Signs Harry & Meghan's Marriage Might Be On The Rocks

Correction 6/29/23: An earlier version of this article mistakenly referred to Lady Colin Campbell as Paul Burrell's wife. This reference has been removed.

It's likely that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle never anticipated that their relationship would become the global phenomenon it now is. The press and the public alike have been keeping close tabs on them since the day their relationship became public. When they got engaged, public interest was piqued even more, and by the time they got married, the world was so enthralled by them that their wedding ceremony became the third most-watched event in history.

The public adored them, but that adoration soon turned into disdain, fueled by negative stories about Meghan in the press. It escalated to the point where she and Harry decided to step down as senior members of the royal family. One can only imagine the kind of toll all the drama must've taken on the couple's relationship. And yet, they seemed to hold it together. They sat down for a tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey and released the Netflix docuseries "Harry & Meghan" as a means to set the record straight and tell their side of the story. Throughout all of this, they seemed more in love than ever — an inspiration and a reminder to every married couple out there that it was possible to face several adversities and still stick together.

Royal fans will know, however, that recently, there's been plenty of speculation that all is not well with the Sussexes. To spare you several Google sessions, let's take a look at the rumors and whether they have any merit.

Prince Harry was promoting Spare without Meghan by his side

Prince Harry's memoir "Spare" shattered records upon its release. People were eager to hear what he had to say, and as millions rushed to get a copy, "Spare" totaled 1.43 million sales in the first 24 hours of its release in the UK, U.S., and Canada, becoming the fastest-selling nonfiction book in history. That is nothing short of impressive — but apparently, Meghan Markle wasn't so sure the book was a good idea.

A source told The Telegraph that Meghan had some doubts about the book and whether it was a good idea that Harry shared so much of his personal life, but she supported him regardless. However, her support was questioned when she wasn't at Harry's side while he was promoting the book. This raised some eyebrows, with GB News host Dan Wootton (who isn't a fan of Meghan's by any means, we should note) saying that "[I]t was the first sign of Meghan trying to distance herself from all of the collateral PR damage caused by 'Spare.'" Royal biographer Christopher Andersen told Fox News that he suspected much of the same. "Meghan clearly doesn't want to make it look as if she's somehow manipulating Harry, or that she's had a hand in shaping his memoirs," Andersen speculated.

Many saw Meghan's absence as a sign that she was distancing herself from Harry and his ventures, especially because they are usually involved in each other's projects.

The couple didn't release a Christmas family photo or acknowledge their wedding anniversary

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 2022 Christmas card featured a photograph of them taken at an event that year. While this wasn't exactly out of the ordinary, the Daily Mail pointed out that the couple released a Christmas card featuring their children the previous year. It's actually pretty customary for members of the royal family to use a family photo on their Christmas cards. Prince William and Princess Catherine, for example, blessed fans with a stunning family photo once again.

Now, it might be possible that we're all placing way too much weight on a simple Christmas card photo, but the choice of photograph did take away from that family feeling we tend to expect from holiday cards, especially those coming from the royal family. The fact that the couple chose a photo that anyone could already find on Google didn't do much to ease worried minds. To make matters worse, Harry and Meghan also failed to mention their five-year wedding anniversary publicly in 2023. Obviously, this led many to think that all might not be well. Speaking to the Daily Star, relationship coach Tara Blair Ball said she suspects the couple is exhausted from all the drama that occurred in the past couple of years, but she's optimistic that their marriage is stronger than ever. So perhaps we have nothing to worry about? One can hope.

Meghan didn't attend King Charles III's coronation ceremony with Harry

There was an immense amount of speculation about whether or not Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would attend King Charles III's coronation. Many hoped it would serve as a way for them to finally reunite with the family, but while Harry accepted the invitation, Meghan politely declined.

Given Harry's strained relationship with his family, Meghan's presence might've provided some comfort and support, but she stayed behind in California with their children. As it turned out, Charles' coronation was on the same day as Prince Archie's fourth birthday, so the narrative was that Meghan stayed behind to celebrate with the little royal (even though she and Harry could've just taken the kids along to the U.K.).

Harry did, however, leave for America almost immediately after the coronation ceremony was over so he could spend the last few hours of Archie's birthday with him. Royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith told People that Archie's birthday coinciding with the coronation was "an elegant solution," which "gave them a reasonable out for Meghan not to come." She added that it was only natural the duchess wanted to avoid the British press; after Queen Elizabeth II's funeral, Meghan received even more negative coverage. Per Bedell, the duchess likely wanted to avoid a repeat of that. She might very well be right. Either that, or Meghan and Harry were thankful to part ways for a few hours. We'll never know for sure.

Meghan's doing a solo brand relaunch with talent agency WME

In a surprise move, Meghan has signed with talent agency William Morris Endeavor (WME) to get her career back on track. The public has become used to Harry and Meghan tackling projects together, and this is the first time Meghan has gone completely solo.

Entertainment expert Mark Boardman told Newsweek that this decision indicates Meghan is ready to re-enter the entertainment industry. "This move suggests that Meghan is again interested in pursuing new opportunities as WME is a major talent agency, they have connections and expertise in the entertainment industry that could help her secure high-profile projects," Boardman said. Meanwhile, royal commentator Tom Bower is of the opinion that Meghan has grown weary of her relationship with Harry. "There are many now in London who say Meghan is getting tired of Harry," Bower told Marca, adding that Meghan is likely to reach out to King Charles III and negotiate her and Harry's divorce in the not-so-distant future. Bower added that, after all is said and done, Meghan would need a new career since she'd no longer be associated with the royals.

Of course, this is merely speculation, but in light of what Bower said, Meghan's new deal with WME is raising some eyebrows. Then there's also the fact that Harry has been fighting for the couple's right to privacy, and yet Meghan appears ready to fully step back into the public eye. Right now, it appears their interests don't entirely align.

Prince Harry allegedly sometimes stays at a hotel on his own

When a married couple can no longer stand to be in the same house together, you know there's trouble, and rumors have been swirling that Prince Harry sometimes goes off to a hotel on his own to take a breather from his home life.

Sources told The Sun that Harry has a room reserved at a hotel near his and Meghan's California home, where he sometimes goes for some alone time. Not only that, but apparently he also frequents the San Vicente Bungalows in Los Angeles, a swanky and very exclusive private members club. Sources told The Sun that the club serves as "an escape place" for the prince. Whether from his wife or the public, it is unclear. It is the perfect place to hide out, though. Members aren't allowed to approach each other and cameras (even those embedded in cellphones) are banned.

Amid rumors that all is not well with the couple's marriage, news about Harry allegedly frequenting hotels and private clubs without Meghan was not a good look for the couple — so much so that Harry's rep told Page Six that the rumors are utter nonsense: "This is not true." A short statement, but a powerful one, we suppose. And since concrete proof of these allegations doesn't exist (yet), we're leaning towards believing the couple's rep for now.

Meghan Markle was seen partying without Harry

A couple that parties together, sticks together, right? But it appears that Meghan Markle enjoys the Hollywood scene much more than Prince Harry. Petronella Wyatt, a society journalist, tweeted that Meghan is frequently making an appearance at events and parties in Los Angeles without Harry by her side. "Friends of mine who live near Harry and Meghan are always bumping into Meghan at parties these days. Strangely, she tends to leave Harry at home," her post read. Maybe Harry simply doesn't like parties and fancy events; he grew up having to attend these kinds of things all the time, after all. But this might also be an indication of a growing rift between them: Harry wants his privacy, and Meghan wants more exposure.

Others who claim to be in the know say that Meghan is out mingling because she's trying to resurrect her former acting career. Hollywood broadcaster Tim Dillon told The Sun that Meghan seems desperate to find her way back onto the Hollywood scene. "All they want to do is hang out with celebrities," he told the outlet. "I was at a party the other night talking to somebody about these people and it's just constant with them," Dillon added, dubbing Harry and Meghan "low-grade reality stars." Dillon also claimed that Meghan is practically begging people to hang out with her. If you've ever wondered how brutal Hollywood really is, this is proof. To echo Taylor Swift, "Why you gotta be so mean?"

Meghan ditched her engagement ring on more than one occasion

Avid royal watchers will know that Meghan Markle first stepped out without her engagement ring while she was pregnant with Prince Archie. One can argue that she left her ring at home for fear that she wouldn't be able to get it off again. It's common for fingers to swell during pregnancy, so this one can be explained away. But recently, the duchess was seen stepping out sans her engagement ring once again.

While she and Prince Harry were attending the Women of Vision Awards in New York, fans noticed that Meghan's ring finger was noticeably bare. She was also spotted without the ring in Los Angeles previously, and no one knows why she's not wearing it. It sure is odd, considering that she previously went to a lot of trouble to have it altered so the band was thinner, which made the diamonds look even bigger. She also gushed about how much she loved the ring after she and Harry got engaged, calling it "incredible."

It is indeed a special piece of jewelry: Harry selected a diamond from Botswana and two smaller diamonds from his mother's collection for the ring and had some input in the design, which was handled by jewelers Cleave and Company. It's clearly a very special piece, which makes it all the more strange that Meghan isn't wearing it these days.

Sources claim Harry is only staying in his marriage for his children

Missing engagement rings aside, there are some sources who claim that Prince Harry is only staying married to Meghan Markle because of his children. These claims come from Princess Diana's former royal butler Paul Burrell, who, we should note, isn't exactly on the best terms with Prince Harry. Burrell wrote a book that revealed intimate (and some might say inappropriate) details about the late princess after her death. Harry and Prince William were upset about the book, calling it a "cold and overt betrayal."

Well, Burrell still appears to enjoy having his voice heard, because he's been telling everyone who would listen that the couple's marriage is on the rocks and that a divorce is imminent. GB News gave him and royal author Lady Colin Campbell some time on the air to make their speculations public. Campbell alleged that Harry had already been in contact with divorce lawyers. This information, she claims, comes from five separate sources.

Sky News contributor Daisy Cousins is a little skeptical, however. Cousins mentioned that she wouldn't dismiss the possibility that the Sussexes started the breakup rumors in order to get some good old publicity. "It actually wouldn't surprise me if these were very calculated leaks from the Sussex camp suggesting that there's a split on the cards," she told Sky News, adding, "Because either way if there is or there isn't we're all going to look." 

A royal expert claims Meghan was always planning on separating from Harry

Rumors about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's possible breakup have opened a can of worms, and suddenly there are inside sources and royal experts aplenty who claim that they saw this coming all along.

Speaking to GB News, royal biographer Angela Levin claimed that Meghan had mapped out an escape plan long before she and Harry tied the knot. "I think she's a careful plotter," Levin said, adding that Meghan hasn't been around when Harry needs her most, especially when it comes to dealing with his mental health. She went on to claim that Meghan is planning on taking full custody of their children once their marriage disintegrates. "In my opinion, here is what she is doing, she was making sure that he's in a hopeless situation so that she can get the children and he's completely isolated from his family and friends," Levin told the outlet, adding, "[S]he is absolutely separating from him."

Levin is also of the opinion that, should things end, Harry will be worse off. She speculated that he will be seen as a failure while Meghan continues to climb the ladder to Hollywood success.

Meghan's sister claims the couple's marriage is on the rocks

Meghan Markle's half-sister, Samantha Markle, made her voice heard once again after the public perceived some potential tension between Prince Harry and Meghan while they were attending an NBA game together. When the kiss cam focused on the two of them, Harry could be seen going in for a kiss, but it looked to all the world like Meghan was dodging him. This was indeed a pretty interesting turn of events, but Samantha took it even further, telling GB News that it was very unlike Meghan to reject Harry's affection. "Previously, in all the photographs she was pining over him, putting her hands all over him, grabbing his hands, grabbing his back... Is this a symbol of separation? This is seemingly a statement on her part that she's not all that touchy-feely right now," Samantha said.

It might be safe to say that Samantha doesn't know much more than the rest of us, given that she last had contact with Meghan nearly a decade ago, in 2014. Still, she claims that she sees signs of Harry and Meghan being at "loggerheads" with each other. She went on to suggest that the couple seek marriage counseling. Samantha also previously told Channel 7 that she believes Harry and Meghan are locked in an unhealthy relationship. "They're really unhealthy for each other, it's a toxic relationship," she alleged. Whether the couple is really at odds with one another remains to be seen.
