Melania Trump's Silence On Donald's Indictments Is Her Strategy, Ex-Aide Says

Marriage vows generally include a line about staying together through "better or worse" times, so in light of former president Donald Trump being indicted once again, this time on perhaps the most serious charges yet, many are wondering: where is his wife Melania?

This past Tuesday, Donald Trump was indicted on felony charges that assert he attempted to overturn the 2020 election results and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, thereby threatening the democracy of the United States (via Associated Press). Trump has pled not guilty to the charges. 

But during these court appearances, Trump's wife Melania has been conspicuously absent, and while every news outlet and political reporter is talking about this latest indictment, Melania has not so much as released a single statement or said one word publicly about the increasingly serious legal trouble her husband has found himself in. And Melania's former aid says she knows why.   

Why Melania is laying low

Stephanie Grisham, who served for a substantial amount of time as Melania Trump's Chief of Staff when the Trumps were in the White House, spoke to CNN about why Melania has been so conspicuously absent and silent regarding what her husband has been very publicly going through lately. Rather than finding a deep meaning behind Melania keeping a low profile, Grisham said, "I actually don't make anything of it ... That is Melania Trump" (via Yahoo News). 

Grisham went on to say that it's very much on-brand for Melania not to be inserting herself into the conversation or to be appearing with her husband in court.

"She is saying in her mind, you know, this is his issue, he can deal with it. He doesn't need me there to prop him up," said Grisham. The former aid went on to say that Melania will, in her own good time and when she feels it would be the most advantageous, step back into the spotlight beside her husband. "She will show up by his side when she wants to, when she's perfectly ready," Grisham said. 
