Details Behind Meghan Markle's Falling Out With Millie Mackintosh

Millie Mackintosh and Meghan Markle were allegedly good friends before the Duchess of Sussex started dating Prince Harry. Mackintosh, who is most known for her appearance in the British reality television series "Made in Chelsea," opened up about how she and Markle first became friends, sharing that the two met at an opening of a hotel in Istanbul, Turkey.

Mackintosh told Us Weekly: "We met at the bar and we were both ordering a drink at the same time. I started chatting and we got on really well. We got on like a house on fire and spent the night partying and having fun and we just stayed in touch."

While the reality TV star shared that the two weren't the best of friends, they did occasionally see each other when Markle was in the United Kingdom. Their friendship was not long-lived and ended abruptly, shortly after Meghan developed a relationship with Prince Harry.

Millie Mackintosh claims she received a dismissive text from Meghan

Once rumors began circulating through the media that Prince Harry and Meghan were dating, Millie Mackintosh reached out to Markle to let her know she was thinking about her and to check in on how she was, only to be met with a cold, short response. On an episode of her podcast, "Mumlemmas & More with Millie & Charlie," Mackintosh shared, "She cut me dead. I never heard from her again" (via Independent UK). While Mackintosh didn't disclose exactly what was said in Markle's text message, she claimed it was unlike any of their previous communication and left her feeling dismissed and bad about herself.

Per Us Weekly, Mackintosh revealed that while processing the response she received, she came to the conclusion Meghan may have needed space or time to cool off, but thought that the pair would stay in touch. The reality TV star never received a response, leaving her "ghosted" by the Duchess of Sussex.

Mackintosh isn't the first to be ghosted by the Duchess

Once it was clear that the friendship between Millie Mackintosh and Meghan Markle was over, Mackintosh shared what she thought was the reason behind the Duchess of Sussex's silence. Per Daily Mail, Mackintosh said "What could I offer her at that point? She had met her prince. I was on a reality show so, I'm guessing she was like, 'I can't be associated with "Made in Chelsea". I'm going to be royal.'"

TV personality and English socialite Lizzie Cundy had a similar experience with Markle. The two reportedly had a friendship until Meghan started dating Prince Harry. Cundy told Daily Mail, "She was probably told by the Palace to end contact with people she befriended in the media ... I was literally ghosted by her." Meghan's former agent, Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne, who claims they were friends, also claims to have been ghosted once Meghan started dating Prince Harry. It seems that Markle has cut ties with a few of her old friends after becoming involved with the Duke of Sussex.
