Al Roker's Daughter Has Grown Up To Be Gorgeous

There's little doubt that America's favorite meteorologist is Al Roker, who, over the course of his distinguished career has become a major face on morning television. Known for his big smile, trademark glasses, and sunny disposition, Roker has made quite the name for himself, penning several books, starring on Broadway, and breaking world records, to name a few. And his wife, Deborah Roberts, is no slouch either, as she's an award-winning journalist and an author in her own right. What a power couple!

With parents like that, there's no question that Roker and Roberts' children are destined for great things. We're especially interested in what Leila Roker is up to, given that she's stepping out of her parents' shadows and into a limelight all her own. So what's the daughter of America's weatherman interested in? Does she plan to light up the green screen just like her dad does? Here's what we know about Leila Roker, who's grown up to be seriously gorgeous.

Both science and faith helped bring Leila into the world

For some couples, getting pregnant is easy. But for the many other couples who struggle with infertility, getting pregnant and carrying a baby to term can be extremely difficult. The latter was the case for Roker and Roberts, who've been open about their reproductive struggles. That's why, after losing one pregnancy after the two-month mark, they turned to in vitro fertilization the second time around. It worked, and Roberts got pregnant again. "This time I was afraid to be too happy," Roker penned in Guideposts. "I prayed every day, asking God to keep my wife and our unborn child in his hands."

Nine months later, Roker's prayers were answered, when at 9:17 a.m. on Tuesday, November 17, 1998, Leila Ruth Roker was born. Of course, Roker was overcome with gratitude. "Science may have helped us on our path to pregnancy, but it couldn't get us all the way to the end," he continued. "The only thing that could do that was the power and grace of God." What a blessing!

Two parents with two distinct styles

Roker and Roberts have been married a long time — since 1995, y'all — and parenting for even longer, as Roker also has a child from his first marriage. And during that time, they've come to accept how different their parenting styles are. "I'm a little bit more involved and hands-on, I think, and Al is a lot more standoffish when it comes to meddling in their lives," Roberts shared in an interview with Today. Sounds like "go ask your mother" is said a lot in their house!

That divergence of styles was especially apparent when Leila had a big decision to make. "Leila wanted to change schools... from middle school to high school," Roker recalled. "She had been going to a private school, she wanted to go to a public school here in New York City. Deborah was kind of against it, I was for it!" So who won that battle? Given that Leila went to LaGuardia High School, it sounds like pops claimed that victory... this time.

A city slicker through and through

In 2016, the world got an intimate look at Leila's life (and her adorably chummy relationship with her dad) on the Today show, when the pair ventured out together to Sequoia National Park for their first-ever camping trip. And both of them admit that they were surprised when Leila agreed to go, given her personality. "I am a city kid, so like, camping? I'm not good at that," she admitted. So you know this is gonna be good!

Leila really wasn't lying about being out of her element in the woods, either. "There are animals and trees everywhere," she observed. "And I really don't like birds because I'm afraid one will poop on my head." Wait, what? Someone must be accustomed to dodging NYC pigeons! 

City mouse or country mouse, Leila couldn't hide her wonder when she and her dad got to see American black bears up close and personal, just waking up from their winter hibernation. Plus, watching the duo try and set up a tentPriceless.

She's a fashionista

New York City arguably offers some of the best people-watching opportunities in the world, given that it's an international destination. So it's not surprising that Roker has become something of a fashionista, able to slay looks with the best of them.

So what's her fashion philosophy? "My style is fluid. Sometimes I like to be girly, and other times I like to be edgier," she noted in Footwear News, which she shared in an Instagram post. That's a solid approach, for sure! That also means she can really mix it up, depending on her mood. "Some weeks I'll wear a lot of skirts; other weeks I'll wear tomboyish styles," she continued. 

Roker has regularly shared her fashion advice, particularly when it comes to shoes, several times in Footwear News. She also cites her celeb fashion idols, including Rihanna, Kylie Jenner, and Khloe Kardashian. We can't wait to see what she'll wear next!

Clapping back against the haters

As is all too real in the age of social media, becoming famous can make you the target of haters — especially if you're a woman. That's something Roker unfortunately has had to deal with, although she's not afraid to confront people and shut them down when need be. 

In fact, that's exactly what she did in an Instagram post she made in 2017. "I can wear what I want and do what I want," she wrote, clapping back against the bullies who called her names. She also pointed out that she looks a lot better and has done a lot more in life than her trolls, which is painfully obvious to anyone looking. 

Still, Roker understands what kind of impact these hateful actions can have. "Thank you for continuing to be the barriers that set women back in being imprisoned by their looks," she quipped sarcastically. Pay no mind to the haters, boo!

Sworn to the sisterhood

Roker is a feminist and isn't afraid to let the world know it, which isn't a surprise given how outspoken her mother has been about women's issues. For one, the young Roker posts empowering images on her Instagram page that promote both body positivity and the importance of strong women. We are definitely here for that! 

Roker also goes deep on the issues, too, and has given her take on controversies on more than one occasion. For example, remember when the all-female Ghostbusters movie had a bunch of dudes feeling extra salty? Well, she had something to say about it. "Maybe guys would like Ghostbusters better if it was an all model production with Cara Delevingne, Kendall Jenner, Taylor Swift, and Adriana Lima," she wondered in a since-deleted Instagram post. "Instead of the equipped, renowned comedians already cast?" We're picking up what you're putting down, Leila!

Roker has also publicly lauded reporter Ronan Farrow, whose coverage of the #MeToo moment helped uncover the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

This is where she goes to college

One of the most important decisions in a young adult's life is where to go to college, something Roker stressed about back in 2016. But of course, any worry she had was unfounded, as she was accepted to the University of Southern California's class of 2021, according to a since-deleted post on her Instagram page. Congrats, girl! 

Additionally, because Roker clearly knows how to live, she decided to spend her first year studying abroad at the American University of Paris. Ooh la la! And while that sounded pretty close to paradise, Roker was open about some of the difficulties she faced, which are more complex than your usual freshman problems. "By spending my freshman year studying in Europe, I faced an even bigger culture shock," she wrote in Forbes magazine. "I was suddenly faced with what it was like to be a young black woman in a predominantly white European world." That cannot be easy.

A chip off of the old block

Roker's dad may be America's weatherman, but it doesn't look like she'll be following in the meteorologist's footsteps. Rather, Roker is shaping up to take after her mother when it comes to her fledgling career. That's right: She's a self-professed journalist, according to her LinkedIn page. Looks like mom had a real impact!

Rather than waiting until finishing college to get real world experience, Roker has been busy writing for several different outlets. For one, she's contributed several articles to Peacock Plume, the student newspaper for the American University of Paris for which she's also served as a deputy editor. Additionally, she's been published in Footwear News and Forbes, and has interned for Paper magazine. Notably, in June 2020, she became a freelance contributor for That's a pretty impressive resume for someone her age! Roker is also interested in social media and public relations, in addition to fashion. Chances are you'll be seeing her bylines in high places in the future.

Crusading against campus sexual assault

During her first few weeks of college life, Roker saw that something was different — something big. "I began to realize that many of the people around me held antiquated views on how men and women should carry themselves, and specifically, what the standards were for acceptable male behavior," she penned in in Forbes magazine. Coming from progressive NYC, that had to be an intense discovery.

This, in turn, led to another revelation. "I was suddenly faced with having to create my own definition of what is considered to be sexual harassment and assault," she continued. But rather than be overwhelmed or rest on her laurels, Roker sprang into action. She reached out to It's On Us, a non-profit organization (started from the Biden Foundation) with the mission of getting men to be active in stopping sexual assault. As a digital fellow, she worked with her university to prevent sexual assault on campus. That is a prime example of leadership!

She's a certified yoga teacher

Where do you find Roker when she's not studying, working on an article, spending time with her family, being an activist, or slaying on her Insta? Well, chances are good that you'll find her pumping iron at the gym, as she's no stranger to working out. And in June of 2018, she diversified her exercise portfolio, as if she wasn't already busy enough. "Just completed a yoga teaching program, and in a couple of weeks I'll have yoga teacher certification," she wrote in an Instagram post. No wonder she looks so fit and strong!

The certification process was transformative for her, too, bringing positive new energy into her life. "So thankful for the life changing people and their souls I've met on this journey," she continued. Judging from the way those headstands are coming along, maybe we'll see more yoga selfies in the future.

Leila Roker wound up staying in Paris

When Leila Roker enrolled at the University of Southern California, she figured she'd attend the school after spending her freshman year abroad. But as it turns out, after living in Paris for that first year, the city began to grow on her. "I realized that while yes, there were some culture shocks, it still felt like I seemed to find my niche," she wrote in a post on her blog. "My French was flourishing, I was finding promising opportunities, and meeting students from a different country every day." It helped that as a journalist interested in fashion, there was no shortage of interesting events to cover. Paris Fashion Week, anyone?

It's not surprising, then, that Roker made the decision to put her California plans on the shelf, after doing a very serious soul search. "I finally made the decision Paris was for me," she continued.

While her father was generally supportive of her decision after seeing her so happy in her adopted home, Roker's mother was less than thrilled. But in the end, her family let her remain in the City of Lights.

Leila Roker is vocal in her fight against racism

If there's one thing that Leila Roker hasn't been shy about, it's that living as a Black woman anywhere in the world comes with a unique set of challenges. That's something she's dealt with for her entire life, thanks to systemic racism. "From an early age, you start to notice on your own that your teachers and classmates speak to you a little differently," she penned in an article in People.

So when the world learned about George Floyd's death at the hands of Minneapolis police officers, Roker just couldn't stay silent. Rather, she implored people to stand up for what's right. "It's time for us to go beyond hashtags and take action," she continued. "It's really important that we vote, call our local representatives to demand change and make donations if you are not comfortable protesting." She added that it's no longer okay to spend time with people who think that everything is fine and that holding people "accountable" is paramount if you want "real change" to come.

Leila Roker is a total foodie

One thing that becomes readily apparent when you scroll through Leila Roker's Instagram page is that she's a total foodie. For example, in one post, she laid out in detail her favorite places to dine in Paris and what she orders when she's there. Her choices range from cheese plates at Le Cheese Geek to Mexican food at El Guacamole to Afro-Caribbean cuisine at Le Loyo. In another enviable post, she shared a photo of some of the most beautiful oysters we've ever seen, which Roker dined upon in Cannes.

After Paris placed restrictions on what activities people can participate in while in public during the 2020 pandemic, Roker shared her homemade go-to meals in a post on her blog. These budget-friendly dishes include smoothies, tuna and harissa on toast, pasta and sausage with eggplant, teriyaki chicken served with rice and broccoli, and lentils served with eggs. For someone who's not strapped for cash, Roker is evidently quite savvy on a budget when she needs to be!

Leila Roker is quite the world traveler

While Leila Roker has made Paris her home, she didn't just settle in and never leave the city. Rather, before the 2020 pandemic hit, Roker was quite the world traveler. In fact, just before everything shut down in March of 2020, Roker was soaking up the sun in Tunisia, according to a post on her Instagram page. And just before that in November of 2019, Roker rang in her 21st birthday in Amsterdam.

Additionally, Roker enjoyed time by the sea in Croatia in August of 2019, the perfect time to visit the country. That same month, she stopped by Mykonos in Greece because, well, why not if you're just around the corner? That was after visiting Copenhagen in Denmark back in March of 2019, as well as spending some time in Morocco around the same time. Sometime before that, Roker visited Abu Dhabi with her father on an assignment from Today. We wonder where she'll go next!
