Queen Camilla Lives A Really Lavish Life

Camilla, Queen Consort, has had one of the most interesting lives in royal history. She may have started out as King Charles III's lover, making headlines for their relationship in the '90s, but now, she's on the throne beside him. When she first became a household name, many royalists disliked her and favored the more doe-eyed Princess Diana. Gradually, over the years, the mother of two has managed to turn that tide and become a beloved member of the royal family. 

Of course, as wife to the current monarch, Camilla lives in the lap of luxury. Not only are money troubles something that other people worry about, but she never wants for a single thing. Whether it's clothes, expensive diamonds, lavish vacations, or simply a ride in a beautiful stately car, Camilla has it all. While it's easy to think that her current lifestyle all comes down to her ties to the king, that's not exactly the case. 

Even before she fell in love with Charles, Camilla wasn't exactly a commoner. She comes from a very wealthy family, and her first husband, Andrew Parker Bowles, was a very wealthy man. One could argue that Camilla has always been used to the finer things, which might account for her impeccable taste these days. Opulence is second nature to her, so let's take a look at Camilla's charmed existence. Others can only dream of it, but Camilla is living it.

Queen Camilla lives in multiple palaces

It's no secret that the British royal family is incredibly wealthy, but a lot of that wealth is tied up in property. The Crown Estate owns multiple stately homes and sprawling palaces, from London's Buckingham Palace to Windsor Castle and Sandringham. These residences are typically used by all of the major royals at one time or another, but it's Camilla, Queen Consort, and her husband, King Charles III who get to take their pick. As heads of the monarchy, it's up to them to decide who lives where and in what home.  

For the majority of their marriage, Camilla and Charles lived in Clarence House in the British capital. They also made use of other properties, such as Highgrove House in scenic Gloucestershire, to name but one. Although the former Duke and Duchess of Cornwall appeared to be quite happy with this arrangement, things are set to change. Like his parents before him, Charles will be moving into Buckingham Palace alongside his queen. The move has been confirmed, but it likely won't happen for another couple of years (after renovations have been completed). 

Camilla may be no stranger to Buckingham Palace's hallowed halls, but now she'll get to call the vast 775-roomed residence home. It's likely she will be allowed to put her own stamp on it, too — within reason, of course.

She has plenty of money in the bank, even without Charles

It's easy to assume that Camilla, Queen Consort's lifestyle changed dramatically after she went public with the former Prince of Wales. While it's true that she didn't have the kind of money the House of Windsor has, she wasn't exactly struggling to pay the bills, either. In fact, Camilla was born into a wealthy family. Her father, a military man with the title of major, was also a successful businessman, while Camilla's mother was Rosalind Cubitt, heir to a property empire. Her future was set from the start. According to a report in The Independent from 1995, Camilla's grandparents left her around £500,000 in inheritance — a sizable sum for any young aristocrat starting out. 

As is typically the case with youngsters born into high society, Camilla went on to marry a man who could keep her in the style she was accustomed to. She tied the knot with Andrew Parker Bowles in 1973,  celebrating their union with 800 guests. Their marital home, the sprawling Bolehyde Manor, was worth around £3.75 million in today's money and situated on an impressive 70-acre stretch of land. 

Though it's not clear what Camilla gained from their divorce settlement, it's certain that she will never face financial difficulty, regardless of whether she's on the throne or not. This queen has enough to support herself, even without her king. 

Queen Camilla is waited on by six women

Life as a working royal in a position as senior as that of Camilla, Queen Consort, isn't easy. And while critics of the monarchy may balk at the idea that The Firm ever faces any hardship, it's still an incredibly busy life. According to a tally by Reboot SEO Company, Camilla attended a whopping 102 engagements in 2022 alone. Of course, one needs a little bit of support for these things, which is where ladies-in-waiting come in. Just like generations of queens before her, Camilla isn't without her closest aides by her side. 

However, Camilla's helpers aren't called ladies-in-waiting, as per tradition. Instead, she decided to call them "companions," according to the BBC. The queen consort has six of them: Sarah Troughton; Jane von Westenholz; Fiona Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marchioness of Lansdowne; Lady Katharine Brooke; Baroness Carlyn Chisholm; and Lady Sarah Keswick. It's their job to ensure everything runs smoothly and that Camilla has everything she needs, whether it's writing letters or planning events. 

These specific ladies are thought to be close friends of the queen, but they also act as dedicated helpers. Let's not forget that besides this personal gaggle of gals, Buckingham Palace alone has over 1,000 servants, ready to cater to Camilla's every need. When it comes to staff, she certainly isn't shorthanded! 

Queen Camilla owns millions of dollars worth of jewelry

If there's one perk to being a member of the royal family, it's wearing some of the most expensive jewels in the world. Camilla, Queen Consort, has had the pleasure of wearing some of the most historic pieces owned by the dynasty, from impeccable tiaras to huge diamond brooches and necklaces laden with precious jewels. Prior to her passing, Queen Elizabeth II was in charge of all of the important jewels owned by the monarchy. Now, it's King Charles III who holds the key to the royal vault. 

Her access may have leveled up, but Camilla has been wearing over-the-top royal showstoppers for years, including items that once belonged to Queen Elizabeth's mother. Aside from the pieces that belong to the Crown, Camilla's own personal jewelry box is just as beguiling and eye-wateringly valuable. 

Among others, Camilla has a five-strand pearl choker with a giant pink topaz stone, a diamond snake necklace (both gifts from her husband), and the Cubitt-Shand tiara, a diamond piece that comes from Camilla's own family. In short, the queen consort is never desperately searching for a bit of sparkle. It's estimated that her late mother-in-law's jewelry collection is worth over $3 billion, and now that Camilla has greater access to it, there's no stopping her when it comes to dazzling onlookers. 

She gets to travel the world in style

One of the best things about Camilla, Queen Consort's status is getting to travel around the world. Even before she took to the throne, Camilla, as the former Duchess of Cornwall and wife to the then-future King Charles III, visited multiple countries as part of her royal duties. Of course, she isn't the only person in the world who gets to travel extensively for work — but she does have the privilege of flying on a private jet. It would be a huge security risk for her to travel on commercial flights, so while this is definitely a luxury, it's not exactly unnecessary. 

That said, the couple has faced a barrage of criticism for their use of jets in the past. In 2022, they made headlines for hopping on royal private jets to take over 20 flights in the U.K., allegedly to avoid being "stuck in traffic" according to The Telegraph. These jabs are nothing new, with similar headlines harking back to 2009 and beyond. 

Though this mode of travel may not be particularly "green," there's no doubt that the jets are immaculately turned out for their high-profile travelers. Not much is known about their interiors or what they look like, but The Sun previously reported "plush seating and a VIP area." Perhaps for security reasons, the royal family doesn't post pictures of the interiors. Still, one can't help but conjure up images of Camilla sipping champagne while enjoying the privacy.

King Charles throws her lavish birthday parties

It's true that Camilla, Queen Consort, is often busy attending events and mingling with lots of different people. It's part of her job to appear and support different causes, and rarely is she herself the main focus of these events. But back in 2017, her husband, King Charles III, made sure all eyes were on her for her 70th birthday. To celebrate his wife's milestone day, Charles decided to go all out and throw her a bash to remember. Over 250 of the couple's friends came around to Charles' residence, Highgrove, to party on down. 

This wasn't a simple bring-your-own-booze shindig but one fit for a future queen. At the Gloucestershire event, members of the royal family, such as Prince Harry and Camilla's own kids, Tom Parker Bowles and Laura Lopes, came together with friends like Lucia Santa Cruz. Amazingly, despite having a guest list that would put most people's wedding attendee list to shame, this was actually Camilla's second birthday celebration that week. 

Previously, Charles and Camilla rubbed shoulders with celebrities like the late Paul O'Grady, Dame Maggie Smith, and even Darcey Bussell at a garden party that took place at the couple's main home, Clarence House. You don't have to be the royal treasurer to surmise that these celebrations weren't cheap — but then what is, when you're queen? 

She has an expensive designer wardrobe

When discussing royal fashion, the first figures that come to mind are usually Princess Catherine (we can't get over her best fashion moments), or Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. As two of the "younger" royals, both Catherine and Meghan often make the style pages, while older members of the family, such as Camilla, Queen Consort, are less likely to find themselves on best-dressed lists. Though Camilla's wardrobe may not get talked about as much, it's just as valuable — and packed full of designer items plenty would love to get their hands on. 

For starters, Camilla has been loyal to Chanel when it comes to footwear, wearing a pair of cream-colored heels from the luxury brand several times since marrying King Charles III in 2005. She has also been spotted carrying a Chanel quilted handbag, as well as a pricey Bottega Veneta bag. It's not just her clothing that is top-tier and deliciously expensive, though. As we've already discussed, Camilla is partial to wearing Windsor family heirlooms, but she also loves jeweler Van Cleef & Arpels. The brand's distinctive style is worn by A-listers across the globe and was a favorite of the late Elizabeth Taylor.

Camilla's style choices may be more modest and under the radar than the next generation of royals, but the value of her wardrobe should never be underestimated. The queen consort knows a timeless piece when she sees one, and she isn't afraid to flaunt it.

She gets to travel in her husband's luxury car fleet

Flying to destinations in a flash private jet is one thing, but what about getting around in the U.K.? Other Londoners might prefer to leave the car at home and hope on the Underground or take a bus, but Camilla, Queen Consort, doesn't need to worry about petrol prices or driving herself. She must simply decide which car she wants to travel in from the luxury fleet. Not only are there designated royal cars, but her husband, King Charles III, has his own collection of stellar vehicles. 

Charles' collection is worth about £6.3 million, according to The Guardian. It's not immediately clear which cars belong to the Crown and which belong directly to Charles, but Camilla still has her pick of some of the most expensive vehicles in existence. For instance, Charles' mother, Queen Elizabeth II, purchased a 1950 Rolls-Royce Phantom IV to celebrate her coronation. Its presumed value is now a jaw-dropping £2.5 million; however, it's unlikely that Charles and Camilla use it to get from A to B. 

Camilla has been spotted in a Windsor family favorite, a Land Rover Discovery, and a Bentley limousine, among others. The latter was specially made by the brand as a gift for Queen Elizabeth II to mark her Golden Jubilee in 2002, alongside a second Bentley limo that the royal family still rides in to this day. 

Queen Camilla rubs shoulders with A-list stars

Royals and celebrities often mix, whether it's at charity events or for different organizations. One only needs to look at the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex to see how easily these two worlds can collide. Camilla, Queen Consort, has been spotted chatting to many big names over the years, but she calls several big names in the entertainment business close friends. Among those is Oscar-winning actress, Dame Judi Dench. 

It seems as though Dench's relationship with Camilla stretches back to at least 2008 when she was spotted attending then-Prince Charles' private 60th birthday party at Highgrove. Camilla has been seen warmly greeting her beloved Hollywood friend several times since, including at a literary festival event in 2023. At this same event, Camilla was seen embracing another high-profile friend, British actress Dame Joanna Lumley, best known for her portrayal of Patsy in the hit series "Absolutely Fabulous." 

Both actresses were close enough to her highness to receive a kiss on the cheek, something that is rarely seen. It just goes to show how highly Camilla thinks of her famous BFFs. Charles also has some impressive friends, including Sir Rod Stewart. Something tells us this is just the tip of the iceberg, and Camilla's address book would make for thrilling reading.

She owns rare and valuable antiques

If you've ever wondered what a queen does in her spare time, then you're in for a treat. Admittedly, it's unlikely that Camilla, Queen Consort gets much downtime these days — she's far too busy tending to her duties. However, fans got a glimpse into her private interests in 2023 when she made a surprise appearance on Britain's beloved TV series, "Antiques Roadshow." On this series, visitors take old items to leading experts who appraise their value for free. So, what did Camilla have to offer? 

The former duchess brought a snuffbox from the royal collection, as well as an old book of poems by Thomas Gray. During the appearance, Camilla admitted that collecting books was "one of her passions." According to the Daily Mail, she appeared to be enamored with the aging volume as she chatted with one of the show's experts, telling him, "I've always loved the poem and I've loved looking for really beautiful editions."

It may go without saying that the Windsors have an enormous antiques collection — from paintings to furniture and beyond — but this interesting insight into Camilla's personal preferences gives us a sense of what her private world really looks like. Plus, antiques don't come cheap, so if Camilla is into collecting these works of literary art, one can only imagine the value of her bookcase, let alone anything else. It's an expensive hobby, to say the least, but Camilla can afford it. 
