Donald Trump Can't Hide Hurt Feelings Over Alyssa Farah Griffin In Attack On Former Staffer's Loyalty

In early May, CNN hosted a televised Town Hall that featured former President and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump who, according to fact-checkers, spent a great deal of his time on air making false claims about the 2020 election being stolen as well as stating other non-truths that moderator Kaitlan Collins attempted to point out several times during the live broadcast (via CNN). Trump, however, bulldozed Collins, and continued to make statements about the 2020 election and also took the opportunity to ridicule E. Jean Carroll and her accusations that Trump sexually assaulted her, allegations that a jury had found Trump liable for earlier that week.

After the Town Hall broadcast ended, CNN faced a great deal of backlash for airing the event, leaving CNN on the defensive. In a statement, the news network said, "Tonight Kaitlan Collins exemplified what it means to be a world-class journalist. She asked tough, fair and revealing questions ... And she followed up and fact-checked President Trump in real time to arm voters with crucial information about his positions as he enters the 2024 election as the Republican frontrunner."

Another CNN contributor, Alyssa Farah Griffin, once Trump's White House Staffer, also defended CNN's decision to air the Town Hall that Trump virtually took over, saying that the former president outed himself as being "radioactive for independents and moderates" (via New York Post). And she didn't stop there. 

How Trump is hitting back at Griffin

Alyssa Farah Griffin went on to say some truly inflammatory things about her former boss, including that through Trump's performance on the CNN Town Hall, "America got to see who he is ... a ranting, raving lunatic, who sided with Vladimir Putin." Whatever you think of Donald Trump, one thing is certain: he does not take insults lying down and has no qualms name-calling. As such, his response to Griffin's scathing review is not surprising.

In a post on his social media platform Truth Social, Trump let loose on Griffin, saying, "Backbencher in the Trump Administration, Alyssa Farah, like so many other sleazebags, had only glowing reviews of the Trump Administration until long after she left" (via New York Post). Along with his statement, he included a video of Griffin praising the former president when she was working for him. The wording of Trump's post continued by referring to Griffin as, "A loser then, and a loser now!"  

In a follow-up post in which Trump called the town hall "lovely," he also claimed that Griffin's job is on the line due to her comments, posting, "Word is that they are revolting at the 'View' and CNN, and want Farrah OUT! Much more to come."
