What Gisele Bundchen Really Eats In A Day

Either supermodel Gisele Bündchen is superhuman or she eats incredibly healthy and exercises on the reg. While it might be easier to believe the former, Bündchen herself has admitted it's the latter. In an interview with E! News, she divulged some of her secrets — and it involves a whole lot of working out. "I just like to move my body, you know?" she explained. The mother of two said she makes it a priority to exercise each and every day, though she admitted with a smile, "Sometimes I take a day off in the week — it depends."

Bündchen listed off the forms of exercise she likes best, and, we'll be honest, you might get tired just thinking about them. Yoga, Muay Thai, Capoeira (Brazilian martial arts), kung fu, cycling, pilates, surfing, and horseback riding were just a few she was able to think of offhand. Whew! And even with all of that exercise, Bündchen still makes healthy eating a priority. Here's what the one of the world's highest-earning supermodels eats in a typical day.

She starts her day with this hot beverage

Your eyes may still be half-closed when you reach for your coffee pot early in the morning, but that's not the case for Bündchen. She divulged to E! News that she wakes up at 5:30 every morning and surprisingly does not start her days with a cup of joe. "The first thing I do when I wake up is I just have a lukewarm water with lemon squeezed in. It helps wake up your body and your metabolism, and it just kind of gets things started," Bündchen explained.

While some of the benefits of warm lemon water have been overstated, there are still plenty of reasons to drink the beverage — especially in the a.m. "By starting the day with a full glass of lemon water, you are jump-starting your day with a good source of vitamin C from the lemon and all the benefits of naturally hydrating with water," Stephanie Ferrari, a registered dietitian nutritionist, told Insider. And hey, if it works for Bündchen, who are we to judge?

Bring on the green juice

Like many people's Instagram accounts, Bündchen's grid is mostly full of selfies, photos of her kids, and vacations. But, every once in a while, she gives the world a sneak peek into the diet that helps to keep her so trim and healthy. Apparently, green juice is a big part of how she stays in shape. In one photo, seen above, a tall glass of the green beverage can be seen beside some leafy kale, cucumber slices, a halved orange, and an apple. "Starting the week with pure energy," the supermodel wrote before adding "#greenjuice." In another picture from 2015, Bündchen's daughter takes a sip of the green goodness right from the blender. The proud mama captioned the photo, in part, "Green juice lover!"

Bündchen has been on the green juice bandwagon for years now, and we get it. When something works, why not stick with it?

Bundchen's all about that brunch

After a long work week spent consuming a bowl of cereal every morning, you might just look forward to the opportunity to sleep in on Sunday and hit up a nearby brunch spot for food. Bündchen would agree with you that brunch is superior to breakfast, but she doesn't wait until the weekend to have it. Instead, she has brunch every single day. Ah, the good life.

In the early morning, Bündchen sticks with liquids. After having a glass of warm water with lemon, she told Vogue she drinks "a revitalizing herbal juice and super-vitamin smoothie," which is "made in a blender with organic fruits." So, green juice. Bündchen continued, "Later in the morning, we'll have brunch with fresh fruit, eggs, avocados, gluten-free bread and coconut butter." That sounds a little more like your typical brunch fare!

Bündchen divulged that her husband, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, also likes to tear into some oatmeal pancakes with their son, Benjamin, on the weekends. However, Bündchen did not mention eating them herself.

She 'cleans' her kids' plates

When Bündchen cooks up her family's amazing breakfast — or rather, brunch — spreads, she does something that many moms can no doubt relate to. "As I'm making the breakfasts for my kids, I usually have whatever they don't eat," she admitted when speaking to E! News in November 2016. The former supermodel and mom of two shared, "I always say being a mom is like eating the rest of everybody's food. It's crazy. I stopped making myself big breakfasts because they always leave stuff on their plates."

Whether the morning menu calls for scrambled eggs, avocado toast, coconut yogurt with fresh berries, or toast with almond butter and honey, Bündchen doesn't seem to mind delving into her kiddos' leftovers. "That's one of my jobs as a mom," she said with a laugh. "I don't like wasting food, so I'm cleaning plates." You have to love her relatable "waste not, want not" philosophy.

She sticks to superfoods most of the time

Superfoods are a big deal in the Bündchen-Brady household, at least according to a Vogue interview with Gisele Bündchen and her famous family's nutritionist and chef, Allen Campbell. The pair apparently love "the principle that 'the body is like a temple', and that by loving and nourishing our bodies, we can improve how we feel." And that's why a whopping 80 percent of Bündchen's diet is superfood-based, meaning it's composed mainly of organic veggies, whole grains, beans, and healthy fats.

Bündchen and Campbell also shared how they love making dinners that can double as quick and healthy lunches. They told the publication about a "favorite homemade recipe," which involves layers of broccoli, kale, avocado, quinoa, cherry tomatoes, and sweet potatoes. Man, is it any wonder that Vogue cites Bündchen as having the "reputation as the world's most clean-living model?" We need to take notes!

Meat in moderation and little of anything else

With superfoods making up 80 percent of Bündchen's diet, what fills up the other 20 percent? Hint: it's not cookies and chips. "The other 20 percent is lean meats: grass-fed organic steak, duck every now and then, and chicken. As for fish, I mostly cook wild salmon," Chef Allen Campbell revealed to Boston.com in January 2016.  

Campbell admitted that he knows the Bündchen-Brady family does not follow a standard American diet, but he thinks it's healthiest. "Sugar is the death of people," he said bluntly. With an 80/20 ratio of superfoods and lean meats, respectively, that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for much else.

"No white sugar. No white flour. No MSG," Campbell shared, listing off some of things excluded from the supermodel and the quarterback's diet," adding, "No coffee. No caffeine. No fungus. No dairy." Yikes, that's a whole lot of nos. 

This is comfort food in the Bundchen-Brady house

With Campbell's strict eating plan for Bündchen, what does she actually get to eat? It's really not as restrictive as it initially sounds. For dinner, Campbell told Boston.com that he's "all about serving meals in bowls." Sometimes he uses quinoa with wilted kale, Swiss chard, or beet greens. "I add garlic, toasted in coconut oil. And then some toasted almonds, or this cashew sauce with lime curry, lemongrass, and a little bit of ginger," the chef revealed. "That's just comfort food for them." 

While the healthy dish would likely not be considered "comfort food" by most Americans' standards, it does sound good. Plus, Bündchen's chef previously worked in restaurants and hotels before becoming their private cook. There's no way his meals are not tasty. 

Campbell also divulged that Bündchen and her husband are not picky about what he makes, so he often drafts up a menu just a couple days in advance so they know what he's planning to whip up. 

A different sort of fruit snack

You're never too old for fruit snacks or Fruit Roll-Ups. However, these treats look quite a bit different in the Bündchen-Brady household. Campbell said he makes "fruit rolls" for the kids using dehydrated fruit. But what does Bündchen snack on? As it turns out, she nibbles on plain, raw fruit. The model once took to Facebook to share a photo of snack time, which — spoiler alert — featured no Doritos or Oreos. Instead, there were strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, and more.

As much as Bündchen loves her some fruit, though, her husband is definitely not a fruit guy. Other than the occasional banana in a smoothie, the quarterback is not one who will snack on nature's candy, according to the family's chef and nutritionist. Why? Campbell didn't give much of an explanation to Boston.com other than "he prefers not to eat fruits." Hm. Oh well. More fruit for Bündchen and the kids then!

Um, what kind of ice cream does she eat?

Tom Brady once took to Facebook to post a photo of the family's dog in the freezer. Hm, maybe we should rephrase that. "I turn my back for one second and Fluffy's in the freezer," the Super Bowl MVP wrote. "At least she didn't get into the avocado ice cream!" Okay, so now that you understand the circumstances surrounding the whole dog-in-the-freezer quandary, another question arises: what is avocado ice cream? Well, that answer depends.

While Brady likes it so much he put a recipe in his cookbook, others think it's a sad substitute for the dairy treat. "Avocado ice cream is not ice cream. Call it pudding. Or health mush. ... And it tastes like actual dirt," wrote Sports Illustrated after trying Brady's recipe.

Nevertheless, this husband-and-wife pair are big fans of this body-healing fruit. For halloween 2017, Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen even dressed up as an avocado and a piece of toast, respectively. Get it, avocado toast? Hmm, will avocado ice cream be their next halloween couple costume? Stay tuned.
