Days Of Our Lives Explainer: Sarah And Rex's Complicated History

The characters of Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey) and Rex Brady (Kyle Lowder) have become favorites among "Days of Our Lives" fans over the years. The pair have a lot in common and seem like a perfect match on paper. They're both doctors and legacy characters, as Rex is the son of Roman Brady and Kate Roberts, and Sarah is the daughter of Maggie and Mickey Horton — though Neil Curtis is actually Sarah's real father. While Sarah and Rex spent many years out of town, they both returned home in 2018 with an interesting storyline. While working on their careers in medicine, Sarah and Rex crossed paths off-screen and hit it off. They began dating, and by the time they decided to return to their hometown of Salem, they were engaged.

Sarah and Rex were excited to share the news with their family and friends and celebrate their upcoming marriage. However, things took a very unexpected turn when Bonnie Lockhart (Judi Evans) showed up in town with a baby that she claimed belonged to Lucas Horton. Things got messy, and eventually, it was revealed that the baby didn't belong to Lucas and Bonnie. Instead, the baby belonged to Bonnie's daughter Mimi Lockhart (Farah Fath). Mimi returned to Salem for a brief time to explain that Rex was the father of her daughter.

Sarah fell in love with Rex's brother

"Days of Our Lives" viewers watched as Sarah Horton was stunned to learn that Rex not only cheated on her but that he had also fathered a child with Mimi Lockhart. However, she was even more disgusted when Rex broke down and confessed that in addition to sleeping with Mimi, he had also had an affair with Sarah's sister Noelle Curtis. Sarah and Rex broke off their engagement, and he left Salem to spend time with Mimi and their daughter. Back in Salem, Sarah set her sights on Rex's brother, Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan). Sarah fell head over heels for Eric, but he didn't seem to reciprocate her feelings. Later, when Rex returned, he begged Sarah for forgiveness and asked for another chance. The two reconciled and even walked down the aisle together. Sadly, the pair had to call it quits when Sarah realized she was still in love with Eric.

Sarah and Eric gave their relationship a shot, but when Eric's presumed dead girlfriend, Nicole Walker (Arianne Zucker), returned to Salem, Sarah backed off. Soon after, Sarah discovered she was pregnant with Eric's child, and Xander Kiriakis (Paul Telfer) offered to claim he was the baby's father. Sarah raised her daughter Mickey for a year before she found out that her baby had been swapped with Brady Black and Kristen DiMera's daughter, Rachel, at the hospital. Sarah found out that her daughter died shortly after birth. Heartbroken, she kidnapped Rachel.

Sarah's pregnancy raised major questions

Sarah Horton fled Salem with baby Rachel and headed to Paris. However, she was shocked to run into Rex Brady there. Rex soon became suspicious of Sarah's behavior and realized that she had kidnapped Brady and Kristen's daughter. Rex tried to talk some sense into Sarah and convince her to return the baby to her biological parents. However, Sarah refused to listen to reason. Instead, she tied Rex up and left him to be rescued so she could get away. Eventually, Rachel was returned to her parents, and Sarah moved on from her heartbreak. Sarah fell in love with Xander, and the two had many relationship ups and downs. After finally getting married, Sarah found out that Xander had been involved in another scheme and decided to leave him. She turned to Rex for comfort, and the two became intimate again.

Not long afterward, Sarah found out that she was pregnant, and Rex was thrilled as he believed he was the father. However, Sarah knew that it could also be Xander. At the time, Sarah wanted to escape all of the drama that surrounded her in Salem, and instead of telling Xander about the pregnancy, she moved to Chicago with Rex.

Although Sarah and Rex have a long history together, many "Days of Our Lives" viewers believe that Sarah's true love is Xander and that it's only a matter of time before the two reunite.
