3 Signs Joe Jonas And Sophie Turner's Marriage Wouldn't Last

To their adoring fans, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner were the ideal celebrity couple, and both stars have been hugely successful in their careers. Turner is probably most recognized for her role as fan-favorite Sansa Stark in HBO's "Game of Thrones" along witt her work in the "X-Men" franchise, while Jonas became a worldwide sensation with his sibling boy band, the Jonas Brothers, and continues to push out popular music with his band DNCE.

Jonas and Turner officially started dating in 2016, and they tied the knot in 2019. Now, four years into their marriage, it seems like the Hollywood power couple may be heading for divorce. Sources close to the couple told TMZ that Jonas is in the process of contacting divorce lawyers in the Los Angeles area with the intention of filing divorce papers. Although nothing has been officially confirmed by either party yet, it looks like Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas' relationship may be over and done with. While it may come as a shock to many that the seemingly happy couple might split, keen-eyed fans were tipped off by the following signs that Jonas and Turner's marriage wouldn't last.

The age difference might have played a role in their impending split

In 2017, Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas announced their engagement with matching Instagram posts. At that time, Turner was 22 and Jonas was 29. The seven-year age gap between them, while not quite as big as other celebrity couples, still took some fans by surprise. Turner herself took a moment to address the noticeable difference in age between her and her fiancé. "I feel like I'm much older a soul than I am in age," the actress told Rolling Stone shortly after her engagement was announced. "I feel like I've lived enough life to know. I've met enough guys to know — I've met enough girls to know. I don't feel 22. I feel like 27, 28."

Despite Turner's statement, maturity could be one of the central reasons why the couple might call it quits. Per TMZ's sources, the middle JoBro is fed up with taking on most of the responsibility in the relationship, particularly when it comes to childcare. Jonas and Turner had their first daughter in 2020, and their second daughter was born in 2022. For the past three months, Jonas has apparently been the one in charge of caring for their two daughters "pretty much all the time," even bringing the young children along with him on his U.S. tour. 

Their wishy-washy wedding signaled trouble from the start

If there were an award for the zaniest celebrity wedding, we'd be hard-pressed to find a wedding more deserving of the prize than that of Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner. According to TMZ, their 2019 wedding almost felt like a sideshow. The ceremony would take place the very same night that the Jonas Brothers performed at the Billboard Music Awards. After the performance, the brothers and Turner zoomed over to the Chapel L'Amour in Vegas where Reverend Elvis himself was waiting to announce Jonas and Turner as husband and wife.

Turner told The Times that there was even a bit of drama before the Vegas wedding took place. Both she and Jonas considered ending their relationship and calling off the wedding the exact night the wedding was supposed to happen. "It was the worst day of our lives," she admitted. "For a second, we both had cold feet, then 24 hours later we were both, like, 'Never mind.' I was going through this phase of being very mentally unwell. He was, like, 'I can't be with you until you love yourself, I can't see you love me more than you love yourself.'"

Despite the drama beforehand, their Vegas wedding went off without a hitch, Ring Pop wedding rings and all.

Fans were doubtful about Turner's 'crying photos'

When a celeb is out in public, they never know when the paparazzi might show up and start snapping away. These photos aren't always flattering, and they're rarely taken at a convenient time for the celebrity. Unfortunately for Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas, the paparazzi captured photos of them in 2018 that would have fans questioning the state of their relationship.

The photos show the couple, dressed in casual clothing, walking the streets together. Fans were quick to notice that Turner was visibly upset and seemed to be sobbing in some of the pictures. In a since-deleted tweet, Turner blamed the tears on her monthly visitor. "Lol. Thank god I have a loving fiancee. Periods are a b**ch," she wrote (via Entertainment Tonight). Not everyone was convinced this was the case. One user replied, "Are you telling [us] that you start crying till your face is burnin' red bc you have ur period? Even when you know paparazzis are behind you? Next joke please."

With a rumored divorce on the horizon, we're left to wonder if there really was more to the photos than meets the eye.
