Times Barron Trump's Fashion Choices Caused A Stir During Donald's Presidency

As the youngest son of billionaire-turned-president Donald Trump and model-turned-First Lady Melania Trump, Barron Trump has had a particularly unique childhood, for better or worse. While he has undoubtedly enjoyed the perks of such an insanely lavish life, Barron has also dealt with intense media scrutiny — and his fashion sense is certainly no exception. 

Although it's typically customary to exclude presidential children from public criticism and mockery, Barron has not always received this treatment. The Daily Caller, for example, berated the pre-teen for his casual clothing choices in August 2017. "The youngest Trump doesn't have any responsibilities as the president's son, but the least he could do is dress the part when he steps out in public," the outlet wrote. 

Many were quick to jump to Barron's defense, from former presidential child Chelsea Clinton to TV personality Chelsea Handler to Kurt Eichenwalk, contributing editor for Vanity Fair, per the Independent. Still, media buzz about Barron's fashion choices hasn't been all bad.

Barron Trump's style has been defended as strongly as it has been judged

The Daily Caller article about Barron's choice to wear a graphic t-shirt and khakis while deboarding from Air Force One was met with swift criticism from the Trump administration and supporters and non-supporters alike. "Jesus, they're even inhuman to their own," Kurt Eichenwalk said of the right-wing news site. "Ford Springer of conservative Daily Caller slams Barron Trump for his clothes. FORD! Kids are OFF LIMITS."

Chelsea Clinton, the only child of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has also been a staunch defender of Barron — no doubt motivated by her own experiences as a White House kid. Despite their opposing political ideologies, Barron Trump even briefly united Donald Trump Jr. and Clinton after she defended the young boy from comedian Zack Bornstein's jokes about Barron on X, formerly known as Twitter. 

Following The Daily Caller's condemnation of an 11-year-old boy's wardrobe, Melania Trump's spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, released a statement that read, "As with all previous administrations, we ask that the media give Barron his privacy. He is a minor child and deserves every opportunity to have a private childhood," per AP News.

The former White House kid has become a fashion icon in his own right

Barron Trump's fashion sense hasn't only garnered negative reactions, however. In 2017, the boy was spotted wearing a J. Crew graphic ringer tee with "The Expert" written on the front. That same graphic tee sold out on J. Crew's website overnight, per Esquire. His first foray into fashion influence was one of Barron Trump's best fashion moments yet, proving that he's been able to put his spin on the style influence of his former model mother and suit-clad dad. 

Years before his family would move into the White House, Barron Trump's unique sense of style became the topic of discussion after his mother, Melania Trump, admitted that her only son was a "mini-Donald" in both energy and wardrobe. "He's not a sweatpants child," Melania told ABC News. "He doesn't mind putting on [a suit], but not every day. He likes to dress up in a tie sometimes, like Daddy. He has a lot of energy and is very cute. I call him 'Mini-Donald.'" 

Barron became a White House kid at 11 years old, which means he has plenty of time to figure out a style that suits him best — lest we all be judged for our clothing choices as pre-teens, right? And if he's wise, he'll take some notes from his family's fashion flubs to avoid making it onto the list of Worst Trump Family Outfits.
