This Is Your Love Language, According To Your Zodiac Sign

In the age of TikTok psychologists, terms like "love languages" have become part of our everyday vocabulary. For those of you who aren't chronically online like us, though, love languages are essentially the various ways in which a person gives and receives love from their partner. The idea was first popularized in the early '90s by Gary Chapman's book, "The 5 Love Languages." 

While love is an abstract term that at times can be difficult to quantify, the five love languages — acts of service, physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, and words of affirmation — provide an actionable medium through which you and your partner can express and experience love. 

Astrologers believe that the way one "speaks" love has a thing or two to do with the placement of the planets. And so we sat down with astrology, spirituality, and numerology expert Tiffany McGee and astrologer and tarot card reader Matthias Dettmann to learn each and every zodiac sign's love language. 

Aries: Physical touch and words of affirmation

The season of the Aries, the first astrological sign of the zodiac, spans March 21 to April 19. This cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars is expressive and passionate. If you're an Aries, chances are you're direct and assertive when expressing your emotions. You may get angry faster than non-Aries and have a tendency to be impatient. 

Tiffany McGee told Women Lifestyle that Aries enjoy being active with their partners and often use physical activity as a way to connect and bond with them. They crave adventure and novelty and want a partner who can keep up with their fast-paced lifestyle. However, they also value independence and autonomy, so they need a partner who can respect their need for space.

Matthias Dettmann agrees that physical touch is important to this star sign. "Aries are known for their passion and intensity, so physical touch is a way for them to express their affection and desire," he told us. "They also value being recognized and appreciated, so words of affirmation can make them feel loved and admired."

Taurus: Quality time, acts of service, and receiving gifts

Taurus, the second astrological sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Venus. The season of this fixed earth sign falls between April 20 and May 20. If you're a Taurus, you likely express your emotions in a calm and measured way and prefer to take your time to process before reacting. 

According to Tiffany McGee, Tauruses need a strong emotional connection with a partner to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship. They are loyal and committed and want a partner who can provide them with a safe and comforting home environment. For them, a relationship is about building a strong foundation of trust and mutual support. They also place considerable importance on being present and intimate in a relationship. In addition to being fluent in the quality time love language, Matthias Dettmann told us, "They also appreciate acts of service, such as cooking a meal or doing household chores, as a way of showing love and care." 

As a Taurus, chances are you also enjoy receiving gifts — in fact, it's another one of your love languages. "Receiving gifts is validation that [Tauruses] are loved by their loved ones," astrologer Ambi Kavanagh confirmed to Well+Good.

Gemini: Words of affirmation and quality time

If you were born between May 21 and June 20, you're a Gemini — the third astrological sign of the zodiac and a mutable air sign. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, these social butterflies are the conversationalists of the zodiac and love to express their emotions through words.

"Geminis love communication and intellectual stimulation, so words of affirmation can boost their confidence and make them feel appreciated," Matthias Dettmann confirmed to Women Lifestyle. "Quality time spent together also allows them to engage in interesting conversations and activities."

According to Tiffany McGee, Geminis crave mental stimulation and prefer a partner who can challenge their thoughts and ideas. They also value independence and freedom and look for a partner who can give them space to pursue their own interests. They believe that romantic relationships are all about building a deep mental connection with a partner who is both a lover and a friend. 

Cancer: Acts of service and quality time

The fourth astrological sign of the zodiac, Cancer, covers birthdays from June 21 and July 22. The child of the moon, this cardinal water sign is known for being deeply empathetic and highly intuitive. They often let their emotions lead them and tend to withdraw when overwhelmed. 

According to Tiffany McGee, emotional connection and intimacy are the top priorities in a Cancer's relationship. They want someone who can create a sense of safety and comfort and who is willing to share their innermost thoughts and feelings. They are highly sensitive and attuned to their partner's feelings and they value emotional intimacy above all else.

As Matthias Dettmann explained to Women Lifestyle, "They crave a partner who can provide a safe and nurturing environment and someone who is attentive to their needs. Hence, quality time is their primary love language. Acts of service, such as helping with household chores or running errands, can also show them that their partner cares and is willing to help."

Leo: Words of affirmation and acts of service

Leos (born July 23 to August 22) are confident and dramatic, and they have a tendency to express their emotions in an attention-grabbing way. Tiffany McGee revealed to Women Lifestyle that Leos enjoy being pampered and appreciated in a relationship. They are also attracted to confidence and ambition in a partner and can easily feel connected to individuals who appreciate their talents and share their successes. Additionally, Leos value romance and grand gestures and thus need a partner who can make them feel special and loved.

Matthias Dettman agrees with McGee's assertion. "Leos love to be admired and appreciated, so words of affirmation can boost their ego and make them feel special," the astrologer and tarot card reader told Women Lifestyle. "They also appreciate acts of service, such as planning a surprise or doing something thoughtful, as a way of showing love and attention."

Virgo: Acts of service and words of affirmation

For those born between August 23 and September 22, your astrological sign is Virgo. These practical beings tend to express their emotions in a logical way. You can often spot them engaging in introspection, analyzing their emotions before expressing them. 

Virgos look for a partner who is responsible and conscientious, and who shares their attention to detail, Tiffany McGee told Women Lifestyle. They may also have a preference for healthy habits and routines. They dream of someone who shares their values of hard work and dedication, and who can help them manage the day-to-day responsibilities of life.

"Virgos value practicality and responsibility, so acts of service can show them that their partner is reliable," the expert explained. "As they value practicality and communication and are in constant need of verbal recognition of their efforts, they look toward their partners to affirm themselves."

Libra: Quality time, acts of service, and receiving gifts

The seventh astrological sign of the zodiac, Libra, is a cardinal air sign. These folks, who celebrate their birthdays between September 23 and October 22, are diplomatic beings. They express their emotions in a harmonious and balanced way, often seeking compromise and fairness. 

"Ruled by Venus, Libra loves all things pretty," Ambi Kavanagh confirmed to Well+Good. "Receiving gifts to this sign is an expression of love." Libras also tend to seek partners who are kind and considerate, according to Matthias Dettmann. They look for someone who shares their love of beauty and aesthetic pleasures. They also value partnership and equality, so they need a partner who can collaborate with them in decision-making and compromise.

A relationship for a Libra is about finding a partner who they can truly balance and harmonize with. They often look for a significant other who shares their ideals of fairness and justice. As Tiffany McGee told us, "Libras value harmony and balance, so quality time spent together can strengthen their relationship and build trust. Acts of service make them feel loved and appreciated."

Scorpio: Physical touch and words of affirmation

If you were born between October 23 and November 21, your zodiac sign is the Scorpio. Scorpios are ruled by Mars and Pluto and are known to be mysterious and secretive. They tend to delve deep into their emotions in an effort to understand themselves better. 

In a relationship, intense emotional connection and passion are important to Scorpios, Matthias Dettman told Women Lifestyle. They look for partners who can match their level of intimacy and commitment. Scorpios also value trust and exclusivity, so they need a partner who can be faithful and honest. When emotionally exhausted, they have a tendency to look toward their physical desires.

"Scorpios are a passionate and intense sign, so physical touch can provide them with comfort and emotional connection," Dettman explained. "They also value being recognized and appreciated, so words of affirmation can make them feel loved and admired."

Sagittarius: Quality time and acts of service

Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittariuses (born between November 22 and December 21) are free-spirited philosophers. Due to their curious nature, they tend to explore their emotions by seeking new experiences. It makes sense that this Fire sign is known to value both freedom and adventure. They often seek out activities that are related to exploring new horizons and expanding their minds. As such, they benefit from having a partner who can give them space to pursue their own interests.

Sagittariuses also can't be happy in a relationship if their partner doesn't share that same love of traveling and learning new things, according to Tiffany McGee. "Sagittariuses love adventure and exploration, so quality time spent together can create new experiences and memories," Matthias Dettman added "Acts of service, such as helping with planning or preparation, can also show them that their partner is supportive and caring."

Capricorn: Acts of service, words of affirmation, and receiving gifts

Capricorn, the 10th sign of the zodiac, is a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn. If you were born between December 22 and January 19, you're likely known to be ambitious and pragmatic and have an extremely practical approach when it comes to processing your emotions. 

According to Tiffany McGee, Capricorns are practical and place importance on the financial aspects of a relationship. They look for individuals who are willing to work together to build a successful life and a strong and prosperous future. Ambi Kavanagh agrees. As she told Well+Good, "Capricorn is ... quite focused on the material world, so receiving gifts on their wish list is a surefire way to light up their heart."

Capricorns also tend to uphold traditional values and have family-oriented goals, so they need a partner who values a sense of stability and security. Matthias Dettman explained to Women Lifestyle, saying, "Capricorns value ambition and responsibility, so acts of service can show them that their partner is reliable and dependable. They also appreciate words of affirmation, such as recognizing their achievements or expressing admiration, as a way of boosting their confidence."

Aquarius: Quality time and words of affirmation

Aquarius, the 11th astrological sign of the zodiac, is a fixed air sign ruled by Uranus. These rebels celebrate their birthdays between January 20 and February 18 and express their emotions in ways that often challenge established norms. They may have a tendency to come across as detached or aloof when dealing with emotional situations.

Aquariuses seek someone who can support their individuality and give them space to pursue their interests, according to Matthias Dettmann. They are often unconventional and progressive and want a partner who can challenge their ideas and stimulate their mind. Aquariuses also have a strong sense of self so it's important that their partners respect their need for space and freedom.

"Aquarius values independence and innovation," Dettman explained, "so quality time spent together can allow them to explore new ideas and experiences. They also appreciate words of affirmation, such as recognizing their unique qualities or expressing admiration for their creativity."

Pisces: Acts of service and physical touch

Pisces, the final astrological sign of the zodiac, is a mutable water sign ruled by Neptune. Those born between February 19 and March 20 express their emotions in a poetic and imaginative way, often tapping into their subconscious to connect with their feelings. 

According to Tiffany McGee, Pisces appreciate the emotional depth and support in relationships and need a partner who can connect with them on an emotional level. They look for someone who can provide them with a sense of security and stability. They are also intuitive and imaginative and want a partner who can share their artistic pursuits and spiritual interests.

"Pisces is a sensitive and imaginative sign, so physical touch can provide them with comfort and emotional connection," McGee told Women Lifestyle. "They also appreciate acts of service, such as doing something thoughtful or helping with a project, as a way of showing love and care."
