Where Does Kate Gosselin Live Now After Her Messy Divorce From Jon?

Kate Gosselin rose to fame when she and her family landed their very own TLC reality show in 2007. There was a great deal of interest in the Gosselins after Kate and her now ex-husband Jon Gosselin welcomed twins followed by sextuplets, and "Jon and Kate Plus 8" gave viewers a look at what life was like raising eight young children in their small Pennsylvania town. Over the years, Kate and Jon grew apart, and they eventually decided to go their separate ways in 2009. "This afternoon, Kate filed for divorce. Our kids are still my number one priority. I love them and want to make sure they stay happy, healthy, and safe. My job is being the best, most supportive, and loving father that I can be to my kids, and not being married to Kate doesn't change that," Jon said in a statement at the time, according to People magazine. Jon moved out of the family home and settled in not too far from his kids, eventually adjusting to the family's new normal. 

Flash forward to 2021, and Kate decided it was time to downsize — and move out of Pennsylvania. According to The New York Post, Kate purchased a 3,560-square-foot home in North Carolina, bringing her brood with her, save for Collin Gosselin and Hannah Gosselin, both of whom have lived with their dad full-time for several years. As it turns out, Kate may have been planning a move south for a very long time.

Kate Gosselin reportedly purchased her North Carolina home in 2018

Kate Gosselin's plan to move out of Pennsylvania had been in the works for a few years, according to the New York Post. The reality star reportedly purchased the home she currently lives in back in 2018 — the same year that Jon Gosselin got full custody of Collin and Hannah Gosselin. The mom of eight officially sold her home in Pennsylvania in 2021, after originally listing the home for sale in 2020. 

As for why Kate decided it was time to downsize, a source told InTouch weekly that it was due to financial issues. "Kate had been living a relatively normal life in Pennsylvania for years after her reality show fame began to fizzle out. The kids were in school and they kept her busy. Finances were always an issue, though. Kate had been living way above her means for years," the source explained. "She had sporadic deals. ... It was not enough income to cover their way of life. Her bills were high [with] private school tuition, out-of-state college, a huge house and property," the source added.

Kate and Jon's kids are all out of high school and are preparing for the next steps in life — for many of them, that means college, which can be costly. As for what Kate does to earn money these days, a report from InTouch claims that she's gone back to nursing. And, in 2022, she took part in a new reality series to boost the family's cash flow.

Kate Gosselin was on 'Special Forces'

While Kate Gosselin may have moved on from her family's reality show — which was rebranded as "Kate Plus 8" following her divorce — in 2017, she still receives offers to appear on shows that earn her additional income. In 2022, for example, she flew to Jordan to film "Special Forces: World's Toughest Test." Entertainment Weekly confirmed that Kate was part of the cast in September 2022. The show put 16 celebrities and athletes to the ultimate test, setting difficult and often terrifying missions put together by a Special Forces team. It's unknown how much Kate made on the program, but she self-eliminated after the first week's challenge.

"I'm still so pissed. I'm so angry. I was out and it was done before it even started," Kate told People after an injury caused her to bow out of the competition. "I knew, being a nurse, that I had to go get checked out and make sure there was no lifelong injury there," she told the outlet after she jumped out of a helicopter and landed in the water below. She added that she still suffers from neck pain occasionally and that while she often feels muscle tightness in the area, hitting the water the way she did won't have helped. 
