The Post-White House Advice The Bush Twins Gave To Sasha And Malia Obama

It is hard enough being the child of someone in the public eye. Add the poise and prestige of the White House and the heat from the spotlight can feel even warmer. There are also just a few people who can relate. Luckily, former President George Bush's twin daughters Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush took notice of the fact that they belong to a small club, and have reached out to include former President Barack Obama's daughters Malia and Sasha Obama.

As members of the First Family of the United States, Hager and Bush traveled extensively with their parents during their father's presidency. Malia and Sasha did the same while their father was president. For the Obamas, this included trips to South Africa and Liberia, along with being face-to-face with significant world leaders. They all were under a microscope during and after their fathers' presidencies. Since the Bush twins knew exactly what the Obama girls were going through, they extended some advice to the young women to navigate life after the White House. 

The Bush twins encouraged the Obama girls to explore their passions

Life after spending eight years living at the most visited residence in the United States sounds like a daunting adjustment. When former President Obama's term ended, Malia Obama was nearing college and Sasha Obama was still in high school. Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush penned a letter to the Obama girls for TIME and addressed the life experiences that few others have at such young ages. "Take all that you have seen, the people you have met, the lessons you have learned, and let that help guide you in making positive change," the Bush twins wrote.

Hager and Bush, who were in college during their father's time as president, gave some advice on this part of life in their letter for TIME as well. "Enjoy college. As most of the world knows, we did. And you won't have the weight of the world on your young shoulders anymore. Explore your passions. Learn who you are," the twins shared. 

Hager and Bush made their share of mistakes, including the widely publicized instance of underage drinking for which the sisters were charged in 2001. ABC News reported at the time that they and some friends tried to buy alcohol at a restaurant in Texas, but were only 19 years old. "Make mistakes—you are allowed to. Continue to surround yourself with loyal friends who know you, adore you, and will fiercely protect you," they added.

Malia and Sasha Obama have grown into their own

Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush first met Malia and Sasha Obama when the Obamas first moved into the White House in 2008. Bush Hager reflected on the time that she and her sister helped Malia and Sasha get acquainted with their new home. "Barbara and I taught the girls how to slide down the banister and all the secrets of the White House we loved as little girls—the best hiding spots, the movie theatre, and bowling alley," she wrote in an Instagram caption. However, the Obama girls have grown into young women with their own passions.

Since moving out of the White House, Malia has graduated from Harvard University in 2021, with a major in Visual and Environmental Studies. According to Essence, Sasha was enrolled at the University of Michigan, but eventually transferred to the University of Southern California (USC). She graduated from there with a degree in sociology in May 2023. As of late, Malia is forging her own career in Hollywood as a writer. She and Sasha are also living together, according to their mom, former first lady Michelle Obama. 

Hager's support for the children of presidents also extended to former President Donald Trump's youngest son Barron. Hager went to bat for Barron when she noticed the scrutiny that he receives despite being just a teenager. She told People, "I think kids should be allowed to be kids."
