Hannah Gosselin Confirms Her Relationship With Kate Has Taken A Critical Turn In New Update

Hannah Gosselin has always been open about her estrangement from her mom, Kate Gosselin, but the famous sextuplet is apparently trying to repair their relationship — sort of.

Hannah, along with her fellow sextuplet Collin Gosselin, chose to distance themselves from Kate after she divorced Jon Gosselin. Kate was awarded sole custody of the rest of their kids, and while it pained Hannah to be separated from her four other sextuplets, Aaden, Joel, Alexis, and Leah, as well as older twin sisters Mady and Cara, the "Jon & Kate Plus 8" star believed that moving away was what was best for her. "I chose to live with my dad, I feel like I just made the choice for myself. I have always been closer with my dad and we've always had a strong good relationship," she told Entertainment Tonight in 2022, adding that she never forged a bond with her mom growing up, and even went as far as to say she wasn't treated well. "I felt like my dad gave me that attention and a feeling like I had a good solid relationship with a parent... I just feel like there was unfair treatment in my mom's house and I just wanted to live with my dad."

Hannah still lives with Jon and Collin to this day, but in Vice TV's "Dark Side of the 2000s" that premiered on July 18, the former reality star revealed that her relationship with Kate is on the mend.

Hannah Gosselin is figuring it out with Kate

Vice TV's "Dark Side of the 2000s" documentary put the spotlight on some of the "Jon & Kate Plus 8" stars and how filming the reality show affected them. In it, Hannah Gosselin made some revelations about her experience growing up in a big family under the watchful eye of the media, as well as her dynamic with her parents and siblings. At one point, she divulged that she was trying to repair her relationship with mom, Kate Gosselin, or at least attempt to build one. "When I decided to move in with my dad, I didn't have a relationship with her at all, and now I would say my relationship with her," she shared. "I mean, I would say, we're trying to fix our relationship, at least talk to each other more."

The same can't be said about her brother, Collin Gosselin, though, who Kate had once sent to a psychiatric institute for behavioral issues. In the documentary, he said that he didn't understand the logic behind Kate's decision. "I'd say my misbehaving was no different from my siblings," he dished. "I want to think that she needed someone to take out her anger and frustration on, and it was just kind of me."

While Collin is in a good place now, he still thinks that it's a shame that his relationship with his mom is forever tainted. "It's unfortunate that we didn't have a relationship," he told Entertainment Tonight. "I think every son wants to have a relationship with their mom."
