Royal Fans Think Kate Middleton's Ring Is Cursed

Kate Middleton is revered as one of the most fashionable royals in the British monarchy. That title is well-deserved. From her days at the University of St Andrews to becoming the Duchess of Cambridge, the stunning transformation of Kate Middleton has featured many iconic style moments. (Most recently, Kate's whimsical wedding guest dress had us obsessed.) While Kate's clothes often serve as the center of attention, her accessories are always top-tier, too.

Jewelry has an extra level of wholesomeness attached to it — Prince William has gifted her a number of jewelry pieces that we adore. Royal fans love analyzing Kate's fashion, accessories, and aesthetics. And now, it seems that Kate's devoted lovers have come up with a truly supernatural theory about one of her jewelry pieces. It may be one of Kate's most sentimental pieces of jewelry, but her ring is rumored to be cursed. Here is all you never knew about the royal ring that some fans think is an omen.

Royal jewels have a history of being 'haunted'

Not only do we love gazing upon the monarchy's gorgeous crown jewels, but we cannot get enough of their lore. Royal tradition identifies many pieces of regalia as sacred, with the most treasured of the British royal family's jewels being kept safe in the Tower of London, where they have been stored since the 17th century. But some royal jewels are seemingly more ominous than others.

The infamous Koh-i-Noor diamond has been the center of many misfortunes. Taken from India and eventually placed on the late Queen Elizabeth II's crown, the cursed diamond has an eerie history of betrayal and death, with one Hindu writing stating that "only God, or a woman, can wear it with impunity." The British royal family seemed to take that warning seriously, only allowing women to inherit the jewel. A different, more recent piece of jewelry now belongs to the Duchess of Cambridge — and it gives off major bad vibes.

Kate Middleton's engagement ring had an iconic and tragic previous owner

So what has convinced royal fans that one of Kate Middleton's rings is indeed haunted? The center of this rumor hinges on the fact that Kate's engagement ring had a popular yet tragic previous owner: Princess Diana. Prince William gifted his mother's ring to Kate for their engagement in 2010. The sapphire and white gold ring is undeniably gorgeous; surrounded by 14 small diamonds, it is one of the most memorable pieces of jewelry in modern royal history.

Though beautiful, the story of this sapphire jewel is full of gloom. King Charles, then Prince Charles, let his betrothed, Princess Diana, pick out her engagement ring. Always a style icon, Diana chose this lovely jewel to commemorate the engagement. However, Princess Diana's divorce from Charles and her devastating death in 1997 left the ring with negative vibes. With all that foreboding history, why did Prince William choose to propose with this ring?

Why Prince William gave Kate his mother's ring

Prince William said that Princess Diana's sapphire ring holds a particular place in his heart. "It's very special to me. As Kate's very special to me now, it was right to put the two together," the Duke of Cambridge said in an engagement interview (per The Court Jeweller). "[The ring] was my way of making sure my mother didn't miss out on today, and the excitement, and the fact that we're going to spend the rest of our lives together." Furthermore, blogger Lauren Kiehna aka The Court Jeweller wrote, brothers William and Harry allegedly made a deal that whoever got engaged first would give Diana's ring to his fiancée.

But some royal fans questioned whether William's reasoning was enough to make up for the ring's complicated history. One Twitter user, @RobertHerve12, commented, "Why would you want to give your mother's engagement ring to your girlfriend when that marriage ended in divorce. Hardly a 'happy' ring, is it?" Another user, @FreeCaviar, replied, "That ring of doom should have sat in the vault for at least a generation." In the years since Kate has had the sapphire jewel, royal fans have noticed some negative effects.

All the signs Kate's engagement ring could be cursed

Whether or not you believe in curses, you cannot deny that Kate Middleton's sapphire engagement ring has accompanied a couple of strange rumors about her relationship with Prince William. As the jewel belonged to Princess Diana first, Diana's unhappy marriage to Charles seems intertwined with it. Those negative relationship vibes may have bled over to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's marriage. On May 30, 2023, Twitter account @ThePopTingz claimed that the two "are allegedly having marital issues after the couple have been seen arguing and mad at each other on several occasions." Kate and Prince William may have inherited a ring cursed to bring about marital squabbles and dissatisfaction in a relationship.

This isn't the first time rumors have emerged about the state of Kate and Prince William's marriage. In 2019, the couple faced reports that their marriage was in trouble from publications like Elle, though sources later confirmed that they were doing well. Kate's sapphire engagement ring may or may not be cursed, but that won't stop fans from speculating. 
