Benefits Peppermint Oil Can Have On Your Hair

Oiling your hair can be a therapeutic exercise. This ancient ritual that has its origins in Ayurveda has found an unmistakeable place in the western world, but it can get quite confusing when you go out to purchase an oil that's best for your particular hair type and needs. There are so many options out there, each boasting its unique set of benefits.

If you enjoy the cooling effects of menthol or already know that peppermint oil helps ease headaches, you might be wondering if this miracle oil can also be used on your scalp. Turns out, the answer is a resounding yes. Especially beneficial for those with oily and/or greasy hair, peppermint oil works as an excellent stimulant on your scalp. If you're concerned about thinning hair or bald spots, this essential oil should be a part of your hair care routine. Peppermint oil is also relatively easy to wash off your hair, making it perfect for those who hate having to double-shampoo in order to get rid of greasiness after oiling your hair the day before. But, the pros of peppermint oil don't end there.

Peppermint oil promotes hair growth and soothes inflammation

Referring to a study done on this essential oil, board-certified internist Sunitha Posina told Byrdie, "It has been shown that peppermint oil can stimulate hair growth due to vasodilation of the blood vessels and help hair loss. There was a study done on mice, where Minoxidil was compared with peppermint oil for its effects on hair growth and the results were comparable and similar to Minoxidil in terms of hair growth and thickness."

Furthermore, peppermint oil is cooling. You probably already know this if you turn to this essential oil when your headache just won't go away. This soothing effect of the oil can also work wonders on your scalp if it's irritated by conditions like folliculitis. The oil also has antibacterial properties that help with combatting sebum, dandruff, sweat, and dead skin cells. One of the reasons for an oily scalp is an imbalance in pH levels, and peppermint oil is a great choice for those who have particularly greasy hair and want to balance things out. 

As with all hair oils, though, peppermint oil comes with its own set of instructions for application. 

Always mix peppermint oil with a carrier oil before applying it your hair

You may have heard about this rule with essential oils in general, and peppermint oil falls into the same category. You can go for any carrier oil of your choice, coconut oil and olive oil being two of the most common options out there. Jojoba, grape seed, or almond oil work well too. 

Start by mixing the peppermint oil with the carrier oil — 15 ml of essential oil with 200 ml of carrier oil is a good measurement to go by, making sure the peppermint oil stays between 0.5% to 2% of the mixture you're going to apply to your hair. Once you have the oil prepped, start by gently massaging it onto your scalp and then hair strands, with particular emphasis on the roots. For those who aren't worried about getting some oil on their pillowcase or face overnight, you can sleep with the peppermint oil in your hair and wash it off the next day. But for others, leave the oil on for a minimum of 30 minutes to an hour before jumping in the shower.

Alternatively, you can search for products that contain peppermint oil to add to your haircare routine. Whatever method you choose, you'll be using an essential oil that'll leave your hair feeling and looking strong and luscious. 
