III and Queen Camilla ever became king and queen of England is, in some ways, quite shocking. In the 1990s, the couple was incredibly unpopular. Rumor has it that, back in the day, people would throw bread rolls at Camilla when she tried to do her grocery shopping. And, as recently as 2021, a survey by Newsweek found that most people in Great Britain did not want Charles to become king at all — preferring that he abdicate in favor of the younger, more popular Prince William.

Despite all this, however, Charles and Camilla were officially crowned into their new positions on May 6, 2023. Per body language expert Jess Ponce III, photos of the pair taken after the ceremony reveal just how proud they were of having made it so far. "Capturing a moment of triumph, this photo reflects the accomplishment of King Charles and Camilla," Ponce told Women Lifestyle. "Amidst the masses, they are entirely immersed in each other, conveying a sense of personal and 'professional' achievement." If it was ever unlikely for the pair to end up in this position, Ponce said that they seemed to know it. "Their gazes, smiles, and posture indicate that against all odds, they have achieved their long-desired position," Ponce observed.
