Donald Trump Jr.'s Latest Outfit Has Everyone Saying The Same Thing

Unless your name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a politician's outfit choices won't usually make headlines. However, Donald Trump Jr.'s latest ensemble has caused a big stir online, and for good reason, we might add.

Much like his father, former President Donald Trump, the younger Trump seems to steal the spotlight wherever he goes. Perhaps that's never been truer than at this moment, when Trump Jr., along with other members of his family, is embroiled in a heated civil fraud trial. His dad has already been part of a number of controversial moments, such as when he stormed out of the courtroom in a huff. Trump Jr. has also drawn a lot of attention for his behavior. His testimony was filled with wild moments, including when he placed the blame on accountants for reportedly flawed numbers in important documents.

The outspoken activist has found himself in the headlines again, but this time it isn't because of his political opinions or dubious financial decisions — it's because of his taste in fashion. A picture taken of Trump Jr. during a recent outing has everyone in agreement: it wasn't his best look.

His camo sweater failed to impress

It's the photo that's become the laughingstock of the internet. Uploaded by former Republican and prosecutor Ron Filipkowski, the picture shows a smiling Donald Trump Jr. posing beside Trump attorney Alina Habba and right-wing commentator Kimberly Guilfoyle. Trump Jr. appears to be quite cozy in his splotchy camo sweater that's pulled over a dress shirt. He's also wearing khaki pants and what seems to be camo shoes.

There's no way around it — Trump Jr. sticks out like a sore thumb. Everyone else in the group shot is dressed in semi-formal attire, so we're at a loss as to why he decided to go with the outdoorsy loungewear look. Maybe he didn't get the memo for the dress code?

The fashion faux pas had social media users in stitches. Many couldn't help but crack a few jokes at the expense of the businessman. One person commented, "One of those got dressed in the dark." Others were convinced he chose to wear the sweater on purpose. "Felt so good about his choice he got matching shoes," a user teased, pointing out the camouflage footwear. There were others who used Jr.'s clothing to bring attention to his family's fraud trial, with one person calling the sweater "Scamo" instead of camo.
