Meet The Royals Who Are In Line For The Throne In Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a small, landlocked European nation known for its unique political system, a Grand Duchy, and the continued presence of a ruling monarchy. Its political system is a combination of a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is ruled by the Nassau-Weilbourg family, headed by the reigning monarch Grand Duke Henri. Henri serves as the country's ceremonial head of state, having succeeded his father, Grand Duke Jean, in 2000.

Despite its monarchy, Luxembourg's political power primarily lies with the elected officials, who are responsible for day-to-day governance. The government consists of a Prime Minister and a multi-party parliament known as the Chamber of Deputies. Luxembourg's political landscape reflects the country's diversity, and the country has three official languages — Luxembourgish, French, and German.

The Grand Ducal family, while maintaining a respected and symbolic role, has limited political influence, as Luxembourg places a strong emphasis on democratic principles. The monarchy enjoys support from the Luxembourgish people and plays a unifying role in the nation's reputation as a stable, prosperous, and harmonious country in the heart of Europe. Keep reading to meet the royals in line for the Luxembourg throne!

Crown Prince Guillaume

Prince Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie of Luxembourg, commonly known as Prince Guillaume, is a prominent member of the Grand Ducal Family and next in line for the throne. He was born on November 11, 1981, and is the son of Henri and his wife, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa. Guillaume officially took the title of Hereditary Grand Duke on October 7, 2000.

Guillaume's education and career are quite distinguished. He studied at the University of Angers in France, where he completed double degrees in Literature and Political Science with honors. Later, he held internships at prestigious companies including Deutsche Bank in London, the Spanish ArcelorMittal steel group, and with the Belgian Chemical Union.  Guillaume attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in Great Britain in the early 2000s to complete officer training and he is a Colonel in the Luxembourg army. He has been actively involved in various charitable and cultural organizations over the years reflecting the royal family's commitment to public, and his cultural service and humanitarian endeavors include working on a reforestation project, assisting disadvantaged peoples, and serving as the Chief Scout of Scouting in Luxembourg.

Guillaume married Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy, a Belgian noblewoman, on October 20, 2012. The couple's wedding was a grand event — one of the largest in decades — attended by numerous European royals such as Felipe of Spain, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, and the King and Queen of Greece.

Prince Charles

Prince Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume, born on May 10, 2020, is the oldest child of Crown Prince Guillaume and his wife Princess Stéphanie. Charles is second in line for the throne after his father. He was baptized on September 19, 2020, at the Abbey Saint-Maurice de Clervaux. His godparents are his uncle Prince Louis (Guillaume's brother) and his aunt Countess Gaëlle de Lannoy (Stéphanie's sister.)

Charles became a big brother in 2023, something he was very excited about according to his father. "It was very sweet to see how Charles reacted when he heard that François had been born," Guillaume said in a video released by Cour Grand-Ducale on X, formerly known as Twitter. "He was so excited to meet him, he turned and went straight up to him. It brought such joy to both us and my parents." 

His 3rd birthday celebration took place in May 2023 and was well documented on Instagram. The Cour grand-ducale Luxembourg account posted photos of Charles eating birthday cake, playing outside, and enjoying time with his family.

Prince François

Prince François Henri Luis Marie Guillaume, born on March 27, 2023, is Guillaume and Stéphanie's second child, and he weighed 7.88 lbs (3.575 kg) at birth. He is third in line for the throne after his older brother Charles. 

François was born at Maternité Grande-Duchesse Charlotte in Luxembourg, and he was anxiously awaited by his family. "We are always incredibly happy about an addition to our family," Guillaume expressed to RTL when the news of Stéphanie's pregnancy was announced (via Hola!). To welcome him to the world, François was given a 21-gun salute at the Fetschenhaff, and citizens of Luxembourg were able to offer their congratulations via a book posted at the guardhouse. Guillaume and Stéphanie also asked those inclined to give donations to the Fondation Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf (also called SOS Children's Village Luxembourg.) The program helps at-risk youth become independent adults. 

Prince Félix

His Royal Highness Prince Félix was born on June 3, 1984, and is the second son of Henri and Maria Teresa making him 4th in line for the throne. He received training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the United Kingdom, but he did not complete his studies there due to health reasons. After his military education, he embarked on a career in the private sector, working in various positions, including a stint in the marketing department of a Swiss sporting event company.

On September 21, 2013, Félix married German-born Claire Margareta Lademacher, now known as Princess Claire of Luxembourg. The pair met in 1998 at Collège Alpin Beau Soleil, a Swiss boarding school they both attended. Their wedding was celebrated at the Sainte Marie-Madeleine Basilica in France and was officiated by the Archbishop of Luxembourg Monsignor Jean-Claude Hollerich S.J. The couple has since become parents to several children, contributing to the line of succession in the Grand Ducal Family.

Félix, like other members of the royal family, has been actively involved in charitable and cultural endeavors, occasionally stepping into an official role when his brother Guillaume is unable to attend an event. He is an avid sports fan and holds the High Patronage of the Luxembourg Basketball Federation.

Princess Amalia

Princess Amalia of Nassau was born in 2014 at Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital in Luxembourg, and she is the oldest child of Prince Félix and Princess Claire. Amalia is the first granddaughter of Henri and Maria-Teresa, and she is 5th in line for the throne. 

 According to the country's bylaws, only those in the direct line are styled as Prince or Princess of Luxembourg. As a child of Félix, the younger son of the Grand Duke, Amelia is not a Princess of Luxembourg but is Princess of Nassau instead  — "zu Nassau" is the family name of the descendants of Grand Duchess Charlotte (1896-1985.) She could also use the title Princess of Bourbon-Parma due to being a descendant of Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma (Charlotte's husband). This rule went into place in 2012 which means there are a few members of the royal family not in the direct line of the Grand Duke that are styled as Prince/Princess of Luxembourg. 

Prince Liam

Prince Liam Henri Hartmut of Nassau, born November 28, 2016, is 6th in line for the throne. Liam was born at Clinique Générale-Beaulieu in Geneva and is the second child and only son of Félix and Claire. He is in line behind his sister Amalia as the third grandson of Henri and Maria Teresa. It was announced on July 13, 2023, that Liam will soon be a big brother as his mother is currently expecting her third child. Like his sister, Liam's title is Prince of Nassau — not Prince of Luxembourg.  

Liam's baptism took place in 2017 at the St Peter Basilica Chapel in the Vatican. His uncle, Prince Sébastien and Anna Maria Pamin, are his godparents. Photos of the event were posted on Facebook by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands. In more recent events, Liam enjoyed a family vacation in France with his sister, grandparents, and various cousins. 

Princess Alexandra

Princess Alexandra Joséphine Teresa Charlotte Marie Wilhelmine, born on February 16, 1991, is the 4th child of Henri and Maria Teresa and is their only daughter. She holds the titles Princess of Luxembourg and Princess of Nassau and Bourbon-Parma and is 7th in line for the throne.

Alexandra's education includes schools in Luxembourg and abroad. She received a Baccalaureate in Arts and Literature from Lycée Vauban in 2009. She also studied in the U.S. and Paris, before earning a Master's degree in Interfaith Studies from the Irish School of Ecumenics. She did an internship with the Security Council of the United Nations in New York, and is fluent in Luxembourgish, French, English, and Spanish (she also speaks passable German and Italian.) Alexandra volunteers with refugees, was awarded the noblest distinction of The Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau, and patronages the Luxembourg Association of the Blind.

In 2023, Alexandra wed Nicolas Bagory, a French businessman in a civil ceremony on April 22. They also had a religious wedding on April 29, 2023 which took place at Saint Trophyme church in the South of France. She donned the famous Chaumet Choker Tiara a family piece which has been worn by her mother as well as her grandmother Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte.

Prince Sébastien

Prince Sébastien Henri Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg, born on April 16, 1992, is the Prince of Luxembourg and Prince of Nassau and Bourbon-Parma. He is the fifth child and youngest son of Henri and Maria Teresa, making him eighth in line for the throne after his sister Alexandra. Sébastien is not married, and he does not have any children.

Sébastien's education started in Luxembourg, but then he transferred his studies to the UK. He attended Sunningdale School first and then Ampleforth College like his grandfather Grand Duke Jean. He obtained a Marketing and Communications degree at the Franciscan University of Steubenville located in Ohio. From 2009 to 2010, he interned at the Kräizbierg Foundation doing work for people with disabilities, and in 2017, he was sworn into the Luxembourgish Army. He is fluent in Luxembourgish, French, English, and German.

Like his siblings, Sébastien has been involved in charitable and cultural activities and has been seen attending official state events such as Luxembourg's National Day. He is known to enjoy adventure sports such as skiing and climbing.

Prince Guillaume

Prince Guillaume Marie Louis Christian, born on May 1, 1963, is the third son and youngest child of Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg and Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte. He is ninth in line for the throne even though his brother Prince Jean is older than him. However, Jean renounced his throne rights in 1986 — his heirs are also not eligible, thus skipping his line in the succession.

Guillaume attended school in Luxembourg, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom before obtaining his degree from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. His career has included time working at the International Monetary Fund, the Commission of the European Communities, and ArcelorMittal.

He wed Sibilla Sandra Weiller (now Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg) in 1994, and they have four children. In September of 2000, they were rear-ended by another car while driving near Paris. Sibilla required surgery for a broken leg, and Guillaume incurred a severe head injury that left him in a coma for three weeks. Both recovered well and are integral members of the royal family — they both perform duties such as meeting with ambassadors and attending charity events.

Prince Paul-Louis

Prince Paul-Louis Jean Marie Guillaume de Nassau, born in 1998, is Guillaume and Sibilla's oldest child — making him Henri's nephew and 10th in line for the throne after his father.

Paul-Louis attended the 24th Bal des Débutantes in Paris in 2016 with Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma, his third cousin. In 2020, he graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, following in his father's, Uncle's, and grandfather's footsteps. He was congratulated for his hard work on X, formerly known as Twitter, by the former British Ambassador to Luxembourg John Marshall, "Congratulations to HRH Prince Paul-Louis of Luxembourg one of 250 officer cadets who will complete their training today at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and participate in the Sovereign's Parade. He continues a fine family tradition."

He was sworn into Luxembourg's army on August 25, 2020, by François Bausch the Minister of Defense. The ceremony was attended by his father, brother, cousin, and various military personnel. Photos of the event were shared on Instagram.

Prince Léopold

Prince Léopold Guillaume Marie Joseph was born on May 2, 2000, in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. Léopold is the third child and second son of Guillaume and Sibilla — he is 11th in line for the throne after his brother Paul-Louis. 

Léopold is among the younger generation of Luxembourg royals and thus not as busy with public events as his parents, uncles, and cousins. He did attend the wedding of his cousin Crown Prince Guillaume to Stéphanie in 2012 with the rest of his family. He also attended the Le Bal des Débutantes in 2018 with his twin sister Princess Charlotte, and then attended again the year after with Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon Two Sicilies. In 2020, Léopold was in Belgium where he attended a car-free day with Queen Mathilde and King Philippe of Belgium. He was reportedly staying with the royal couple while studying in their country.

Prince Jean André

Prince Jean André of Nassau, born in 2004, is Guillaume and Sibilla's youngest child — making him 12th in line for the throne after his two brothers.

As Jean André is still quite young, he isn't in the spotlight too often and isn't photographed at many large events. However, there is photographic evidence that he attended his cousin's Prince Gabriel's First Communion in 2014. Gabriel is the oldest son of Prince Louis, Henri's youngest child. The event took place at Église Saint-Michel, and it was attended by many members of the family. Jean André accompanied his parents and his sister Princess Charlotte.

While Jean André is younger than his sister Charlotte, she is not in the line of succession. In 2010, Henri made the right to the throne gender-neutral, but Charlotte was born prior to the change and never had a right to the Luxembourg throne. Only the female descendants born post the change have been added to the line of succession. 

Prince Robert

Prince Robert Louis François Marie of Luxembourg, born on August 14, 1968, is the son of Prince Charles of Luxembourg, the second son of Charlotte and Felix, and Joan Dillon, the American daughter of former U.S. Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon. He is 13th in line for the throne.

Robert's education included boarding school at Worth Abbey in Sussex and studying philosophy and psychology at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. He didn't graduate from Georgetown, however, as he dropped out to travel the world. "I was a young man without responsibility, constraints or family commitments — a total idealist starting out on life," Robert told Club Oenologique in 2021. He is the president of a French wine company started by his mother's family called Domaine Clarence Dillon.

He married Julie Elizabeth Houston Ongaro in 1994. Princess Julie is the daughter of Harvard professor Dr. Theodor Ongaro and Katherine Houston, an artist. Julie and Robert have three children: Princess Charlotte, Prince Alexandre, and Prince Frederik. Originally, Robert's wife and children did not have Prince/Princess stylings since his marriage was unsanctioned, but Duke Henri upgraded their titles in 2004. 
