Nikki Haley's Husband Will Miss A Year Of Her Presidential Campaign (But She's On Board With It)

When presidential candidates enter campaign season with back-to-back appearances, make-or-break speeches, and constant public criticisms from their opponents, they typically have a full team of supporters behind them to get through it all. Often, one of those supporters is their spouse, who may become the next first lady or first gentleman if the candidate is elected.

In her June 4 town hall with CNN, Nikki Haley — the first Republican candidate to commit to running against former president Donald Trump — made sure to mention her husband, Michael Haley, discussing at times how he's influenced her personal and political stances. When asked for her thoughts on abortion laws, the presidential hopeful noted that she's pro-life, partially because her husband was adopted.

Despite being an important presence in the politician's life, her husband won't be by her side for a full year of her campaign. However, Nikki seems completely supportive of her husband's plans.

Nikki Haley's husband will be deployed to Africa

Between statements on the economy, immigration, and other divisive topics, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley addressed her husband's upcoming one-year absence during her campaign. Michael Haley, who's a member of the South Carolina National Guard, is expected to be deployed to Africa. "This is the start of what my and my family will be a year-long prayer that they're effective and they're strong and they come home safely," Nikki explained during the town hall. "But we all know when they answer the call, I mean, how blessed are we as a country that we have people willing to go and defend and protect all that makes us great."

Even as she vies for the title of head of state, Nikki remains proud of the unique title she's earned through her marriage. "I'm proud to stand with every military spouse," she shared. "Because our job is to keep all well on the home front. We make sure that they don't have to worry about anything back home because we've got it taken care of."

Nikki first announced Michael's deployment last week, per The New York Times, saying in a statement, "Our family, like every military family, is ready to make personal sacrifices when our loved one answers the call. We could not be prouder of Michael and his military brothers and sisters."
