Celebs Who Took Brad Pitt's Side In The Brangelina Divorce Battle

When two celebrities engage in a public feud or dispute, it often becomes the talk of the town, leaving fans and fellow celebrities alike buzzing with curiosity and intrigue. Such was the case during the divorce of A-list couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. In 2016, the world was rocked by the shocking news of Pitt and Jolie's separation. The former husband and wife, often referred to as Brangelina, had been one of the most glamorous and admired pairs in the entertainment industry. Now, the pair has fought several legal battles surrounding different issues, including the custody of their children and the ownership of their French estate, Chateau Miraval. As the details of their legal clash unfolded in the public eye, Brangelina's messy moments have engulfed both the fans and their fellow stars. While some choose to stay neutral or steer clear of the drama, others can't resist taking sides, adding fuel to the fire.

Among the stars who reportedly rallied behind Pitt were Melissa Etheridge and Gwyneth Paltrow. Rock singer Etheridge is a good friend of Pitt and even performed in his wedding to Jennifer Aniston in 2000. Meanwhile, Paltrow and Pitt dated for three years after they met on the set of their film "Se7en" in 1994. She has apparently supported the "Bullet Train" star by giving him advice during the divorce.

Unsolicited advice from Paltrow

According to Radar's source, after the news of Brangelina's divorce broke, Gwyneth Paltrow reached out to Brad Pitt to offer some advice regarding conscious uncoupling. "She's egotistical enough to think he'll want her advice about consciously uncoupling from Angelina," a source claimed.

Conscious uncoupling is a term that helps give a sense of harmony and mutual respect between partners during separation. The phrase was coined by psychotherapist and author Katherine Woodward Thomas, but it gained widespread attention when Paltrow popularized it. According to an article posted in 2014 on the Goop website, conscious uncoupling encourages couples to view the end of their relationship as an opportunity for individual growth and healing, rather than a failure. Paltrow was so engrossed by this concept that she thought it might help Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and she even offered to help mediate the former couple.

As for Melissa Etheridge, she has expressed her stance to be team Pitt all the way. During her interview with Andy Cohen for SiriusXM, she admitted that she lost contact with her dear friend after he got together with Jolie. After discussing their friendship, she then voiced out her perspective on how Jolie handled the divorce. "It breaks my heart that anyone would take something as personal as your marriage and your relationship and your rights to your children and do it as purposefully as I see it being done, because there's a way to be," she said.

More people supporting Pitt and Jolie

In addition to the "Iron Man" star and "Come to My Window" singer, it was revealed that Brad Pitt has received encouragement from his loving family. Brad's parents, William Alvin Pitt and Jane Etta Pitt, and his siblings, younger brother Doug Pitt and younger sister Julie Neal, were all there to help Brad through the tough times.

Similarly, Angelina Jolie also had a support system during the divorce. In the midst of the high-profile separation, she found a strong ally in her friend Gwen Stefani. The lead vocalist of the band No Doubt was reportedly among the first few people to help the actor. Aside from Stefani, E! News revealed that Jolie turned to her closest pals, The Baroness Arminka Helic and Chloe Dalton, for support. Jolie developed a close bond with Helic in 2012. The connection blossomed when Jolie and Helic's then-boss, William Hague, collaborated on an anti-sexual violence initiative. She also became close with another former Hague aide, Dalton.

Furthermore, she has received continuous comfort from other people over the years. A source told Us Weekly, "Angie has a tight support system that largely consists of her household staff, her brother, James, and a handful of very trusted friends. She and Ellen Pompeo have known each other for years but really bonded during [coronavirus] lockdown because their kids are really close." It's a tough battle indeed considering all the drama surrounding Brangelina's relationship. Both parties definitely need a helping hand.
