Who Is U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik, Former Trump Critic Turned Ally?

United States Representative Elise Stefanik, often described as a "rising Republican star," currently serves as the Chair of the House Republican Conference. Holding the third-highest post in the conference is no small feat, especially for a young female politician. However, the truth about Elise Stefanik's path to this role is shocking, considering her earlier days in Congress, which began in 2014.

When Stefanik first joined Congress, she was a thirty-year-old politician determined to be an "independent voice." Her allegiance to the GOP was evident, but she boldly criticized policies and actions that contradicted her beliefs. Many of these policies and actions originated from then-presidential aspirant Donald Trump. In 2015, she condemned his misogynistic remarks towards women, suggesting that Trump's inability to connect with women would cripple his campaign.

In 2016, Stefanik urged Trump to disclose his tax records. Following the release of his comments on the Access Hollywood tape, she described his comments about women as "inappropriate" and "offensive" in a Facebook post. However, she released a statement acknowledging that Trump had "tapped into a frustration of not being heard" and declared her support for him in the 2016 election (via NPCR).

Elise Stefanik took on a more pro-Trump stance in 2016

Despite declaring support for Trump in the election, Elise Stefanik maintained a semblance of criticism. Just a month after she announced her support, she criticized his remarks about speaker Khizr Khan, whose Muslim son had died serving in the U.S. Army. However, following Trump's victory, Stefanik increasingly aligned herself with his staunch supporters. According to a 2017 poll by FiveThirtyEight, Stefanik agreed with 77.7% of Trump's decisions.

Her notable disagreements with him included his Muslim ban and the decision to declare a national emergency at the southern border. Interestingly, the widespread outrage did little to influence Trump's stance and only delayed the passing of legislation. In 2019, Stefanik voted for the Equality Act to protect LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination. However, her subsequent policies would be perceived as heavily pro-Trump. After Donald Trump lost his re-election campaign in 2020, 126 GOP members signed a petition requesting the Supreme Court to consider overturning the presidential election. Among them was a vocal Elise Stefanik. Following the Capitol Riot, she blamed Speaker Nancy Pelosi, alleging that Pelosi had intentionally neglected to act to prevent the attack.

Elise Stefanik purported false claims about a rigged election

While Elsie Stefanik continued to display her loyalty to the Grand Old Party, the then-House Chair, Liz Cheney, voted to impeach Donald Trump for inciting the attack on the Capitol. Consequently, Cheney was voted out of her position. Stefanik's unwavering support for Donald Trump after he called a total do-over of the 2020 election did not go unnoticed. In May 2021, the former president officially endorsed her for the vacant post. Six months after Stefanik's election, she reciprocated by endorsing him for the upcoming 2024 presidential elections. She declared, "It is very clear President Trump is the leader of the Republican party." Stefanik added that he possessed a "proven track record of conservative governance" (via AP News).

That same year, she voted against the Equality Act she had once supported. On December 15, 2023, she filed a complaint against the judges who presided over cases relating to the Capitol Riot. Stefanik's steadfast commitment might not be in vain, as rumors suggest she is among Trump's potential vice-presidential candidates. Other names reportedly being considered include South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, Senator Tim Scott, and Marjorie Taylor Greene.
