Here's Why Faith Martin Was Eliminated From The Golden Bachelor

In case you missed the November 9 episode of "The Golden Bachelor," please be warned there are spoilers ahead! For those who want to know, at the end of the episode, Faith Martin, the 61-year-old Washington State high school teacher, was taken out of the running by 72-year-old bachelor Gerry Turner.

During her time on the show, Martin divulged that she had realized that their differing lifestyles and the fact that they did not live in the same state might make it impossible for her and Turner to manage a long-term relationship. She said that she was glad she had been honest with him about not being able to relocate. "He needed to know that because I'm just not the type of person that can see my kids a couple of times a year," she said. (via People). 

When reflecting on Turner's choice to let her go and to continue forward instead with Leslie Fhima and Theresa Nist, Martin said, "I mean, there's a million reasons that he might've gone, 'Ah. This isn't really a great fit,' even though we had a strong connection. As hard as it is for me to take, I feel like it was the best decision that he put me out when he did." Still, Martin was a little blindsided by the choice.

Faith Martin was suprised Gerry Turner let her go

Speaking to People, Faith Martin admitted that after her hometown date with Gerry Turner, she had an inkling she may not make it to the final round. "The last scene where I was standing there waiting and the car drove away, I remember having this feeling like, 'Oh, my God. What if this is the last time I see him?'" she said. She went on to divulge, "Certainly I had in my brain the very real possibility that it may not work out. I remember feeling it right then. I cried when he drove off."

Even though Martin was aware of some major compatibility challenges between herself and Turner, being eliminated was not exactly easy for her, as she said she had led her guard down and felt like she had something special with Turner. "It was a very interesting connection for me, different than what I had experienced before," she told People.

Speaking to Katie Couric Media, Martin expressed appreciation when her interviewer admitted their surprise at her removal from the show. "Well, thank you for being surprised. You thought we looked like a good fit too, huh?" Martin said.

Still, even though Martin prepared herself, she wasn't ready for the emotional impact of being cut loose. "I was blindsided myself a little bit, quite honestly," Martin admitted. "It's always a possibility [to get eliminated] — nothing in life is ever guaranteed. But even knowing that, it still was a shock to my soul."

Faith Martin is pulled between her heart and her head

When talking about her time on "The Golden Bachelor" and, more significantly, her time with Gerry Turner coming to an end, Faith seems to go back and forth between her emotional hurt and her rational analysis of the fact that it probably would not have worked out between them. "Logically, I can see many reasons why maybe it wasn't the right fit for Gerry," she told Katie Couric Media, noting that her outdoorsy ways didn't really gel with Turner's lifestyle. "One, our locations are so far apart. Two, I'm an REI girl, not a Nordstrom girl. I'm down-to-earth, I love to camp. I'd rather be outside than in."

While these are all reasons to believe Gerry made the right call, part of Faith still holds onto the idea that it could have worked. "I don't think that part of it would have gotten in the way necessarily, but I do think that my need to be close to home [and] close to my kids and my grandkids [played a part in the elimination]," she said.

But at the end of the day, Faith remains glad for the experience and knows she will be okay going forward in her life. "We know sometimes things happen in the world that you can't predict and you just gotta roll with it. It's just what it is," Martin told Entertainment Tonight, noting the show was an eye-opening experience. "It was amazing. It's really, really, really amazing."
