Experts Believe Princess Charlotte Is The 'Secret Weapon' The Royal Family Needs

Princess Charlotte has captured the hearts of royal experts and the public alike. During her grandfather's big event, Princess Charlotte was a fashion icon at King Charles' Coronation. Spectators have noticed that the young royal shares quite a lot in common with other family members, with many pointing out that Princess Charlotte is just like Princess Anne

The fame, glittery wardrobes, and rules of royal etiquette have exposed the princess to a lifestyle that most of us could not relate to as children. Nonetheless, Charlotte's latest outing has proved that she's just like any kid. Regardless of her royal title, she is an eight-year-old with a sense of humor and plenty of adorable habits. A charming young girl on the world stage, Princess Charlotte has managed to maintain her playful disposition while at royal events. One royal commentator has a theory that the middle child of Prince William and Kate Middleton may just be the "secret weapon" the royal family needs to survive in this new age of the monarchy.

'Poised yet enthusiastic' — Princess Charlotte impresses royal expert at King Charles' Coronation

Columnist, journalist, and royal commentator Angela Mollard offered her praise to the young Princess Charlotte on 7News, saying that the middle child may be an "overlooked" essential member of the modern royal family. "She is only eight, a spare and not an expected heir, but Princess Charlotte has revealed herself to be the royal family's secret weapon," Mollard penned for the outlet. 

Princess Charlotte held her younger brother's hand as they entered the intimidating Westminster Abbey, though she did not let the festivities get the best of her. She sat during the coronation respectfully, at times whispering to her brothers and never stealing the spotlight from her grandfather King Charles III. "Poised yet enthusiastic, watchful but involved, she showed a maturity during the two-hour ceremony that would make any parent proud." It was not only her disposition at the coronation that impressed Mollard, however.

Princess Charlotte caught doing this relatable childhood habit

At a scouts' event just a few days later, Princess Charlotte showed her more playful side. Princess Charlotte was making s'mores, preparing to take a bite when the marshmallow fell out of the graham cracker sandwich. Rather than let the marshmallow go to waste, the princess followed the nostalgic "Five-Second Rule," picking up the marshmallow and quickly eating it. 

Royal expert Angela Mollard noted that Princess Charlotte, even at her young age, had traits of some of the most beloved royals. "She somehow embodies the composure of the Queen and the playfulness of Princess Diana, most notably in the casual manner she applied the five-second rule after dropping her marshmallow s'more on the ground," Mollard wrote for 7News. During the event, she even took a shot at archery, a favorite summer camp activity for many. Charlotte is living as normal of a life as a royal can, taking ballet lessons and doing gymnastics — all while eating a range of foods to prepare her palate for royal tours across the world. The young royal is making headway in preparing for her life as third in line for the crown.
