Rumors About Ivanka Trump And Don Jr's Family Feud Explained

Family feuds can be emotionally challenging and strain relationships within the inner circle. Dealing with these conflicts can be extremely stressful, but having to face them in the public eye adds even more pressure especially when you're trying to maintain a certain image. The constant public scrutiny can indeed intensify tensions and create rivalries, captivating our attention and dominating tabloid headlines.

For years, there have been reports that Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have personal grievances against each other. Apparently, they have been competing for the affection of their father, former President Donald Trump, for years. Feelings of resentment and jealousy may have played a role in the strained relationship between the siblings. While it has always been evident that Ivanka is the favorite child, Don Jr. has been rising through the ranks, and he even played a vital role in his father's reelection. 

This might lead him to earn the most coveted position in the family — Donald's golden child. Over time, Don Jr. has become increasingly involved in his father's affairs, which led to the escalation of the alleged cold war between him and Ivanka. Their feud only got worse once the siblings had their own teams and consultants. There are also rumors circulating that both Ivanka and Don Jr. have accused one another of orchestrating stories against each other especially when something unfavorable about them comes up.

Vying for Donald Trump's affection

While Donald Trump has five kids, the feud to earn his affection and eventually become his successor is between the two eldest, Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. The former president has always planned for Ivanka to succeed him and run the family empire, and by all accounts, Ivanka has perfectly played the part. The world has watched the stunning transformation of Ivanka as she exuded grace and maintained a great public image. 

Meanwhile, Don Jr. has been seen as the more difficult child. "Donald Trump has often been asked, 'Which of your kids gave you [the] most trouble, which was most problematic?' and his answer is always Donald Trump Jr.," Marc Fisher, a prominent journalist and the author of "Trump Revealed," informed "Inside Edition." Still, he has consistently tried to prove his worth, but Don Jr. frequently makes things worse, like when he met with a Russian lawyer to dig up some dirt on Hillary Clinton back in 2016. 

Don Jr. was eventually exposed in the press and all his father could reportedly say was: "He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer," (via The Atlantic). This was supported by Michael Cohen, Donald's former fixer. In a July 2023 episode of his podcast, "Mea Culpa," he described Don Jr. as "the brightest of the three children" while noting he is also a "f***-up." Cohen then pointed out how Ivanka is always well put together, and that she won't do interviews unless the questions are provided beforehand. 

A deeply rooted competitiveness

The supposed feud between Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. may be more deeply rooted because of the actions of their father. Donald Trump reportedly made his children compete against each other when they were younger but has always shown favoritism towards Ivanka. According to the three-part documentary "Unprecedented," Donald wasn't always around due to the demanding job of managing his real-estate business. However, he sometimes had his kids in tow during meetings, hoping they'd take an interest in his business as they grew up. 

According to author Marc Fisher, Donald's kids couldn't even have fun while they were on family holidays. He revealed, "He had them compete at every turn, even when they were on vacation," per Business Insider. This was confirmed by Ivanka herself, as she shared how they would compete against each other while skiing. In "Unprecedented," the former first daughter admitted that, as siblings, they "are competitive in a playful, sometimes not so playful way." 

Clearly showing favoritism, the 45th president compared Don Jr. and Ivanka's skiing skills, saying, "Don was a wild skier, he would go through anything, but I would say Ivanka was the best skier." The Trump patriarch praising Ivanka is nothing new, of course, as Fisher even mentioned that there's a noticeable difference when he's talking about her compared to his other kids. When it comes to the controversial businesswoman, Donald always has a loving and tender approach.
