Expert Tells Us William's Wedding Day Body Language Crystalizes His True Feelings For Kate

William, Prince of Wales, and Catherine, Princess of Wales, commanded a crowd of thousands on their wedding day — not counting the millions of people who were watching from their living rooms. The couple exchanged vows at Westminster Abbey in April 2011 before heading to Buckingham Palace to make their official debut as husband and wife — and seal their love with a kiss or two. There were some really sweet moments between Prince William and Kate Middleton, the latter of whom seemed almost giddy when the crowd cheered as she kissed her husband. The first time, the newlyweds leaned into one another for a short peck. Then, William asked his wife if they should go in for another, to which she smiled and nodded (via TikTok).

As we reminisced about that special day in royal family history, Women Lifestyle decided to get some further intel on the couple's body language. We reached out to Jess Ponce III, body language expert, communication coach, and author of "A.W.E.S.O.M.E." for the skinny. "This intimate exchange between the future king and queen of England established a powerful narrative that we still witness today — the story of a long-lasting love affair. That moment captured on film highlights several endearing gestures between the two royals," Ponce tells us. He also picked up on some additional signs that clearly showed William's true feelings about Kate.

Prince William was 'swept up in the moment' during the balcony kiss

The royal wedding of William, Prince of Wales, and Catherine, Princess of Wales, was one of the most watched events of the decade — and rightfully so. This is the future king and queen of England we're talking about. Nevertheless, William played the role of groom well, but he didn't allow the hustle and bustle of the day to overcome him. "He basked in the attention. This was his moment — a personal one — and one that he shared with the world. In royal fashion, he often holds back emotion," Jess Ponce told Women Lifestyle exclusively. Indeed, Prince William kept himself composed and Ponce says that he only expressed himself very subtly by "offering a courteous smile," for example.

One thing was evident on the Buckingham Palace balcony, however, and that was William's love for Kate. "He was overjoyed and swept up in the moment. The clearest sign of this was his kiss. He just couldn't help himself — and for a royal to surrender to a moment is a big deal. But if there was ever a time to do it that was the day," Ponce says, alluding to the royal family's unspoken rule about PDA. According to People, members of the royal family are poised and professional, first and foremost, and it's rare that anyone gets too touchy-feely in public.

The royal wedding was a huge moment for Kate Middleton

Although Kate Middleton had become very familiar with palace life over the years that she and Prince William dated, the wedding was certainly a turning point in their relationship. In fact, our body language expert believes that Kate was experiencing all kinds of thoughts about her new life that were really solidified on that very important day. "Kate was smiling ear to ear while paying careful attention to her new husband, as well as the crowd. You can see in her eyes that she was a bit overwhelmed, as well as overjoyed, in this moment. Her role as the future queen was just cemented — she now belongs to England," Jess Ponce tells Women Lifestyle.

And while all eyes may have been on the bride, as it goes for just about any and all weddings, Ponce did notice that Kate was letting her husband know that she was by his side, not just physically. "She reached behind him, laying her open palm on his back. This intimate gesture she does quite often in public. It is a sign of reassurance and support," Ponce says, noting that this is something that Princess Catherine has done time and time again.
