How Chelsea Clinton Actually Feels About Parenting Advice From Her Mother

The only child of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton was born in 1980. As an author, health advocate, and the recipient of two master's degrees and a Ph.D. to boot, Chelsea is just like her mother when it comes to being active in many fields. On top of all this, Chelsea became a mother in 2014 for the first time, giving her one more thing in common with the former presidential candidate. 

Chelsea now has three children of her own — Charlotte, her first-born, a son named Aidan, and another boy named Jasper, who was born in 2019. With three kids, Chelsea has probably figured out quite a few things about motherhood by now. Still, they say there's nothing better than a mother's advice, a statement that seems particularly apt when the mom in question is none other than Hillary Clinton.

So, how does Chelsea feel when it comes to receiving child-raising advice from her mother? Her answer is probably relatable to many women who have children of their own. Speaking to "CBS Mornings," Chelsea described her mom as a "very hands-on" grandmother, additionally stating that she gives her plenty of advice. Chelsea also shared that it isn't always wanted, joking, "Sometimes I'm like, 'thank you so much,' sometimes I'm like 'that was circa 1980'."

Chelsea Clinton isn't afraid to say how she feels

 It makes sense that some of Hillary Clinton's parenting advice is outdated, considering that the time span between when she gave birth to Chelsea Clinton and when the children's author became a mom herself is a whopping 34 years. However, Chelsea was very clear that she has "such a good relationship" with her mother, as she told "CBS Mornings," which is probably why she is able to joke about not always appreciating what her mother tells her. 

The closeness of Chelsea and Hillary's relationship has been documented many times, such as when the pair worked on "The Book of Gutsy Women," which was released in 2019, together as well as the follow-up television series that aired in 2022. "I am so proud of what we've done with 'Gutsy,' and had so much fun working with her as an adult," Chelsea enthused of their fun collaboration, which involved having conversations with tons of impressive women. 

The duo wants everyone to feel empowered

Alongside working together, Chelsea Clinton and her mom share a similar viewpoint on empowering women and men alike. In light of her work on "The Book of Gutsy Women" and the accompanying television series, it's a safe assumption that Chelsea will impart some of the lessons she has learned about powerful women to her children. Speaking on "CBS Evening News," Chelsea revealed that she hoped the women that were chosen for the book and series "can be inspiring to anyone who might be watching." 

Hillary Clinton also added that the pair wanted the stories to inspire "men and boys, not just women and girls." Additionally, Chelsea has authored over 30 children's books to date, about various topics, including telling the stories of courageous women such as Hellen Keller and teaching kids about important environmental issues like animal extinction. In general, Chelsea's approach of listening to her mother but not taking everything on board appears to be more than working out considering how close the pair still seem to be.
