Times Chip Gaines Was Joanna Gaines' Number One Fan

Teamwork makes the dream work, especially for Chip and Joanna Gaines of the Magnolia empire, as well as the hit HGTV show, "Fixer Upper." Aside from the couple's well-earned success as business partners (spearheading a multi-million dollar enterprise) they also happen to be successful life partners.

Chip and Joanna Gaines' supportiveness toward one another is a glowing example of cheerleading a significant other, especially when using platforms like social media, or when speaking in front of a camera. Whether it's celebrating collective, or individual successes and personal goals, they seem to do so with a high volume of honest admiration. In fact, both spouses aren't shy about advocating for each other when new dreams come to fruition, or when old ones come to an end, like "Fixer Upper," which Chip and Joanna left in 2017. This is especially true for Chip, who has a history of being the ultimate MVP when rooting for Joanna.

Chip and Joanna Gaines' influence

Chip Gaines openly celebrates his wife and their journey together online, whether that's through Instagram or the Magnolia Blog. For instance, Chip took to the Magnolia blog in January to celebrate Magnolia's 20th anniversary as a company. His article was a heartwarming tribute to the couple's humble beginnings, as well as their growth as individuals, as a family, and as a legacy. 

Indeed, since starting "Fixer Upper," Chip and Joanna have greatly influenced the lives of homeowners and customers alike with their renovations and curated products. The Gainses' success has also helped the city of Waco, Texas financially, bringing in over 25,000 visitors each month to tour the Magnolia silos and businesses, according to Curbed. Still, it's Chip's endless gratitude for Joanna and her dream for the company that attributes to him being her biggest fan. "Jo had set her sights on a little shop on Bosque Boulevard in Waco," Chip began when reminiscing about their start as a company. "We didn't have much figured out, but we believed in each other."

Odes to Joanna Gaines on Instagram

Chip Gaines continues to cheer on Joanna Gaines by being the ultimate hype man and supporter. His appreciation for Jo is seen repeatedly in statements that gush over her worth as both a wife and woman. His most recent declaration of love was posted on Instagram, celebrating 20 years of marriage together. The post, which declared Jo as the "most incredible, powerful, beautiful woman" Chip has ever known, praised her spirit and tenacity on a sweet, sentimental level. It is also a prime example of his endless support for Joanna's stunning transformation as both a person and a business partner. An aspect of being someone's number one fan is being supportive in any capacity, and accepting them for who they are aside from their career, and it looks like Chip has done just that. Jo makes him "the happiest man on earth," after all.

Letting Joanna Gaines Shine

Chip Gaines never ceases to amaze with his ability to lift Joanna Gaines and celebrate her creative business mindset. However, Chip also comes through when advocating for her voice, especially in the earlier years of their business endeavors. This includes the years leading up to the success of "Fixer Upper," and before Magnolia became a household name.

In an issue of "Magnolia Journal," Chip explains how, for the majority of his life, he always thought he'd be the center of attention, according to People. However, in early company meetings and network sessions, it wasn't his personality that resonated with personnel, It was Joanna's. "The reality was when Jo spoke, it changed the dynamic of our meetings," Chip said. He went on to say that he acknowledged the organic shift in dynamics with sweltering pride for his wife, feeling as though the company was built for her to lead in a position of power, and not him. This humility is another aspect of why Chip is Joanna's number one fan, because of how easy for him, as someone in a position of influence and success, to have taken all of the credit. Instead, Chip gave credit where credit is due by celebrating Joanna's leadership abilities.

Learning to accept Joanna Gaines

You can also witness the undying love and support Chip Gaines has for Joanna Gaines in interviews. One, in particular, is with Jefferson Bethke. The casual couch conversation showcases the chemistry both Joanna and Chip have together when recounting their love story, with Chip making Joanna laugh, and complimenting her. "When I fully learned how to embrace Joanna for who she is and support her all the way, I feel that was a real lightbulb moment for me in my relationship with her," Chip said in the interview. He also claimed that his adapted mantra of selflessness and human acceptance was a huge reason why Joanna was able to open her own heart to him and "reciprocate his love." Chip stated he also enveloped ideals of support in those early years, explaining how once he was able to reach a level of advocacy for Joanna, he could "fight for" his wife later down the road, and be the best partner he could be for her, and their business.

Chip Gaines is the ultimate groupie

Whether it's through social media posts, magazine essays, or interviews, Chip Gaines' conduct and regular appreciation for Joanna Gaines make it hard to deny how supportive he is of her. Body language and tone can tell a lot about the respect one has for someone, and as mentioned previously, Chip's demeanor in Bethke's interview was lighthearted, respectful, and joyful, as were his Instagram posts celebrating Joanna as a mom and a wife. Another interview solidifies just how supportive Chip is of Joanna. This time, however, it was neither his words nor body language that encourage Joanna. Instead, his actions spoke louder than words.

Joanna, who appeared on "Today" in 2018 to promote her new book, found Chip waiting outside the studio with "I heart Joanna Gaines" signs. Chip was also pumping up the crowd, getting them to chant "Where is she?" and "Have you seen her?" Joanna tweeted a grateful response to her husband's display of affection, thanking him by calling him a groupie. Chip replied to her via his own Twitter, saying that he "couldn't be more proud" of all she's accomplished.
