Trump Finally Breaks Silence On Melania's Eyebrow-Raising Campaign Absences

In the midst of Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign, Melania Trump's absence has raised major flags. Speaking to "Today" on Sept. 15, Trump divulged that the former first lady is currently spending time with their son, Barron, who is embarking on a new school year and exploring his options for college. When asked when his wife might join the campaign events, Trump replied, "She'll be with us. She's very, very supportive." He didn't provide a specific timetable; instead, he stated that Melania would appear "when it's appropriate." 

The former president also provided some additional reasons for his wife's lack of participation. "She's a private person," Trump explained to "Meet the Press" moderator Kristen Welker. In addition, Trump indicated that he wasn't in a hurry for Melania's participation, noting, "I like to keep her away from it. It's so nasty and so mean."

Despite Melania being missing from campaign events, Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway informed The New York Times that the former first lady is her husband's "most trusted and most transparent adviser." In May 2023, Melania spoke to Fox News about her husband's campaign, saying, "He has my support, and we look forward to restoring hope for the future and leading America with love and strength."

Melania Trump is committed to life out of the public eye

After two presidential campaigns and four years in the White House, Melania Trump prioritizes her time out of the media. "She's learned how to close the door and close the shutters and remain private. We don't see a lot, we don't hear a lot," R. Couri Hay, a publicist and one of Melania's acquaintances, explained to The New York Times.

Melania's ability to unplug from press coverage has also been helpful in keeping Donald Trump centered amid his legal woes. The former first lady helps distract her husband by directing him away from TV news and encouraging him to focus on his responsibilities as a parent. In addition, she's also refrained from publicly discussing Trump's legal battles. "She hates all of the legal problems and says very little about them anytime anywhere. She leads her own life," a source informed People.

Unlike other former first ladies, Melania has not divulged information via memoirs or public speaking engagements. Once Melania does join her husband at campaigning events, she'll likely do things her own signature way. "I don't think it's going to be anything like what we've seen with Casey DeSantis," former Trump aide Stephanie Grisham surmised to The New York Times. "She's not going to be throwing on jeans and walking in parades."
