Who Won The 2023 HGTV Dream Home?

Marie Davis is a lifelong HGTV superfan who's entered the famous dream home giveaway since the late '90s. She was consistent — entering every year and twice every day for the chance to win a new home of her own. Just as there are regulations for other HGTV sweepstakes — like the rules you have to follow if you are on house hunters – there is no limit to how many years in a row you can apply. Well, Marie definitely took full advantage of that, and luckily her hard work paid off. Finally, in 2023, she was told she had won the grand prize of a remodeled Coloradan mountain retreat. Not only this, but she is also the new owner of a brand-new Jeep Grand Cherokee! If you thought the prizes ended there, you would be wrong because along with the house, the car, and the title of 2023 HGTV Dream Home sweepstakes winner, Davis was also awarded $100,000 from Ally Financial, as 9 News reports.

Since 1997, HGTV has sponsored and produced the annual Dream Home competition every year, including pandemic-stricken 2020. Not only has interior design changed after the pandemic, but the format of the HGTV sweepstakes has changed slightly, with applications being more accessible across the country. The prizes, of course, also change every year, as does the sweepstake's retail value. In 2023, it was valued at over $2.7 million.

The grand reveal

Marie Davis was amidst a pool of 129 million other participants who were also crossing their fingers and toes in hopes of winning. "It's all still registering. It sinks in a bit more every day," Davis told HGTV about the surprise. "You never expect that you're going to be a winner." Speaking of surprises: just like a good underdog story, a grand reveal and special surprise never ceases to warm our hearts. Davis' surprise is one for the books and is a cherry on top of her trip into the winner's circle.  

Davis and her husband were at home when they were struck with the life-changing news. With the help of their daughter and the HGTV film crew, the couple was surprised on the spot, with designer Brian Patrick Flynn announcing their winnings in person. Right on their front lawn, too! Davis gives credit where credit is due, thanking her daughter for her help in the ploy. "She hinted that someone was coming but wouldn't tell me who," Davis stated. She even shared that she almost canceled on her daughter and their plans for the day. "I wasn't feeling great that morning and wanted to cancel. So we got in a bit of a spat," she laughed. Thankfully, and no doubt to her daughter's relief, Davis answered her door when it came time for the big announcement.

Marie's new home

When handed the framed photo of the mountainside resort, Davis gasped. "Oh, my goodness. I cannot believe this!" Indeed, we are gasping, too, because the news is pretty unbelievable. Davis, who is not only a grandparent and a retiree, was also previously living with her daughter Heather and grandkids before winning the newly designed mansion. Surely their new home will have plenty of room for their family, grandkids, future great-grandkids, and beyond.

The home, People describes, is a 4,360-square-foot property showcasing aspects of Colorado's historically rich landscape. "I did not just look at your average inspiration sources," designer Brian Patrick Flynn said, but rather from "dinosaur fossils, earthy colors seen in Red Rocks National Park and Amphitheater, relics from the Gold Rush days and all the active lifestyles that come with Colorado, like horseback riding, hiking, and fly fishing."

After a first look at her new luxury abode, Davis revealed the select rooms in her new home that are among her favorite: the large patio, living room, and reading nook. "And, of course, everyone loves the kitchen," she said.
