Nancy's Worst Moments On TLC's I Love A Mama's Boy

Over the years, TLC has consistently delivered engrossing reality series that elevate ordinary life to extraordinary levels, as seen in shows like "Extreme Cheapskates," "My 600-Lb. Life," "Untold Stories of the E.R.," and a lot more. But one show that has captured the viewers' interest is "I Love A Mama's Boy," which premiered in October 2020.

The series explores the unique and occasionally uncomfortable attachment between mothers and their adult sons. It not only highlights the significance of family but also invites viewers to contemplate the boundaries of closeness between families. There have been a lot of moments from "I Love a Mama's Boy" that were downright cringey, such as when one mother shaved her son's backside or when mother and son shared a sensual dance, leading to unforgettable scenes that bring about strong reactions.

But among the show's standout characters, none are more memorable than Nancy. Nancy is the mother of Robert and the mother-in-law of Kristy. "I Love a Mama's Boy" introduced this trio to the world in the show's third season. Robert is an MMA fighter in the featherweight division and he shares his life with his wife, Kristy, and their two daughters. Despite being married to Robert, Kristy has constantly faced disapproval from his mother, Nancy. Throughout the show's run, Nancy, a strong-willed mother with a unique approach to her son's relationships, has had her fair share of intense and infuriating moments. Here are some of the most noteworthy things she did in the show.

Nancy said Kristy trapped her son

While the show is no stranger to shocking moments, Nancy's constant disapproval of Kristy had the fans buzzing. Her cold and dismissive behavior toward her daughter-in-law has created tension repeatedly. But what fueled Nancy's intense dislike for Robert's wife? The story is quite straightforward. Robert crossed paths with Kristy at the gym, where they both shared a passion for rigorous training, and their relationship eventually became serious. Things took a significant turn when news of Kristy's pregnancy surfaced, leading to a hasty elopement that left Nancy heartbroken. She yearned to witness her son's wedding, and in her eyes, Kristy thwarted that opportunity.

From Nancy's perspective, Kristy's pregnancy seemed like a strategy to entrap her son, adding a layer of tension to their relationship. In one of the episodes of the TLC show, Nancy said, "Kristy trapped my son Robert . . . She made a big mistake taking my son from me and she's going to pay for it. I'm going to make her pay for it." She also believed that despite Kristy's effort to ensure Robert was well taken care of by preparing his meals, she wasn't doing enough. 

Nancy's comments and opinion of Kristy have evoked quite a reaction from the audience. In a Reddit post, one fan commented and said, "She wasn't invited to the wedding! The poor kids eloped! Nancy is one of the vilest creatures TLC has put on our screens!" 

Nancy asked Robert to get a paternity test

As the third episode of "I Love A Mama's Boy" Season 3 went on, Nancy's intense disapproval of her son's wife, Kristy, escalated to a concerning level. Throughout the episode, Nancy held nothing back, criticizing Kristy's cooking skills and accusing her of being lazy. The situation took an even more astonishing turn when Robert paid a visit to his mom's home. Upon showing her pictures of his children, Nancy raised suspicions about the paternity of one of the girls.

She voiced her doubts and skepticism due to the child's lack of resemblance to her father's side of the family. With a direct and blunt tone, she urged her son, "Get a DNA [test]." Nancy was pertaining to Robert's daughter Kimberly and he was in disbelief at what his mom said about his daughter. He said, "My mom and Kristy had problems before, but this was the lowest."

This startling twist has left viewers infuriated, prompting them to express their anger on Reddit once again. Some fans mentioned how Nancy had the audacity to request a paternity test based solely on the daughter's appearance, despite the fact that Robert and his brother, who appeared on the show, bore no resemblance to her. If anything, she should have understood that children sometimes don't resemble their parents. Some fans even expressed their hope for Kristy to consider leaving Robert to distance herself from all the drama.

She called Kristy a bad influence to her son

In one of the episodes, Nancy showed up unannounced at Robert and Kristy's home. Since her husband had already informed her about Nancy asking for a paternity test, Kristy was obviously not keen on welcoming her mother-in-law. Although the participant of "I Love a Mama's Boy" had a desire to confront Nancy suggesting that one of their kids isn't Robert's, she decided to withhold her words until her husband's return. When Robert finally arrived, he was taken aback to find his mother waiting for him at home. In an attempt to steer clear of a potentially explosive situation, he quickly arranged to take her out for lunch.

Nancy, seemingly surprised by her son's eagerness to remove her from his house, directed accusations at Kristy, implying that she has a negative impact on Robert. Viewers who tuned into the episode expressed their disapproval of Nancy's disrespectful behavior and her unwarranted allegations against Kristy on social media. One fan on Twitter said, "Nancy is the ONLY bad influence. Your daughter-in-law wife didn't rush you out, your son did." Another fan shared their sentiments through a tweet and said, "Nancy you really expect her to have a normal conversation with you? after you accuse her and then just walk up into her house like that? THE NERVE."

Kristy and Nancy's confrontation

As the reality series unfolded, Kristy and Robert decided to make their way to his mother's house for a celebratory brunch following Robert's recent victory. Faced with rudeness from Robert's family, Kristy's patience had worn thin, and she resolved not to allow their mistreatment to continue unchecked.

Kristy expressed her frustrations, saying, "Now you're messing with my family. You're trying to sabotage our family." Viewers had witnessed Nancy's insistence on a paternity test in previous episodes. Robert maintained his stance that Kimberly is his child. "I never had a doubt with my daughter, and I feel bad, I don't want my wife to feel that I don't trust her," the MMA fighter told his mom (via YouTube).

Kristy wanted an apology from Nancy and Robert then said that he wanted his mom to apologize to their family. His brother Jacob and his aunt protested as they suggested it was ridiculous to have Nancy apologize to Kristy. Nancy was dumbfounded by their demands and said, "Kristy has the nerve to say I should apologize to her, like girl no! Bump your head." In the end, the couple left the house to avoid further confrontation.

She did not believe the DNA results

A TLC YouTube excerpt from the series saw Robert's excitement about the DNA results, driven by a need to prove to his mother the biological legitimacy of their daughter. With a positive paternity result in hand, Kristy and Robert geared up to confront Nancy with the irrefutable evidence. As soon as they arrived at her house, Nancy's discomfort with Kristy's presence in her home was palpable. She chastised Robert for bringing his wife along, quipping, "You could've come by yourself."

Undeterred, Kristy's primary focus was to unveil the DNA findings, confirming Kimberly as 99.99% of Robert's daughter. Despite this substantial evidence, Nancy remained skeptical, posing a crucial question, "But why couldn't it be 100%?" Nancy expressed her suspicions, suggesting the result they showed her wasn't authentic. She accused Kristy of manipulating the documents. Kristy swiftly countered this accusation, challenging Nancy's persistent doubt of the paternity. She asserted, "She didn't want Kimberly to be Robert's," reiterating her mother-in-law's continuous attempts to destabilize her family.

Faced with his mother's unwavering doubt and her disrespectful treatment of his wife, Robert was disappointed with his mom's reaction. He said, "Mom I tried to make you happy, you know how hard that was for her?" Nancy then answered that she would have preferred if she had been present when they did the test. She further added during the confessional that she was convinced that Kristy's evil and even said she might have taken another man's sample for the DNA.
