Sophie Trudeau Once Celebrated The Growth That Came With Her Relationship Struggles

Though there were several rumors of infidelity and problems in her marriage, Sophie Trudeau once used her relationship struggles to speak about how those challenges helped her marriage grow. In her view, those struggles strengthened her relationship with her husband, Justin Trudeau.

However, despite their best efforts the couple finally decided to call it quits after 18 years of marriage and three children. In August 2023, Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie announced they were splitting up on Instagram. "Sophie and I would like to share the fact that after many meaningful and difficult conversations, we have made the decision to separate," wrote Justin. "As always, we remain a close family with deep love and respect for each and for everything we have built and will continue to build."

Throughout the marriage, Sophie addressed the hardships the couple faced and tried to look at it all from the standpoint of learning and growing.

Challenges are growth, said Sophie Trudeau

No couple goes into a marriage thinking of getting divorced and Sophie and Justin Trudeau are no exception. Despite the ongoing media attention and rumors of troubles in the marriage, Sophie didn't run away from it but chose to highlight the struggles that married couples often go through.

"I'm almost kind of proud of the fact that we've had hardship, yes, because we want authenticity," said Sophie, via the National Post. For Sophie, coming clean that she and her husband were experiencing challenges was a way to share what the couple was going through and address rumors in the media, and also a chance to relate to become transparent and honest.

"We want truth," said Sophie. "We want to grow closer as individuals through our lifetime and we're both dreamers and we want to be together for as long as we can." Sophie and Trudeau kept trying even publicly posting sweet birthday and holiday messages on Instagram. 

Justin Trudeau also addressed the difficulties of marriage

Justin also stressed the importance of being truthful, especially to each other in his book," Common Ground." "Our marriage isn't perfect, and we have had difficult ups and downs, yet Sophie remains my best friend, my partner, my love," he said. "We are honest with each other, even when it hurts."

Back in 2014, Justin Trudeau addressed the rumors that his marriage was in trouble in an interview with CBC News. "I have a very difficult, high-pressured job. Everyone knows how challenging it is to balance family responsibilities with a job that takes me across the country and working extremely hard," said Justin. "There are times when she hates my job and she hates me for loving my job." The interviewer asked if he was eluding to infidelity with that statement and Justin answered quickly, no and said that he was talking about things that all marriages go through. "Tremendous ups and downs, but as I say we are deeply in love and committed to each other and we continue to be."

Justin and Sophie vow to remain committed to their kids' well-being despite the ongoing divorce.
