What The Most Memorable 90 Day Fiance Couples Are Doing Now

90 Day Fiancé has easily become one of the most talked-about reality shows of the last five years. The hype-train shows no signs of stopping after capping off its sixth season in January 2019. The show's premise of following a couple while they decide whether or not to marry for a green card has captured the attention of thousands of viewers, garnering quite the loyal franchise. The 90 Day franchise has put TLC on the map and become one of the network's most successful programs

Over the show's tenure, it has introduced us to the stories of 33 couples, and that's not including the three spin-offs. Some have captured our hearts, others have left us with an unshakable sense of unease. In either case, these people have wormed their way into our brains. Every adorable embrace and shocking argument leaves us wanting more, even after the cameras have turned off. Here's what some of the most memorable couples of the 90 Day franchise are up to now.

Anfisa and Jorge (Season 4)

Anfisa might be the cast-member that has been the most blatant about her intents: cold hard cash. Over and over again she insisted that Jorge buy her expensive dresses and cars, even outright stating in an episode that she was only dating Jorge for his money. Bafflingly, the couple did eventually get married and are still together as evidenced by Anfisa's instagram. 

Things are not going to be smooth sailing, though, as Jorge was charged with drug possession last September. Jorge was caught carrying a whopping 300 pounds of weed in his car. Combined with his previous record, he will be serving two and a half years in prison. Despite all this, Jorge stated in an interview with TMZ that Anfisa has been very supportive throughout the whole process and that he does not see them splitting anytime soon. Only time will tell if Jorge's optimism is horribly misplaced, but who knows? The two have lasted much longer than any onlookers would have anticipated. Maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel for them.

Danny and Amy (Season 2)

On the absolute other side of the spectrum we have Danny and Amy Frishmuth. These two are considered one of the most legitimate couples on the entire franchise. Their biggest hurdle during their time on the show was Daniel's father and his views on interracial marriage. Danny and Amy politely ignored his concerns and got married in 2014. In the 90 Day Fiancé Tell All, Amy states that she has been working with her father-in-law to improve their relationship. As for the rest of the Frishmuth family, it seems they're very comfortable with Amy now. 

And we can't forget the obvious new development, their children! Amy gave birth to the couple's first child, their son Jedidiah, in June 2015 and their daughter, Anna, was born on July 2017. The two still reside in Texas and have recently purchased their first house. Amy's instagram continues to be full of happy moments with the new Frishmuth family.

Danielle and Mohamed (Season 2)

After a season of nothing but the two arguing and lying to each other, Danielle and Mohamed's split did not come as much of a shock at the end of it all. Danielle attempted to annul the marriage and get Mohamed deported, but eventually had to settle for a divorce. However, it doesn't look like she's given up. She has filed a civil action lawsuit against Mohamed. The court papers state that Mohamed, "...committed fraud against Plaintiff [Danielle] by luring Plaintiff into a romantic relationship to secure funds and immigration status." Overall, Danielle is asking for $12,500.

For the time being, though, Mohamed seems to be securely planted in the United States and working on his photography. He appears to reside in Austin, Texas. Danielle has found herself a new boyfriend, but has not shown him on social media yet for the sake of privacy. She's also selling merchandise on Etsy featuring her more infamous moments on the show.

Kyle and Noon (Season 3)

Another of the 90 Day success stories, Kyle and Noon Huckabee remain happily married after five years together. The two are so sickeningly sweet that they participated in a local radio contest for "Cutest Couple." On the show, the couple was struggling with money and Kyle had to work two jobs in order to find an apartment. Now, it looks like they're ready to take the next step and are saving up to buy their first house together by doing Cameos — it's a platform where you can pay for a custom video from all levels of celebrities (from the likes of Caitlyn Jenner to 90 Day Fiancé cast members). 

Noon has her own YouTube channel where she posts her music covers and music videos, along with a few vlogs featuring Kyle. She also works with the company Beau'Thai'Ful, an importer of Thai beauty products. While there is no sign that the two are expecting, Kyle teased in December 2018 that a new Huckabee baby could be in the near future. They both still reside in the United States.

Nikki and Mark (Season 3)

This is the poster couple for just how creepy this show can be. Fifty-eight-year-old Mark Shoemaker fell in love with 19-year-old Nikki (who is younger than Mark's daughter) over an online dating service, and shipped her to America. Already having social norms against him, Mark came off as a controlling creep over the course of the show. Mark was very unhappy with his portrayal and went on to sue TLC's parent company, Discovery Communications. It turned out that the law wasn't on his side in the end as the judge eventually threw out the case in May 2017.

Other than that, there's very little evidence of the two lurking about the internet. After the show, both of them deleted any of their social media accounts and all but disappeared. All we speculators have is hearsay from Reddit commentators that they have, indeed, seen the couple out and about. We sincerely hope that the digs that Nikki is locked up in a basement somewhere are just jokes and not some horrible reality.

Azan and Nicole (Seasons 4 and 5)

This is one of the few "lucky" couples to be featured on not one, but two seasons of 90 Day FiancéThe two had quite the strenuous relationship from the get-go, getting into arguments about Azan's culture almost as soon as Nicole got off the plane in his native Morroco. Add on top of that cheating on both sides of the relationship and struggles with Nicole's weight and you have one of the most incompatible couples to ever grace your television screen. 

However, they are still together at the time of writing, and Nicole has plans to see Azan in Morocco some time in 2019. Nicole has been vocal in her effort to lose weight, perhaps trying to overcome that obstacle in the relationship. Even Nicole's mother, who was very vocal in her disapproval of the match, seems to have come around to Azan. Nicole was unable to afford the sponsorship necessary to bring Azan to the United States, and there is no sign that the two will be married anytime soon. 

Elizabeth and Andrei (Season 5)

Season 5 had some pretty unstable relationships (some of them featured in this very article). Thus, Elizabeth and Andrei were easily the most likable of the bunch, which is saying something considering how rigid and controlling Andrei came across in their episode. Elizabeth's family was also very vocal in their disapproval of the quick engagement. Nevertheless, the two were married at the end of their season in a beautiful outdoor ceremony, with even Elizabeth's reluctant family in attendance. 

And just a little over a year later, their love seems to be just as strong as ever as Elizabeth gave birth to the couples' first child, Eleanor, on January 23, 2019. In an interview with TLC shortly after baby Eleanor's birth, Elizabeth cooed, "We're very blessed to have this beautiful little bundle of joy, and all of our supporters and followers." No doubt Elizabeth and Andrei will have their hands full for quite some time with their expanding family.

Alan and Kirlyam (Season 1)

It's time to take it all the way back to Season 1 with Alan and Kirlyam Cox. Alan met Kirlyam during a Mormon mission to Goiânia, Brazil, Kirlyam's hometown. Kirlyam was underage at the time, but the couple is adamant that they did not start their romantic relationship until Alan came down again many years later for a wedding and they reunited — and Kirlyam was all grown up. Because of their strict religious beliefs, both of them were virgins when they got married at the end of Season 1. After three years of marriage the two welcomed their son, Liam, into the world in October 2017.

Another fun fact, Alan managed to get a spot on The Price is Right while attending a taping. He ended up making it all the way to the end and winning a Mazda in the Showcase Showdown! It wasn't in his hands long, though, as Starcasm reported that the couple was looking to sell the fancy car. One prize they did take full advantage of was the trip to Fiji, which they also won in the Showcase Showdown — and which Kirlyam documented on her YouTube channel.

Chantel and Pedro (Season 4)

These two are definitely in the running for best looking couple. Unfortunately, that doesn't necessarily mean everything is all roses and sunshine. Pedro and Chantel's families clashed constantly on the show, causing a lot of stress for the young couple. They did end up getting married and are still together, living in Atlanta, Georgia as per Pedro's Facebook

Many couples in the franchise can't wait to get away from it, but these two don't seem to mind living in the spotlight. Chantel has been seen hanging out with fellow 90 Day star Anfisa publicly a few times. Pedro and Chantel have been featured in two seasons of the spin-off 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? and are slated to appear in the upcoming fourth season in spring 2019. Soap Dirt reported that Chantel was seen filming in the Dominican Republic in December 2018, possibly visiting Pedro's family. Whatever is in store for the couple, it looks like we won't have to wait very long to catch up with these two.

David and Annie (Season 5)

Money troubles plagued David and Annie from the moment they met. Fourty-eight-year-old David had to rely on his friend Chris to pay for Annie's dowry, and the two even lived with Chris for some time before they were eventually wed. It looks like those money woes might be left in the past, though. According to Starcasm, David has found himself a job as a college professor at an institution in the Louisville area. And judging from their constant Cameos, they look to still be happily married. 

Starcasm has further reported that Annie and David are looking to move back to Thailand. Their source states, "Their end game is to go back to Thailand and open a business someday. Annie has applied to a local community college, with hopes of getting an American degree before they head off." On a more somber note, in January 2018 David's 18-year-old son, Jacob, was accidentally shot in the face by a friend who was playing with a gun. Thankfully, he survived and has made a full recovery.

Loren and Alexei (Season 3)

In the same season as Mark and Nikki, and Kyle and Noon, we had Loren and Alexei, who fall smack in the middle of those two couple, hitting that sweet spot of not too crazy, but not too perfect, either — this couple is just interesting enough to have some drama. Loren's Tourette's syndrome caused a lot of concern from Alexei and his family for any future children they might have. The couple was even arguing heatedly on their wedding day. However, the two are still very much together

They told Good Housekeeping in an interview that, "We are still learning so much about each other. Marriage is a full-time job. We worked very hard to be together. We are a team, and while we have our ups and downs like a normal marriage, it's totally worth it." Alexei's mother on the show expressed interest in moving to the states, but it does not appear to be happening anytime soon. And without any news of a pregnancy, it looks like these two lovebirds are on their own for a while.

Olulowo Lowo and Narkyia (Season 4)

Narkyia met Olulowo "Lowo" online and the lies started immediately. Lowo told Narkyia that he was a widower who lived in Alabama with his son. Narkyia quickly found out that his son's mother was very much alive and that Lowo was actually in Vietnam at the time. Despite the huge amount of red flags, Narkyia pursued the relationship and brought Lowo to America. Lowo continued to act suspiciously throughout the relationship, even using the classic "I lost my phone" excuse, leading to the two eventually breaking up. 

They soon got back together and in February 2019 celebrated their second anniversary. People might think it's foolish for Narkyia to trust Lowo again, but she seems to trust him quite a bit. The two are so close that they even run a small business together! There's still no wedding ring to be found, and considering the amount of trust issues these two will have to work past, that's probably a good thing.

Evelyn and David (Season 5)

David and Evelyn are also in the running for best-looking couple. As Evelyn's aunt humorously pointed out, "They're very good on the eyes." Evelyn was just a small-town girl with big dreams when she met David on Facebook. While the family loved him, Evelyn's friend Mikayla was shocked that Evelyn would rush into marriage at 18 and was skeptical of David, which caused some drama on the show. Nevertheless, David and Evelyn did get married at the end of Season 5 and continue to rock that gorgeous instagram game together.

If you're a fan of American Idol, there's a good chance you'll see Evelyn on your television again very soon. The young musician announced her idol journey for the show's second season on ABC. Her audition will air on March 17. And, according to Evelyn herself, David has nothing but supportive. "He has been my biggest fan and my soft place to fall," she said on Instagram. "He lets me spread my wings. He encourages me to work hard and pursue my dreams. He puts up with all my craziness — he lets me be me and there is complete and utter safety in that."

Russ and Paola (Season 1)

Russ and Paola may have only been on the first season of 90 Day Fiancé, but they have dominated all three seasons of the spin-off, 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?. Clearly the two are very comfortable with the franchise, and can be seen hanging out with other members of the cast on occassion. Fans have had to watch the relationship be constantly tested by Paola's modeling career. Paola just can't seem to get a gig where she isn't clashing directly with Russ' conservative Christian values. While modelling is still a part of her career, Paola has focused more and more on personal training and fitness

In January 2019 Paola gave birth to the couple's first baby, their son Axel. Neither of them have confirmed whether or not they will return to Happily Ever After? for its fourth season, or if they will take a break for their new baby. 
