Fans Are Not As Happy As Michael Easton To See General Hospital's Finn And Liz Back Together

"General Hospital" is officially going back down the rabbit hole and heading toward another romance between Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton) and Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst). Despite being panned every time they have reunited, any cries that "GH" needs to hang up Elizabeth and Finn's romance are being ignored. 

Michael Easton recently spoke to Soap Opera Digest and gave his take on writers once again pairing Finn and Liz together. He said, "I think at some point, he's gotta stop playing around, right? You've got to push all your chips in and see where they fall. If it doesn't work out, at least you've put it all on the line. I try to come from a place where these are two kind of damaged people. Her husband died, he had a wife who died. I think it was just time! You can only play that [will they/won't they] for so long.

Later in the interview, Easton remarked, "I don't know what's going to happen with them [Finn and Elizabeth], I really don't. I thought it was done and then they re-engaged it. Hopefully, I'll be nearly as good, and maybe we'll make it good to watch!" Easton is giving the politically correct answer and seemingly encouraging viewers not to give up hope for the couple. However, his words are less than exhilarating, because this pairing hasn't worked for several years at this point. "GH" fans, however, are not being as kind. They want this couple to be over.

Viewers are losing faith in the two characters

Quite frankly, viewers are growing tired of their pleas to end Hamilton Finn and Elizabeth Webber's romance being ignored. No amount of complaining across social media channels seems to dissuade the powers that be from continuing on with the dead-end plot. Regarding the current romantic getaway taking place between Finn and Liz, one fan tweeted, "NO NO NO FRANK. NOBODY is falling in love with their magical weekend. There is NOTHING magical about this. It's time to pull the plug on this couple."

Another viewer has expressed their feelings that the characters themselves are being entirely destroyed with this pairing, saying, "You are ruining the character of Elizabeth and have essentially evaporated ANY appeal ME had across his years on PC and OLTL. WHY CAN'T Y'ALL JUST LET THIS BE OVER???!!!" A fellow "GH" watcher echoed that sentiment, writing, "I've been patient, but nooothing is sparking for this pairing. Finn infantilizes Liz, & both actors & characters frankly deserve better. Time for the show to cut their losses & call it a day on this couple."

Regardless of what's in store for Finn and Liz's future, the "GH" audience is growing significantly more tired each day with the choice to continue in the current direction. Michael Easton made a commendable attempt to restore the faith of apathetic viewers, but based on the aforementioned tweets, it's not working. 
