Eminem's Children Are Grown Up Now And Gorgeous

Eminem's lyrics can be brutal, and you don't want to find yourself on his diss tracks, but he has a much softer side when it comes to his children. He is a father to three kids: biological daughter Hailie Jade Scott Mathers, and two adopted children, his niece Alaina Marie Scott and Stevie Laine Scott (ex-wife Kim Scott's biological child from another relationship).

Eminem's career likely needs little introduction, but his biggest achievement is not the millions of records sold or his star status; it is how he has raised his children. How do we know this? Because in a rare interview about his kids for Mike Tyson's YouTube show "Hotboxin" in 2020, Eminem spoke with tenderness about his children. "When I think about my accomplishments, that's probably the thing I'm the most proud of is being able to raise kids," he said. "It's important to keep your kids grounded when they're in a situation like I have, it's very important. People also think, too, that money just buys happiness — that absolutely is not the truth. You've got to be right inside otherwise, none of this s*** means nothing."

Eminem sounds like a dedicated dad, and despite a demanding work schedule, he has tried to be there for his children as much as possible, especially in their younger years when he would ensure he was always present as possible. But who are his three children, and what do we know about them now that they're all grown up?

Hailie gave her dad the motivation he needed

Hailie Jade Scott Mathers, the only biological daughter of Eminem (real name Marshall Bruce Mathers III), arrived during his relationship with ex-wife Kim Scott. She was born on December 25, 1995, in Detroit, Michigan, and her birth impacted the rapper in many ways. Knowing he had a child to care for helped him push harder to become a success and to do better, be better, and create a life for his child that he could be proud of.

Eminem has spoken about Hailie in multiple interviews, and from his comments, it is clear that she is his whole world. But he has also discussed how she provided the motivation he needed. "Everything that I am doing right now is for Hailie ... the money — it's for her college," he told Q (via People) in a 2001 interview. He continued, "I think my little girl was the real wake-up call for me. She made me get my ass in gear — to make something of my life and try 10 quadrillion times harder than I had before."

Hailie Jade attended public school

One of the most successful rappers of his time, Eminem earned enough money that his children wanted for nothing. But does that mean he spoiled them and gave in to their every whim? From what Hailie has said about her upbringing, it seems as if her father dedicated himself to making life as normal for her as possible — although she and her friend Brittany Ednie did go on tour with Eminem, not something the average kid does.

"Obviously, we were in a normal public school, we never thought anything was different," Hailie said of her childhood on her podcast, "Just a Little Shady." She continued, "I don't know, we had so many normal experiences that when something like that happened, I thought like, 'Oh, everybody else does this too.' Not realizing that, like, no, that's freaking weird.'"

For Eminem, letting his children grow up in Detroit meant giving them a safe and stable environment. "My kids are comfortable here — I want them to have the stability I didn't," he told Rolling Stone in a 2011 interview. "And it's also nostalgic. Being a few miles from where I grew up, being used to the people, the mentality. I'm a creature of habit ..."

She attended Michigan State University for psychology

Now an adult, Hailie Jade has already accomplished a lot. This includes graduating from Michigan State University with a degree in psychology, something her dad could not be more proud of. In an interview for Mike Tyson's YouTube series, "Hotboxin," the "Sing for the Moment" rapper spoke about his daughter and her achievements.

"She's made me proud for sure. She's graduated from college," Eminem said. Eminem considers education important, but he never had the opportunity to attend college (although he made it big and enjoys an impressive career and financial success). He has always supported his daughter and his other two children, including taking the time to help with homework.

"Helping them with homework when you can. At the grades my older ones are in, it's hard," he confessed to Rolling Stone in 2011 about the need to be present while reflecting on his own experience with school. "I never even passed ninth grade. They're already way smarter than me." That said, Eminem did earn his GED later in life.

Hailie was also a homecoming queen

If you've ever dreamed of becoming homecoming king or queen, you may be interested to know that Hailie Jade Scott Mathers was crowned homecoming queen for Chippewa Valley High School. The event occurred during a football game in 2013 (via People). It was likely an exciting time for Hailie, and since her father tries never to miss any events, he reportedly lent his support — in person, but also from a distance.  

"Hailie came out with her mother Kim [Scott] when she was introduced with all the other kids but her father watched from inside the school because he didn't want to cause a scene — he wanted Hailie to have her own moment," a parent told Macomb Daily newspaper (via People). "He opened the door and looked out like — 'That's my daughter!' He just looked like a proud father." Because Eminem keeps so much of his life private, the news gave fans a welcome glimpse into his life as a father. 

An important part of being a dad is showing up, but Eminem values other qualities too. "Teach them right from wrong as best I can, try not to lose my temper, try to set guidelines and rules and boundaries," he told Rolling Stone of parenting in 2004. "Never lay a hand on them. Let them know it's not right for a man to ever lay his hands on a female. Despite what people may think of me and what I say in my songs ..."

Hailie Jade hosts a podcast, 'Just A Little Shady'

Hailie Jade Scott Mathers spent her childhood away from the limelight, but as an adult, she more willingly embraces fame. She has made her social media pages public, offering fans a glimpse into her life, and also started her own podcast called "Just A Little Shady." In the episodes, she has spoken about her childhood and interviewed her uncle, Eminem's younger brother, Nate (or, as Hailie refers to him, "Uncle Nate").

In the particular podcast dedicated to her "bruncle" — a combination of brother and uncle — she gave viewers an insight into their relationship. "Nate is my uncle — my dad's younger brother — but also, we kind of grew up together because Nate lived with us for a while when I was young ... I would say [you are a] brother-uncle, you definitely act younger than your age," she said. "We are closer in age than you are to [my] dad, but still, I never realize how much older you are than me because I feel like you are like a brother."

If the name of the podcast sounds familiar, that's because it is a nod to her dad, and one of his most well-known tracks: "The Real Slim Shady."

Hailie Jade is engaged to a fellow Michigan State University student

More than just academics and podcasting have been going well for Hailie Jade Scott Mathers. She also found success in her romantic life. She dated a fellow Michigan State University student, Evan McClintock, for several years, and, in February 2023, the couple celebrated a milestone in their relationship when they decided to get engaged.

McClintock joined Hailie on her podcast to discuss their engagement and how he asked Eminem for his blessing. "Over the holidays, I was looking for an opportunity not to make it too obvious. I saw your dad go downstairs, and I'm like, 'I gotta do it right now, or I'm not doing it today, and I'm gonna have to schedule another time.' So I just followed him downstairs, and, thankfully, he was just down there getting your cake and made it happen," McClintock recalled. Eminem approved, and McClintock started ring shopping during the Christmas holidays in 2022 with the help of Hailie's sister, Alaina Marie Scott.

She doesn't like being around parties or alcohol

Hailie Jade prefers to avoid parties and alcohol (or at least she did when she was younger). She shared this on her podcast, "Just a Little Shady." "I feel like everyone was doing that, but I just didn't," she said of high school drinking and festivities. "I was so naive to all of it." She added, "One of my friends came up to me and talked right at my face, and I was like, 'Oh my God, you're drinking.' It hit me right in that moment, I was like, 'I've gotta go. I thought that even being associated with anyone there that was drinking, I was gonna get in trouble."

Eminem struggled with addiction and has been very honest about his journey to sobriety. In an essay for XXL in 2022, he opened up about how his addiction began.

"My addiction didn't start in my early days when I was coming up. We used to drink 40s on the porch and just battle rap each other. My drug usage started at the beginning of that first album," he wrote. "I didn't take anything hard until I got famous. I was experimenting. I hadn't found a drug of choice. Back then you went on tour and people were just giving you free drugs. I managed it for a little while. And then, it just became, I like this s*** too much and I don't know how to stop."

Their father was always present for school events

A notoriously private man, Eminem rarely grants interviews about his children or shares pictures of them. This worked in his favor because it allowed his children (one biological and two adopted) to live away from the limelight and afforded them anonymity. And, despite his star power, Eminem was still there for all the important events as they grew up.

"In school, when they have plays, field trips, all that stuff, I don't miss them, even if I gotta deal with the craziness," he told Rolling Stone in 2004. "And the teachers are really good about telling the kids, 'When Hailie's dad comes in, he's Hailie's dad, Mr. Mathers.' Last year I went and read to the class. Two books. It was reading month or something ..." Sounds incredibly normal, doesn't it?

In another interview for Rolling Stone in 2011, the "Superman" rapper discussed how showing up and being present were essential. "Not missing things. If there's anything important going on, regardless of what it is, I'm there," he told the publication.

Stevie was adopted by Kim Scott and Eminem

Although Eminem's relationship with Kim Scott was not the best, they knew each other from a young age, and they did try to make it work. They married twice, including in 1999 until 2001 and later for a brief period in 2006. Eminem was adamant about not poisoning his children's minds against their mother despite the end of the romantic relationship. In a 2004 interview with Rolling Stone, he explained, "We've still gotta show each other that mutual respect... It's about raising these kids. She's out now. And hopefully she can get her life back in order. Before anything, it's gotta be for these kids. She knows it, I know it."

He also stepped up for Scott's children, including adopting her niece, Alaina, and her child, Stevie Laine (formerly Whitney). The adoption took place in 2005, but Stevie is the biological child of Kim Scott and Eric Hartter. However, Eminem adopted them, and, in a surprise twist, Stevie appeared to call out their parents in a TikTok video (via HollywoodLife) in 2021. The video shares a dialogue that Stevie is believed to have had with the "Without Me" rapper, in which they ask if he is their real dad. It was not until they received an article about their father's death that they realized who their biological father was (Hartter reportedly died in 2019 at age 40).

They have come out as non-binary

If you are a fan of the social media platform TikTok, you may have come across one of Stevie's videos, and that's because they have posted several that offer a candid view into their life. This includes their decision to announce that they identify as non-binary and use "all pronouns."

"Watch me become more comfortable with myself," they stated in one video shared in 2021. Of all of Eminem's children, Stevie is by far the least well-known. They are also the youngest and were born on April 16, 2002 (this was in the period when Kim Scott and Eminem first divorced and before they briefly reconciled as a couple in 2006 before breaking up again). So, what do fans really know about Stevie Laine? Well, they appear to be in a relationship with TikToker Declan Jace, with Lainie and Jace making several videos together for the sharing platform. 

Alaina Scott is engaged

Alaina Marie Scott and her sister, Hailie Jade Scott Mathers, share an incredibly close bond. They have appeared jointly on Hailie's podcast, there are multiple photos of them together shared on social media, and they've been a part of each other's milestones. For example, Alaina helped Hailie's fiancé go engagement ring shopping. And they both seem to be happy and thriving and are engaged. Alaina's boyfriend, Matt Moeller, proposed to her in December 2021.

Alaina regularly posts on her Instagram page and often shares photos of herself and Moeller together, adding sweet captions praising him. This includes a post to celebrate their anniversary in 2021. "While my love for you has somehow grown over these last 7 years, one thing has remained the same — you are my favorite person," Alaina captioned a photo of herself and Moeller. "You are my best friend, the best fur dad, and the best partner. Thank you for loving me as effortlessly as you do. Happy anniversary." 

A year after they first got engaged, Alaina shared a sweet photo compilation and her thoughts on her relationship with Moeller. In the caption, she wrote, "They say time flies when you're having fun — 365 days since I said YES to marrying you ..." 

She lost her mom to addiction

Alaina Marie Scott is the daughter of Dawn Scott, Kim Scott's sister. Eminem adopted her, and she's the eldest of the rapper's three children, born on February 22, 1993, in Michigan. She lost her mother in 2016 and admits to feeling resentment toward her for a long time.

"As a child who has lost their mom from addiction and because of that had a strained relationship, I often felt a loss before I truly had to grieve my mom's passing," she shared on social media in 2022 (via Daily Mail). "I used to be so angry and hurt by all of this, but as I've become older, I can't help but realize how much work it takes to be a good mama. That sometimes, our parents are hurting, searching, and trying to find themselves too — all while attempting to raise little ones. That often times they really are trying their best, even if their best isn't that great." Alaina's willingness to be open about her emotions and struggles endears her to fans (she boasts more than 80,000 followers on Instagram) because they show vulnerability and realness.

Luckily, Alaina grew up in a loving and stable environment, which was important to Eminem. "Takin' the kids to school, pickin' 'em up, teachin' 'em rules. I'm not sayin' I'm the perfect father, but the most important thing is to be there for my kids and raise them the right way," he told Rolling Stone in 2004.

Alaina has lived with Eminem since she was small

Eminem knew Alaina, his niece through marriage, since she was a baby and sought to get into a position where he could help her. In an interview with Rolling Stone in 2004, the "Mockingbird" rapper spoke about his custody, saying, "I have full custody of my niece and joint custody of Hailie."

Even before Eminem legally adopted Alaina, he and Kim had been raising her as their own. "I was always there for Hailie, and my niece has been a part of my life ever since she was born," Eminem shared. "Me and Kim pretty much had her, she'd live with us wherever we was at."

The rapper dedicated his song "Mockingbird" to Alaina and Hailie as a way to explain what was happening in their lives when they were younger. At the time, his ex-wife Kim Scott was trying to overcome her demons. "When Mom was on the run they didn't understand it, and I'm not the greatest talker in the world, especially when I'm trying to explain to two little girls what's goin' on with someone who's always been a part of their life and just disappeared," he told Rolling Stone.
